Kizuna Works PL-15K airsoft GBB pistol.
Nice crisp kick, decent range with 0,20 BB's.
Looks like I need a fresh bottle of gas and get back to the fields 😇
It is an electronic device and it is flashing blue. What is it?
@gateenterprise Blu-Link.
Preparing for a field test and a video review ;)
Once more impressed by Jefftron Leviathan V3 unit. You can solder the wires on the taps on the mainboard to feed your tracer hopup unit. No need to cut the wires anymore.
By the way: check the new video about Leviathan V3 on YT
The Eagle has landed. LCTairsoft order delivered! Will be contacting the ones who pre-ordered in the coming hours.
Looks like Christmas to me 👌😂
A&K PKM boxmag with UV LEDs for more fun during the night games.
A short one about removing the LCT LCK12 stock from the stock tube
#lctairsoft #airsoft #airsoftgun #lck12
LCTairsoft EBB kit is finally to the point I want it to be.
WIP. LCTairsoft PKP Pecheneg. Feeding from the trigger and from the boxmag button - DONE. Final assembly and shooting test yet to do.
#airsoftgun #lctairsoft #pkp #pecheneg
WIP. LCTairsoft PKP Pecheneg. "The Brick" is ready. Up to re-wiring with some advanced features ;)
#airsoftworld #airsoftgun #airsofttuning #airsoftcustom #pkp #6mm #bbwarz
Starting a new meme :)
I wanted to have a Travis Haley entrance - so I made this :)