
3SRecordings DEMOS :
[email protected] The main goal of 3SRecordings is promoting Belgian Hardtechno and other newcomers.

By taking back this label, Axel Erator wants to bring it back to life in the same dynamic as Sam Silva & Stavros Charonitis did it, share his interest and passion for Hardtechno.


3SR012 will drop on February 7!
More info coming soon, stay tuned!

For those interested, Sam Silva uploaded all his unreleased Hard-Techno / Techno tracks to Bandcamp. It's raw, some good...

For those interested, Sam Silva uploaded all his unreleased Hard-Techno / Techno tracks to Bandcamp. It's raw, some good and some not so good. It’s up to you to choose ! More to come !

LINK : https://samsilvahardtechno.bandcamp.com/


For those who would like to help us grow and support us in our fight, which is to give Hardtechno/Schranz the place it deserves, we are organizing a contest on our Instagram page.

This one will allow one of you to win the physical releases that we have left in stock and also the entire 3SR digital catalog!

Follow the link below to know all the informations about the contest and participate in it!

Merry Christmas to all 🖤

Merry Christmas to all 🖤

Go check this one from AMK2!

Go check this one from AMK2!

Belgian Dj/Producer & Label Owner at 3SRecordings

♦️♦️♦️ Available on all platforms ♦️♦️♦️               Amk2 - Around Me Single                                          ...

♦️♦️♦️ Available on all platforms ♦️♦️♦️ Amk2 - Around Me Single 3SR011

🛑🛑🛑OUT NOW!!! 🛑🛑🛑AMK2 - Around me SingleAvailable on all platforms and on our Bandcamp.

🛑🛑🛑OUT NOW!!! 🛑🛑🛑

AMK2 - Around me Single

Available on all platforms and on our Bandcamp.

2 track album

Release this friday on all the platforms and on our Bandcamp!          🛑🛑🛑AMK2 - Around Me Single - 3SR011 🛑🛑🛑https://3s...

Release this friday on all the platforms and on our Bandcamp!

🛑🛑🛑AMK2 - Around Me Single - 3SR011 🛑🛑🛑


AMK2 is a new Hardtechno comers, through this first release, he used his sensibility to bring melancholic sonorities on pumping beats.

🛑 Get ready for 2025! Lots of things are coming! 🛑

🛑 Get ready for 2025! Lots of things are coming! 🛑

Ready again for safe shipping. Only one white label copy of 3SR006 left, last chance to grab it! Check out our Bandcamp ...

Ready again for safe shipping. Only one white label copy of 3SR006 left, last chance to grab it! Check out our Bandcamp for more info.

Release of 3SR011 on November 22, 2024 Pre-order available on our BandcampAMK2 is a new Hardtechno comers, through this ...

Release of 3SR011 on November 22, 2024
Pre-order available on our Bandcamp

AMK2 is a new Hardtechno comers, through this first release, he used his sensibility to bring melancholic sonorities on pumping beats.

Mastering by ALF breakncut

AMK2 is a new Hardtechno comers, through this first release, he used his sensibility to bring melancholic sonorities on pumping beats.

ENWe had planned to bring 3SR back on vinyl in 2024.Today, after several months of waiting, with the feeling to be duped...


We had planned to bring 3SR back on vinyl in 2024.

Today, after several months of waiting, with the feeling to be duped. We learn that the vinyl pressing company, Deepgrooves is bankrupt.

Our hope of delivering it to you this year being annihilated, we decide to make the digital release of 3SR011 soon.

More info next week.


Nous avions prévu pour 2024 de ramener 3SR sur vinyle.

Aujourd’hui, après plusieurs mois d’attente, avec le sentiment d’être pris pour dupe. Nous apprenons que le presseur, Deepgrooves est en faillite.

Notre espoir de vous délivrer celui-ci cette année étant anéanti, nous décidons de faire la sortie digitale du 3SR011 d’ici peu.

Plus d’info la semaine prochaine.








Wees de eerste die het weet en laat ons u een e-mail sturen wanneer 3SRecordings nieuws en promoties plaatst. Uw e-mailadres wordt niet voor andere doeleinden gebruikt en u kunt zich op elk gewenst moment afmelden.


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