WEBDOX WEBDOX is an inspiring one-day event at 3th of May 2015, @ 't Stuk (Leuven) about the importance of user engagement for the future of digital storytelling.

WebDox invites innovative guest speakers with inspiring talks on the importance of user engagement for the future of digital storytelling. We will explore the evolution of interactive factuals: the promises of VR, the challenges of user engagement and the funding opportunities for interactive storytellers. This year's WebDox 2016 edition invites Karim Ben Khalifa (The Enemy) along with Topaz Adize

s (The { } And project) and Reem Haddad from Al Jazeera. The afternoon of WebDox will be dedicated to uncovering new financing opportunities in the field.

Last call for Webdox tickets!Register here: http://webdox.be/Interested in   making? Wondering how to start your own doc...

Last call for Webdox tickets!
Register here: http://webdox.be/

Interested in making? Wondering how to start your own docu? Not sure where to find funding?
Or just interested in and how to use it in ?

WEBDOX has the answer to all your questions, backed by a panel of international top speakers!

Are you looking forward to Webdox? THE inspirational day full of talks by, and Q&A's with, international speakers. All o...

Are you looking forward to Webdox? THE inspirational day full of talks by, and Q&A's with, international speakers. All of them reputable experts in their respective fields. In just a few weeks time, they'll travel from all over the world to Leuven just so you can learn everything there is to know about . Where do I begin? Looking for funding? Should I incorporate virtual reality? These, and many more questions will be answered at Webdox.
Registrations end on the 20th of april!
Register here => http://webdox.be/


Virtual reality is alomtegenwoordig in de filmwereld vandaag de dag, ook steeds meer op filmfestivals. En daar is een goede reden voor: VR is niet langer het exclusieve nieuwe speeltje voor technologienerds allerhande en early adopters van dit soort nieuwe media. Ook steeds meer filmregisseurs gaan…

Meet Thibaut Claes; speaker on our Webdox event, 3th of May!(http://webdox.be/).Thibaut is a no-nonse, hard working but ...

Meet Thibaut Claes; speaker on our Webdox event, 3th of May!

Thibaut is a no-nonse, hard working but friendly and likeable man. Thibaut knows his way around startups, having been invloved in them, and now being Startups.be (http://startups.be/)'s innovation manager.

He will help out with problems and questions surrounding finances; Where to find funding? What are the different stages in funding? Where does the money come from? How to get angel funding?

You'll be able to ask him these and more questions, yourself, in person, at our Webdox event. If you want to start a startup, and need financial aid, this is the moment to come and ask!

Our third Webdox speaker is… Reem Haddad! What's it like, being a Syrian refugee?Reem is a senior producer at Al Jazeera...

Our third Webdox speaker is… Reem Haddad!

What's it like, being a Syrian refugee?

Reem is a senior producer at Al Jazeera English. She will show us the troubles ten Syrian refugees had to go through in the last two years.
Reem has produced various Al Jazeera flagship programmes such as "Everywoman" an award winning magazine show that featured women's stories from around the world, helped launch the innovative talk show "The Cafe" ,...

At Webdox she will talk about her web documentary called ‘Life on Hold’.
Life on Hold takes you into the homes and lives of ten Syrian refugees who sought shelter in neighbouring Lebanon. Four languages, five different facets of a Syrian refugee’s life and ten profiles representing millions who remain unseen – this is the Life on Hold manifesto. Users are encouraged to listen, watch and get involved, leaving messages of solidarity on The Wall; a unique collaboration with revolutionary Syrian artist Tammam Azzam that has garnered engagement from a worldwide audience.


Our second Webdox speaker is... Kharim Ben Khalifa! Award winning photojournalist who’s been all over the world and work...

Our second Webdox speaker is... Kharim Ben Khalifa! Award winning photojournalist who’s been all over the world and worked for top magazines suck as Vanity Fair, Le Monde, Time magazine,...
He will talk about his documentary called ‘The Enemy’. (http://theenemyishere.org/) In this VR documentary he does his best to humanize all sides of war. His goal is to simulate a discussion, make people reflect upon choices and ultimately, expand the moral imagination of people.
We need to think more deeply about war and not be so eager to declare it. It’s easy to forget our shared humanity.


Meet our first Webdox 2016 speaker: Topaz Adizes!

International award winning director/writer with films that have starred at Cannes, Sundance, Laredo Texas, and many more.

Topaz will be talking about his Emmy-winning interactive documentary {The And} which forces ordinary people to openly talk with a unknown person, or their partner, about some hard, and sometimes hilarious, topics.

I do not have the words to justify this project, go and experiment with it yourself! http://theand.us/

Louis Theroux opent Docville 2016!

Louis Theroux opent Docville 2016!

NL| De befaamde documentairemaker Louis Theroux komt terug naar DOCVILLE! Hij komt er hoogst persoonlijk zijn bioscoop-debuut "My Scientology Movie", openingsfilm van DOCVILLE, presenteren.
Check http://www.docville.be/nl/nieuws
Ticketverkoop start woensdag 30 maart, 11u.

EN| The famous documentary maker Louis Theroux returns to DOCVILLE! He will personally introduce the Belgian premiere of his cinema debut "My Scientology Movie," the opening film DOCVILLE.
Check http://www.docville.be/en/nieuws
Start ticket sales: Wednesday March 30th at 11 am

WEBDOX, International Conference onthe future of digital storytelling, IS UP AND KICKING AGAIN.Visit our site = http://w...

WEBDOX, International Conference on
the future of digital storytelling, IS UP AND KICKING AGAIN.

Visit our site = http://webdox.be/

We'll be talking about Virtual Reality, user engagement and funding for your own documentaries.
Registrations are open : https://www.eventbrite.nl/e/tickets-webdox-2016-23101189279

Speakers include Topaz Adizes, Reem Haddad, Karim Ben Khalifa.

We encourage you all to visit the whole of DOCVILLE (http://www.docville.be/nl )
LOUIS THEROUX will open Docville. His first documentarymovie 'My Scientology Movie' will be shown on the first evening of Docville!

Matt Adams from Blast Theory presenting the app Karen at WEBDOX: "Mobiles offer unique and exciting ways to engage with ...

Matt Adams from Blast Theory presenting the app Karen at WEBDOX: "Mobiles offer unique and exciting ways to engage with user engagement. A piece of software knows where you are. 'Prof Tanda's-Guess-a-where' was one of the influential examples behind Karen."


Karen Share This Comments (20) What do you think? Karen is a life coach and she is friendly. Too friendly. Karen is a life coach and she’s happy to help you work through a few things in your life. You interact with Karen through an app. When you begin, she asks you some questions about your outlook…


"With your communication strategy you have managed to surpass the hype. How will you spark the public discussion in Indian schools?" - Shubhra Prakash: "Our impact strategist Lina gathered the local voices and she bridged the gap between our resources and the local voices and NGO's who'd spread the comics in the Indian schools." Priya's Shakti at WEBDOX




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