Confira a publicação do artigo intitulado “Inflação como tema disparador de leituras e escritas do mundo: promovendo Educação Financeira no Ensino Médio”, dos autores Profa. Me. Aline Sousa Jacinto, Prof. Dr. Edmilson Minoru Torisu, Profa. Dra. Marger da Conceição Ventura Viana. Na página da revista Revemop. O artigo foi publicado no dia 01 de janeiro de 2024.
Abstract: The main objective of this article was to reveal contributions that activities focused on financial education based on the theme of inflation brought to new readings and writings of the world of high school students from a critical perspective. The participants were students from a third-year high school class at a state school in the interior of Minas Gerais. In total, ten meetings were held, exploring the topic of inflation in various ways. For this article, we chose one of them, in which we explore calculations related to inflation and reflect on its impacts on society and possible solutions for them. The results showed that the students began to carry out new readings of the world in a process of empowerment, which enabled essays on the writing of the world.
Keywords: Financial Education. Inflation. Critical Mathematics Education. Mathematics Education
📍Para saber mais, acesse o DOI do artigo: https://doi.org/10.33532/revemop.e2024001
Ou pelo link da página da revista em nossa Bio.