Dancing is hope in motion.
Nu intussen al 2 maanden verder gaat deze korte video helemaal op in wat we dagelijks vaststellen in het nieuws. We vallen van de ene verbazing in de andere. We voelen ons onrustig. In eigen land. Wereldwijd. Van Trump tot Poetin. Van Oekraïne tot Gaza. Criminaliteit in Brussel en elders, Frankrijk, net München ook. Maar toch, blijven dansen misschien. Ieder op zijn of haar eigen unieke manier.
"Where times seems to dance to the rhythm of change. Where technology takes leaps faster than we can follow. And where conflicts disturb the harmony yet hope continues to whisper, you and I, we are the dancers.
We move sometimes hesitantly. Sometimes with purpose. We seek balance in an unsettled flow. Find light in the darkest days and keep dreaming of what's possible. Perhaps, if we keep dancing, 2025 could become a beautiful year."
Dancing is ... hope in motion.