Quem fez isso é um gênio 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
#amberheard #johnnydepp #jasonmomoa #aquaman #😂 #rindomuito #lol
É sobre isso! Ser feliz!
#Repost @hugogloss
Silvio Santos já deu muita bola fora, mas a gente também tem que mostrar quando o dono do SBT acerta, né?! Neste domingo (12), em pleno mês do orgulho, o apresentador reuniu, artistas da comunidade LGBTQIA+ no palco de seu programa e tratou com muita naturalidade e clareza da transexualidade. Em conversa com @avasimoesoficial, campeã do concurso Miss Trans Star Internacional em 2019, Sissi observou: “Se você nasce menino, os anos passam e você se sente uma menina, você está sofrendo, então. Se você quer se livrar desse sofrimento, e se a ciência permite, você faz a transformação (sic) e seja feliz”. Artistas como @penelopyjean e @dicesaroficial também participaram da disputa musical, e parabenizaram Silvio por ser um dos primeiros a abrirem o espaço para apresentações de drag queens na TV. (Vídeo: @sbt)
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#tudoestadandocerto #tudopassa #tudovaidarcerto #tudonotempodedeus #tudolindo #tudoperfeito #tudodebom
F**kin' Perfect
Made a wrong turn
Once or twice
Dug my way out
Blood and fire
Bad decisions
That's alright
Welcome to my silly life
Mistreated, misplaced, missunderstood
Miss know it, it's all good
It didn't slow me down
Mistaken, always second guessing
Underestimated, look I'm still around
Pretty pretty please
Don't you ever ever feel
Like you're less than f**king perfect
Pretty pretty please
If you ever ever feel
Like you're nothing
You're f**king perfect, to me
You're so mean
When you talk, about yourself
You're wrong, change the voices
In your head
Make them like you instead
So complicated
Look how we are making
Filled with so much hatred
Such a tied game
It's enough, I've done all I can think of
I've chased down all my demons
I see you do the same
Ooh ooh
Pretty pretty please
Don't you ever ever feel
Like you're less than f**king perfect
Pretty pretty please
If you ever ever feel
Like you're nothing
You're f**king perfect, to me
The whole world is scared so I swallow the fear
The only thing I should be drinking
Is an ice cold beer
So cool in lying and we tried tried tried
But we try too hard, it's a waste of my time
Done looking for the critics
Cuz they're everywhere
They don't like my jeans
They don't get my hair
Stringe ourselves and we do it all the time
Why do we do that?
Why do I do that?
Why do I do that?
Ooh, pretty pretty pretty
Pretty pretty please
Don't you ever ever feel
Like you're less than f**king perfect
Pretty pretty please
If you ever ever feel
Like you're nothing
You're f**king perfect, to me
You're perfect
You're perfect
Pretty pretty please
If you ever ever feel like you're nothing
You're f**king perfect, to me
You are perfect, to me