Semeando Amor

Semeando Amor venha fazer parte da familia semeando amor, passear comigo e conhecer as belezas de Boston. Bora ser feliz genteeee.

O Deus de Israel esta dando de presente a nos um novo amanhecer   🙏🙌

O Deus de Israel esta dando de presente a nos um novo amanhecer 🙏🙌


Tenham uma abençõada noite de descanso Amorres 🙏🙌

Amanheceu so Gratidão meu Deus🙏

Amanheceu so Gratidão meu Deus🙏


Desejo um dia abênçõado a vcs meus amorres 😘🙌


Bom dia Gratidão a Deus por mais um amanhecer 🙏 🙌💘

With Rotina da Maria Chocolate  – I'm on a streak! I've made it onto their weekly engagement list 7 weeks in a row. 🎉

With Rotina da Maria Chocolate – I'm on a streak! I've made it onto their weekly engagement list 7 weeks in a row. 🎉

With Jane Creace Miguel – I'm on a streak! I've made it onto their weekly engagement list 3 weeks in a row. 🎉

With Jane Creace Miguel – I'm on a streak! I've made it onto their weekly engagement list 3 weeks in a row. 🎉

With Neusa Rocha – I'm on a streak! I've made it onto their weekly engagement list 7 weeks in a row. 🎉

With Neusa Rocha – I'm on a streak! I've made it onto their weekly engagement list 7 weeks in a row. 🎉

With Lidia Andrade – I'm on a streak! I've made it onto their weekly engagement list 7 weeks in a row. 🎉

With Lidia Andrade – I'm on a streak! I've made it onto their weekly engagement list 7 weeks in a row. 🎉

With Cleeyde Ssilva Santos – I'm on a streak! I've made it onto their weekly engagement list 2 weeks in a row. 🎉

With Cleeyde Ssilva Santos – I'm on a streak! I've made it onto their weekly engagement list 2 weeks in a row. 🎉

With Soumen Maji – I'm on a streak! I've made it onto their weekly engagement list 6 weeks in a row. 🎉

With Soumen Maji – I'm on a streak! I've made it onto their weekly engagement list 6 weeks in a row. 🎉

Tenham um excelente descanso e bons sonhos meus amorres

Tenham um excelente descanso e bons sonhos meus amorres


Tenham um excelent dia cheio de benção 😘💘


Meus Amorres o Estado da Florida e Redondeza Precisa das Nossas Orações os Nossos Irmãos tão sofrendo Gratidão


Olha as tulipas


Quem gosta de peixe


Seja forte e corajoso não desanime pois eu o teu Deus cuido de ti. Bom dia

With Juraci Martins – I'm on a streak! I've been a top fan for 5 months in a row. 🎉

With Juraci Martins – I'm on a streak! I've been a top fan for 5 months in a row. 🎉


Faz Santo Antônio
Caridade, CE


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