Magritte 2024
Nous sommes très fiers d’avoir participé à la production des films nominés aux Magritte 2024. Merci aux producteurs, réalisateurs ainsi qu’aux équipes techniques qui nous ont fait confiance.
Félicitations et puisse cette 13e édition des Magritte du cinéma vous offrir ce moment de reconnaissance médiatique et artistique que vous méritez.
Since 2022
Basic equipment, dollies, rails, cranes, motorised heads, etc.
Our fleet of new equipment is designed to meet all your requirements.
Our fully-equipped vehicles, adapted to work efficiently on set, are ready to go.
#grip #wallongrip #eyelitegrip #gripequipment #eyelite #filmgrip #belgiangrip #rentalhouse #film_facilities #filmmaking #PubProduction #ClipProduction #FilmProduction #dolly #eye_lite #filmfacilities #eye-lite
Let it snow...
#rentalhouse #camera #lighting #grip #filmmaking #film_facilities
Moja and Eye-Lite were delighted to welcome you to the official open doors event of our brand new Studio at Filmland in Kehlen, Luxembourg.
Please feel free to contact us for further details.
[email protected]
RSVP before tomorrow
And see you on Wednesday 😎
3 feature films testing at Eye Lite Camera Today, busy
Open on appointment
We are OPEN both in Diegem and Schaerbeek.
We are at your service for quotes and advices.
Sanitation takes priority to ensure safety (cleaning and desinfection, hand sanitizers, masks, plexi protections…).
No withdrawals or testings without prior appointment.
Please feel free to send us an email or give us a call.
See you soon
We're OPEN
We are OPEN both in Diegem and Schaerbeek.
We are at your service for quotes and advices.
Sanitation takes priority to ensure safety (cleaning and desinfection, hand sanitizers, masks, plexi protections…).
No withdrawals or testings without prior appointment.
Please feel free to send us an email or give us a call.
See you soon
Eye-Lite VR un the air thanks to Eye-Lite Aerial
VR ongoing @ Eye-Lite’s Picture Studio 😊