Minor Scale Music

Minor Scale Music Music for winds...and more
Bart Picqueur, Teo Aparicio Barberán, Obe Vermeulen, Ward Dierick, Kobe Janssens & Joachim Simoens

another day, another office

another day, another office

office of the day: 4u tot Enigma (The story of Alan Turing)

office of the day: 4u tot Enigma (The story of Alan Turing)

Last week I had the extreme pleasure to perform my humble Sonata in Tango form with Juanjo and Ionas Mercadal at the ICA...

Last week I had the extreme pleasure to perform my humble Sonata in Tango form with Juanjo and Ionas Mercadal at the ICA Clarinetfest in Dublin. Also Claribel Clarinet Choir Guido Six vzw did a terrific job, thank you all. And there is more news: the piece is now available for purchase at the Minor Scale Music website: https://www.minorscalemusic.com/product-page/sonata-in-tango-form-with-clarinet-choir


take a look at our 'listen' page for a live performance of this piece.(also available with piano accompinement)(aslo available for 2 alto saxophones, or why not, 1 Bb clarinet and 1 Alto Saxophone

yesterday, conducting felt like being carried by the clouds. moltes gràcies Juanjo Mercadal Coll y Ionas Mercadal. dank ...

yesterday, conducting felt like being carried by the clouds. moltes gràcies Juanjo Mercadal Coll y Ionas Mercadal. dank u wel Claribel Clarinet Choir Guido Six vzw voor alweer een mooi avontuur. Guido gaat fier zijn! Dank u wel Chantal Six - Vandekerckhove om het toch maar weer te fixen!

Soloist rehearsal ongoing with father and son Juanjo and Ionas Mercadal. Concert tomorrow at the main hall. 14h,        ...

Soloist rehearsal ongoing with father and son Juanjo and Ionas Mercadal. Concert tomorrow at the main hall. 14h, looking forward

bass players visit us for a moment and have a listen to this adventurous piece by Obe Vermeulen

bass players visit us for a moment and have a listen to this adventurous piece by Obe Vermeulen


The next few days I’ll be in Dublin, presenting Minor Scale Music at the ICA clarinetfest. You can find me at booth 20 with Brotos y Mercadal. On saturday I’ll be conducting Claribel Clarinet Choir featuring Juanjo and Ionas Mercadal (ES) in my Sonata in Tango form.

Huiswaarts na een fijne maar te korte vakantie. Wel met spannende vooruitzichten:21/7: concert met KHSC Zele in Dinant. ...

Huiswaarts na een fijne maar te korte vakantie. Wel met spannende vooruitzichten:
21/7: concert met KHSC Zele in Dinant. 25 en 26/7 mag ik Room 13 orchestra dirigeren op de Gentse feesten in het Costello project van Mich Walschaerts en Yves Meersschaert. (NT Gent)
3/8 Gastdirigent bij Claribel Clarinet Choir in Dublin (International Clarinet Conference) Sonata in Tango Form met Robert Spring en Ionas Mercadal als onuitgegeven solistenduo.

a trainride from Venezia to Torino should be just long enough to review this one

a trainride from Venezia to Torino should be just long enough to review this one

Final day @   representing   and   . come say hello, browse our music and find out everything about our conducting and o...

Final day @ representing and . come say hello, browse our music and find out everything about our conducting and orchestration program

2e IN DE RIJ IS FRANK DE WOLF, Belgisch Jazz bassist, dirigent en arrangeur. Frank schreef de bijzonder leuke, en ietwat...

2e IN DE RIJ IS FRANK DE WOLF, Belgisch Jazz bassist, dirigent en arrangeur. Frank schreef de bijzonder leuke, en ietwat brutale concertmars OPZIJ. Verkrijgbaar voor harmonieorkest en U raadt het al: ook van deze hebben we een (digitale) audiofile op onze site. Volg eenvoudigweg de link hieronder, luister en bestel uw exemplaar.

OPZIJ! (move aside!) is Frank De Wolf's debute at Minor Scale Music. This broadway style concert march has a brutal caracter in a funny way. A rhythmic and energetic A-part contrasts with a melodic and more friendly B-section. Both themes are superimposed in a shining finale with a suprising ending.

2ND ON IS FRANK DE WOLF, Belgian Jazz Double bass player, conductor and arranger. Frank wrote this very funny and slight...

2ND ON IS FRANK DE WOLF, Belgian Jazz Double bass player, conductor and arranger. Frank wrote this very funny and slightly brutal concert march OPZIJ (dutch for "Step aside"). Available for wind band. And guess what: we also have a (digital) audio file on our site. Simply follow the the link underneath, listen and order your copy.

OPZIJ! (move aside!) is Frank De Wolf's debute at Minor Scale Music. This broadway style concert march has a brutal caracter in a funny way. A rhythmic and energetic A-part contrasts with a melodic and more friendly B-section. Both themes are superimposed in a shining finale with a suprising ending.

MINOR SCALE MUSIC STELT U VANDAAG 2 NIEUWE COMPONISTEN VOOR. Eerst en vooral is er de Belgische saxofoonleraar en dirige...

MINOR SCALE MUSIC STELT U VANDAAG 2 NIEUWE COMPONISTEN VOOR. Eerst en vooral is er de Belgische saxofoonleraar en dirigent Bart Leys. Hij komt binnen met RIUMPHUS VITAE, een mooi en uitdagend solowerk voor Euphonium en harmonieorkest (ook in versies voor fanfare en brassband beschikbaar. Bart draagt het werk op aan zijn vader. Op onze website vindt U een scoreplay en alle nodige info om het werk te bestellen


Version for euphonium and WIND BAND. Also available for brass band and fanfare. Triumphus vitae depicts all emotions wich the composer Bart Leys and his family went through since his father was diagnosed with a life threathening illness.Triumphus Vitae stands for the victory of life and runs through...

MINOR SCALE MUSIC IS HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE 2 NEW COMPOSERS IN THE HOUSE. First on is Belgian saxophone teacher and conductor...

MINOR SCALE MUSIC IS HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE 2 NEW COMPOSERS IN THE HOUSE. First on is Belgian saxophone teacher and conductor Bart Leys. He comes in with TRIUMPHUS VITAE, a beautiful and challenging solo piece for Euphonium and band (wind band, brass band, fanfare available). Bart dedicates the piece to his father. On our site you'll find a score play and all info to order.

Version for euphonium and WIND BAND. Also available for brass band and fanfare. Triumphus vitae depicts all emotions wich the composer Bart Leys and his family went through since his father was diagnosed with a life threathening illness.Triumphus Vitae stands for the victory of life and runs through...

We are updating our website bit by bit. This weekend we will introduce 2 new composers here, so stay tuned.As for now, p...

We are updating our website bit by bit. This weekend we will introduce 2 new composers here, so stay tuned.
As for now, please discover AMERICAN SWEET, 3 bagatelles for wind band by Bart Picqueur. A short suite in Western style, including a Ragtime, a ballad and a hoe down. Joyous for the audience and challenging in a fun way for the band.

3 bagatelles in American style:Ragtime, Balled and Hoe down.Virtuoso but fun. Also available for strings (in D)

salle plus que remplie pour le concert de Sainte Cécile a Roquefort (Landes). Tout de suite première mondiale d’Émotions...

salle plus que remplie pour le concert de Sainte Cécile a Roquefort (Landes). Tout de suite première mondiale d’Émotions par l’harmonie des petites Landes.


Gentsesteenweg 86


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