Color Dream Ltd

Color Dream Ltd Social marketing, facebook, instagram We are an agency founded in early 2013. Our team seek to find the best option for you “Our customers’! What is Au Pair?

Color Dream ltd are looking to hire Au pair, Mother’s help, nanny and social assistants in United Kingdom. We keep extensive database of families and nanny/au pair United Kingdom. Why you trust us?
� Always you have an interview on Skype
� We will answer quickly
� We are responsible. What is Au Pair?An au pair is a domestic assistant from a foreign country working for, and living as part of, a hos

t family. The title comes from the French term au pair, meaning “at par” or “equal to”, indicating that the relationship is intended to be one of equals: the au pair is intended to become a member of the family, albeit a temporary one, rather than a traditional domestic worked. The concept of the au pair originated in Europe after World War II. Before the war, an abundant supply of domestic servants had been available to look after the children of middle and upper-class families, but changes in social attitudes, and increases in wages and taxes after the war, made the old system inaccessible to most middle class parents. At the same time, social change increased the number of middle class girls who needed to earn their own living, and rising educational aspirations for girls made experiencing foreign cultures and learning foreign languages more common aspirations. Au pairs can be expected to do a combination of child care and light housework duties. They are not responsible for housework that does not relate to the children’s or communal living areas that are kept tidy by all family members. An au pair’s primary duties are taking care of the children and entertaining them, as well as teaching the native tongue if this is required. An au pair’s duties may include:

waking up the children
taking/picking up children to/from school
helping with school homework
playing with the children
taking the children on outings to parks, playgroups and other activities
preparing light meals for children and clean up after the meals
doing the children’s laundry and ironing their clothes
making the children’s beds
cleaning the children’s bathroom
cleaning the children’s room

„Науката е слънце, което във душите грей!“ Честит празник! #24май  #празник  #наука  #народ  #честит24май📚🇧🇬📝

„Науката е слънце, което във душите грей!“ Честит празник!

#24май #празник #наука #народ #честит24май📚🇧🇬📝


🆘 Дари Живот за бебе Кристин🆘
Здравейте, мили и добри хора, скъпи Дарители!❤️

Днес ще Ви разкажа за нашето прекрасно и борбено момиченце - нашата мечта Кристин. ❤️

От почти час стоя и не знам как да започна без баналното "мислех, че никога няма да ми се наложи" или "не мога да повярвам, че ни се случва", но болестта може да се случи на абсолютно всеки.🥺

При нас дойде в края на бременността ми, когато беше регистриран "различен" сърдечен ритъм на плода.
Родена на термин, на втория ден от своя живот, Кристин получи първия си кардиогенен шок, със сърдечна честота от 280 уд/мин. Беше поставена на апартана вентилация, а мен ме изписаха - без детенцето ми на ръце. 😢

Последва дълъг месец, в който на 5 дневна възраст в 02.30 ч. през нощта ни звъннаха, че я транспортират по спешност в Национална Кардиологична Болница/НКБ/. Многократни реанимационни действия, интубиране и екстубиране и в края на първия месец от нейния живот се прибрахме заедно вкъщи.

🥺Но за съжаление не за дълго. На 13.12.2021 г. след обилно повръщане тя просто спря да диша, не помня как я закарахме и колко часове прекархме пред реанимация, но си спомням думите на един лекар - "Молете се да изкара нощта".. и тя успя, след 10 дни на апаратна вентилация, най-накрая успях да я прегърна. Първата ни Коледа прекарахме в болницата. Но бяхме заедно. 🥺🥺

❤️Имахме една страхотна година, тя растеше, развиваше се, а ние й се радвахме, ходехме на ежемесечни прегледи и нещата изглеждаха нормални.
Докато на 31.01.2023 г. след висока температура и тест, се оказа с грип А. Чрез устройството, с което я следим забелязахме отново висока сърдечна честота, и веднага се насочихме към Кардиологична болница.
Приеха я по спешност в интензивно отделение и ни заявиха, че след ден-два ще ме приемат и мен, за да продължат да я наблюдават. Но по време на престоя й в болницата последва трети кардиогенен шок с честоти до 300 уд/мин. Може ли да си представите 300 пъти вашето сърце да бие за 1 единствена минута? Следващите 2 месеца бяха на постоянна борба за живот й.

Един ден ни извикаха за разговор и чухме най-страшните думи "съжаляваме, но бъдещата прогноза е лоша, детето Ви няма да живее, ние не можем да направим нищо повече за нея, освен да я поддържаме, докато не намерите място, където да я транспортирате".😢😢😢
С това лечението, което се провежда тук в България се изчерпва.😢
Но ето 2 месеца по-късно, макар и с влошаване на нейното общо здравословно състояние тя все още се бори за живота си.
За съжаление сърцето й не работи правилно, не се съкращава, не изпомпва достатъчно кръв и с всеки изминал ден нещата се влошават. В момента продължава да е в болница, на поддържащи медикаменти - адреналин, допамин, коротроп.

Единственият шанс тя да живее е трансплантация на ново сърчице.❤️❤️

Което ще бъде извършено на два етапа - първо поставяне на специална машина нар. "Berlin heart", което всъщност е мост между сегашното й състояние и втория етап - трансплантацията.

За тези няколко месеца Кристин се бори и преживя много, а мечтите ни са толкова обикновени - да тича с другите деца, да се усмихва и радва на живота, да я заведем на Първия й учебен ден..

Криси има нужда от вашата помощ! За това мили хора, приятели, познати и непознати, молим Ви от сърце - помогнете ни да излекуваме детето си.

Благодарим Ви и бъдете здрави!❤️❤️
🌐 Подкрепете бебе Кристин с дарение с карта, PayPal, ApplePay, GooglePay, Revolut или по IBAN сметка:
🌐 Банка: Алианц Банк България
IBAN: BG30BUIN95611000705319
Получател: Фондация Павел Андреев
Основание: Дареие за Кристин Терзиева
✅“Алианц Банк България” АД е официалният банков партньор на Фондация “Павел Андреев”. При дарение на каса в клон на банката НЕ ДЪЛЖИТЕ транзакционна такса.
🌐Включете се в онлайн базара ,на платформата:
🌐Разгледайте и нашия фонда за лечение на деца в чужбина:

📣 Работа в Гърция и Кипър- започване веднага 📣За наши партньори в Гърция търсим цялостен персонал за хотели и рестоеанти...

📣 Работа в Гърция и Кипър- започване веднага 📣
За наши партньори в Гърция търсим цялостен персонал за хотели и рестоеанти:
• Предходен опит;
• Владеене на гръцки/ английски език (разговорно ниво);
Фирмата предлага:
• Безплатна квартира и храна;
Необходими документи:
• Подробна автобиография на английски;
За информация и кандидатстване:
💌 [email protected]
☎ 0894 35 19 16
facebook: CDRecruitment

Поради спешността за новият сезон ние сме на разположение и почивните дни. Не се колебайте да се свържете с нас.

#кариера #шеф #работа #съвети #служители #агенциязаподборнаперсонала #развитие #умения #обичамработатаси #Гърция #Кипър #оферта  #фейсбук  #инстаграм  #реклама  #социалнистраници  #промоция

#оферта #фейсбук #инстаграм #реклама #социалнистраници #промоция

Имате бизнес със съществуваща страница в социалните медии или искате да създадете такава, но нямате време? В Color Dream са пълни с идеи и с удоволствие ще ви ..

Разширяваме нашата дейност. Също така можете да ни следите и в Инстаграм:

Разширяваме нашата дейност. Също така можете да ни следите и в Инстаграм:


#поддръжка #фейсбук #инстаграм

                 #коледа2021  #веселипразници  #веселаколеда  #подборнаперсонала  #човешкиресурси

#коледа2021 #веселипразници #веселаколеда #подборнаперсонала #човешкиресурси


Position: Mothers help (live in) long term. The family- mother is Bulgarian, father is Englishman It is important that you already have pre-settled status.
•⌛ (Monday to Friday). Weekends are free with occasional babysitting
•🌍 Location: Wellingborough, Northamptondhire
🛌 own private room
🚘 Drivers license preferred.
👫🏼We are family with 2 children ages 👦5y, 👧🏽7y- the children are at school all day. Preparing children for school. Leading and picking up from school. The mother's help will accompany us on our vacations.
Start: ASAP.

Do you have a dream of being a nanny?Do you love being around children and enjoy the challenges and successes working as...

Do you have a dream of being a nanny?
Do you love being around children and enjoy the challenges and successes working as nanny can bring?

I’ll tell you that I do! I have been working as a nanny for the past 8 years and with children for the past 10 years and I wont lie, it isn’t all happy, smiley faces 24/7 but I do love the hustle and bustle that comes with working as a nanny within private family homes and the close relationships that I build with each family that I work with. I enjoy this so much because I thrive from watching children grow and learn.

Daily routines
I usually wake up between 6am and 8 am depending on the day. I always set my alarm 15 minutes earlier so I can prepare myself before going to the children for the morning’s routine. I always make sure I’ve planned the night before! For example, what the children will wear and I will make sure that I have packed their bag if they are heading off to school so that I can focus on getting them fed and dressed without rushing around.

After getting up, we all head downstairs and have breakfast in our PJ’s because let’s face it, this is the morning and we are going to be dressed all day! (Also saves getting clothes dirty with jam and milk!). After breakfast, they get dressed and head for some quiet time, reading or playing quiet games, whilst their breakfasts settle before heading to school for the older child. I then put the younger children in the pram and walk the older child to school, it’s a 15 minute, gentle and easy walk and then it’s back home to clean up after breakfast and prepare for the day with younger children.

I split the day between playing with the younger children and completing nursery duties during nap/quiet time. I help launder the children’s clothes, tidy their areas, re stock babies items, clean children’s areas, prepare their schedule, sterilise bottles (if used) and keep an eye on the fridge, after all hungry mouths are angry mouths!

After lunch, I take the younger children to the park to play games and/or go to infant groups depending on the day, before collecting the older child from school. Once home, it’s time for dinner, complete any homework given, playtime, and downtime before bath and bed!

Between 6 pm and 8pm, the parents come home and spend time with their children before putting them into the bath and bed. I clean up after dinner and then I head off to my apartment, where I relax until the next day!

The ups
I love it when we have a really good day, everyone’s happy, everyone’s doing as they are told and the whole day just runs smoothly. The children sleep well and learn new skills such as walking or swimming or even completing that puzzle they struggled so hard with last week. I love seeing children having fun, laughing and giggling with me, building a strong relationship as we spend together.

The downs
But … of course like every job, there are the downs too. Some days can go horribly wrong, children won’t listen, nothing syncs with one other, maybe it’s been a long day and all I want to do is lie down in bed. Of course, it’s perfectly normal to feel like this, since I am human after all. But the thing that makes the downs worth it, is accepting that the good days come with the bad bits too!

What Is a Live-In Nanny?A live-in nanny is exactly what it sounds like: a child care provider who lives in your home. Th...

What Is a Live-In Nanny?

A live-in nanny is exactly what it sounds like: a child care provider who lives in your home. This individual provides care for your child or children during an agreed-upon set of hours. In return, you provide a place to live and a salary. This salary is typically less than a "live-out" nanny because you pay for the nanny's room and board.

Are you curious of a live-in nanny is right for your family? We're going to dish out the pros and cons for you to consider. Plus we have something things you could include in your contract. When someone watches your child, regardless if they are a nanny, home daycare provider, or daycare center there is always a contract. Use the contract to set the schedule, rules, boundaries. Here are a few things you should consider while looking for a live-in nanny.

The Pros and Cons
The upside of hiring a live-in nanny is certainly the cost. You'll pay less for a nanny. You get a live-in babysitter, too, for date nights.

A live-in nanny can be super dependable, which is one of the biggest challenges for childcare. You can (almost) say goodbye to impromptu searches for backup childcare with a live-in nanny. If you do run into an emergency they are there to save the day.

Having your nanny around will make your bond tighter. When you get to know one another better communication will be easier. You may gain trust in one another quickly and easily get on the same page about issues.

The downside can be privacy, naturally. A live-in nanny is privy to all your most personal foibles and may overhear family arguments, er, discussions. You'll want to carefully screen the individual to make sure you can coexist happily. A live-in nanny works best when you have a large house, ideally with separate quarters for her to live, where you won't get in each other ways during off-hours.

Also, depending on one person can be like putting all your eggs in one basket. Although the last-minute rush to backup childcare will occur less with a live-in nanny, be sure to have a backup plan for those rare occasions.

Set a Clear Schedule
The first thing to figure out is when you'll need your live-in nanny. Decide ahead of time if you'll need her full time five days a week and what the hours will be. If you need weekend coverage, part-time for a part of the year, business trips or trips with friends specify this in the contract.

During the hiring process, find out if and when your live-in nanny would like to visit her family or take vacations. This way you can consider your vacation and work schedule. You want to be sure your schedules gel well and that you'll be able to let her go on vacation when she wants to.

Create the Job Description
If you need your live-in nanny to do more than watching your child put this in the contract. For example, if you need help with household chores include what you'd like to expect. Although remember that you are hiring a nanny and not a maid. Things like cleaning up after the children or cleaning the dishes they ate from, and doing light laundry may be okay. But be sure to address this in the contract so there's no confusion.

Will you need your live-in nanny to drive your children places? In the contract, specify how much driving they may do and if you'll cover gas costs. Also, while hiring your live-in nanny check ask or investigate their driving record.

Rules to Follow
Your house your rules. Any candidate coming to live with you should have a good idea how you run your home. If there are certain things you will not tolerate in your home put it in the contract.

Include a clause about the children not appreciating the nanny's "off-time". To help the live-in nanny manage that fine line between work and life the children need to understand when the nanny is available to them and when she is not. It's very easy for a child to move on to the next person to get what they want so create response you both agree on that is the automatic signal of time off. For instance, if the child wants the nanny, the response could be, "It's not my turn to take care of you right now.

A live-in nanny is a pretty big commitment. With the right contract and research, your child could benefit from the one-on-one care and you can feel confident that you're leaving your child in capable hands.

What Does a Nanny Do?A nanny works as a childcare worker to look after a family's children in their own home. Nannies ty...

What Does a Nanny Do?
A nanny works as a childcare worker to look after a family's children in their own home. Nannies typically work for one family at a time and may also live with them.

Nannies often work long hours with few days off in between. They are sometimes expected to care for family pets in addition to the children. Some jobs also provide room and board. They are often responsible for household chores including cleaning and cooking.

Nanny Duties & Responsibilities
A nanny's typical job duties may vary on any given day, but often consist of duties and tasks such as the following:

Change baby diapers, prepare and feed meals, and bathe children
Provide play, enrichment, and stimulation to children's day
Interact and involve the children in both inside and outside activities
Transport children to extracurricular-type activities

Keep the house clean, tidy, and well-maintained
Participate in various activities that help develop children's education, such as music classes


Hello, everyone! 👨👩👧👦 🐾 🌈 🌹 🎉
Our agency offers the following positions: au pair/ summer au pair, mother's help and nanny!
For more information please write to us PM or email: [email protected]
Thanks! 🌹

🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧Au Pair Plus -NORTH LONDON🚉Nearest Train Station:  Enfield town🛬Nearest Airport:  Stansted👶Children and age:...

🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧Au Pair Plus -NORTH LONDON
🚉Nearest Train Station: Enfield town
🛬Nearest Airport: Stansted
👶Children and age: 2/ aged - 3 years 6 months and 1 year 5 months
🏠Describe Au Pair's Accommodation: Own Room, TV, Internet Access
💬work days: Monday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Tuesday, Wednesday and SUNDAY - FREE
📧[email protected] and PM messenger for more information

🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧Au Pair Plus -Northern Ireland  UK 🚉Nearest Train Station:  Derriaghy🛬Nearest Airport:  👶Children and age: 1...

🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧Au Pair Plus -Northern Ireland UK
🚉Nearest Train Station: Derriaghy
🛬Nearest Airport:
👶Children and age: 1/ aged 8
🏠Describe Au Pair's Accommodation: Own Room, TV, Internet Access
💬work days: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday, Saturday and SUNDAY - FREE
📧[email protected] and PM messenger for more information

🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧Au Pair Plus 🚉Nearest Train Station:  SOUTHAMPTON🛬Nearest Airport:  SOUTHAMPTON👶Children and age: 2/ aged 2 ...

🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧Au Pair Plus
🚉Nearest Train Station: SOUTHAMPTON
🛬Nearest Airport: SOUTHAMPTON
👶Children and age: 2/ aged 2 and 4 years
🏠Describe Au Pair's Accommodation: Own Room, TV, Internet Access
💬work days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday,
Friday, Saturday and SUNDAY - FREE
📧[email protected] and PM messenger for more information

🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧Au Pair Plus 🚉Nearest Train Station: Portsmouth🛬Nearest Airport: Southampton👶Children and age: 3/  aged 14, ...

🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧Au Pair Plus
🚉Nearest Train Station: Portsmouth
🛬Nearest Airport: Southampton
👶Children and age: 3/ aged 14, 10, 5 years
🏠Describe Au Pair's Accommodation: Own Room, TV, Internet Access
💬children are in school from 8.45am - 3pm Monday- Friday
📧[email protected] and PM messenger for more information

🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧Au Pair Plus 🚉Nearest Train Station: MANCHESTER🛬Nearest Airport: MANCHESTER👶Children and age: 1/ Boy – aged ...

🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧Au Pair Plus
🚉Nearest Train Station: MANCHESTER
🛬Nearest Airport: MANCHESTER
👶Children and age: 1/ Boy – aged 2 years
🏠Describe Au Pair's Accommodation: Own Room, TV, Internet Access
💬work days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
Friday, Saturday and SUNDAY - FREE
📧[email protected] and PM messenger for more information

🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧Au Pair Plus 🚉Nearest Train Station: Chatham station and 30 MINUTES TO St pancras by train🛬Nearest Airport: ...

🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧Au Pair Plus
🚉Nearest Train Station: Chatham station and 30 MINUTES TO St pancras by train

🛬Nearest Airport: Gatwick airport

👶Children and age: 1/ 18 month boy

🏠Describe Au Pair's Accommodation: Own Room, TV, Internet Access

💬work days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

Friday, Saturday and SUNDAY - FREE

📧[email protected] and PM messenger for more information


👋👋👋Hello, We are looking for candidates for our new families in England. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

You are a mother's help or au pair and looking for your new family. Then do not hesitate, apply to us. We have very nice families looking for their new mother's help! Please send me our CV to emair or PM.

For more information write to us private messages or our email [email protected] 📧




Opening Hours

Monday 11:00 - 19:30
Tuesday 11:00 - 19:30
Wednesday 11:00 - 19:30
Thursday 11:00 - 19:30
Friday 13:00 - 17:00



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