
Crossbridge Crossbridge - Building a bridge between talent and business. It's called Procruitment.

We are Crossbridge, trusted advisor of unique talents and forward-thinking employers, offering a new of talent attraction. An innovative and pro-active way of continuous scouting for talents to fill your talent pool with company culture and job content matched talents.

Yesterday Sander Sterkens has joined our tribe! 🙌As our newest Customer Success Manager, he will help facilitate sustain...

Yesterday Sander Sterkens has joined our tribe! 🙌

As our newest Customer Success Manager, he will help facilitate sustainable relationships between highly educated graduates & professionals and organizations.

Tijd voor de volgende stap in jouw carrière maar ontbreekt het jou aan tijd? Laat MyCareerCompanion zoeken voor jou! 👇🏼V...

Tijd voor de volgende stap in jouw carrière maar ontbreekt het jou aan tijd? Laat MyCareerCompanion zoeken voor jou! 👇🏼

Via dit online carrièreplatform, mede ontwikkeld door Crossbridge, krijg je naast een carrière kompas en toegang tot e-learning modules, ook de mogelijkheid tot job introducties. Job introducties die steeds vanuit jouw persoonlijk profiel via innovatieve algoritmen geautomatiseerd tot stand komen.

Laat geen plaats voor toeval, enkel voor wetenschap! Samen zorgen we er zo voor dat er geen talent meer verloren gaat.

Samen zorgen we ervoor dat er geen talent meer verloren gaat. myCareerCompanion brengt je talent in kaart, helpt je maximaal te ontplooien en ondersteunt je in de zoektocht naar die ene job die het best bij je past. Het resultaat? Een duurzame match tussen jou en je toekomstige werkgever.

People are much happier and eager to go to work on Fridays.Friday also tends to be the day where there is a more social ...

People are much happier and eager to go to work on Fridays.

Friday also tends to be the day where there is a more social and positive vibe in the workplace. Coincidence? 🤔

Meet again Jana Geens !! 👋🏻As a former Crossbridge-intern, she now joins our team as a full-time HR-consultant. Experien...

Meet again Jana Geens !! 👋🏻

As a former Crossbridge-intern, she now joins our team as a full-time HR-consultant. Experienced with a great eagerness to learn, a golden combo. Great to have you back! 🎉

The onboarding of new employees should be a smooth and successful journey. Start in advance and guide them along the way...

The onboarding of new employees should be a smooth and successful journey. Start in advance and guide them along the way. Welcome them with joy and try to exceed their expectations! ✅

➡️ Five tips to land an effective onboarding process.

The most successful companies are now placing employees’ engagement at the top of their list while planning a business s...

The most successful companies are now placing employees’ engagement at the top of their list while planning a business strategy.

As some surveys are showing that engaged workers achieve 21% better profitability than those who are demotivated. 📈

Still looking for the best way to reach out to your employees to receive honest feedback? 📋 The simple fact that your or...

Still looking for the best way to reach out to your employees to receive honest feedback? 📋

The simple fact that your organization is conducting a survey, will let your employees be heard. Besides the reasons above, feedback will lead to lower absenteeism, better customer service and higher employee morale. 🎖

1 in 10 women in Brussels is self-employed as their main occupation. Brussels has several business cooperatives committe...

1 in 10 women in Brussels is self-employed as their main occupation. Brussels has several business cooperatives committed to encourage women to try entrepreneurship in a risk-free environment, which is clearly bearing fruit! 📈 Female self-employed are even more numerous than men in the highest income brackets (starting at €30.000). 💰

Today we welcome Anthony Michielsens! 🙌🏻 A social go-getter who will enforce our team as our Business Development Lead. ...

Today we welcome Anthony Michielsens! 🙌🏻 A social go-getter who will enforce our team as our Business Development Lead. With his sales experience, he will be a real asset to the Crossbridge family! 💪🏻

Ready to be more productive? Make to-do lists to reduce the burden of the brain. 📝 You will have a persistent reminder u...

Ready to be more productive? Make to-do lists to reduce the burden of the brain. 📝 You will have a persistent reminder until the task is done. This helps to ease your brain! Don’t have time to do everything on your list? No problem! You only need a plan for when and how to do them. 📆

Ben jij een gepassioneerde Bachelor of Master student en ben je klaar voor een nieuw avontuur? Zin in een leerrijke stud...

Ben jij een gepassioneerde Bachelor of Master student en ben je klaar voor een nieuw avontuur? Zin in een leerrijke studentenjob die aansluit bij je opleiding? We've got you! 👊🏼

Klik op de link hieronder voor meer informatie! ⬇️

Be part of the Crossbridge-family as a junior business developer! This student job is ideal to gain some sales experience during your studies!

Think carefully about how you phrase and deliver someone’s rejection after a job interview! 📝 A bad rejection experience...

Think carefully about how you phrase and deliver someone’s rejection after a job interview! 📝 A bad rejection experience may damage your company’s reputation. Read some tips on our blog to make the rejection talk as smooth and professional as possible!

Think carefully about how you phrase and deliver someone’s rejection after a job interview! A bad rejection experience may damage your company’s reputation. Read some tips to make the rejection talk as smooth and professional as possible!

Managing a team from a distance can be challenging. Here are five tips to keep your head cool and your team up and runni...

Managing a team from a distance can be challenging. Here are five tips to keep your head cool and your team up and running. Be the the best virtual leader you can be, you rock! 🤟🏻

Since your brain needs a 15 minute setup to get rolling for each task, checking your inbox repeatedly will force you to ...

Since your brain needs a 15 minute setup to get rolling for each task, checking your inbox repeatedly will force you to restart. Try to schedule fixed moments to answer your emails. 📌 This will reduce your stress level, makes you more concentrated, and you’ll feel a greater sense of accomplishment at work! 🎯

Niet elk rekruteringsbureau gaf Alexandra het gevoel ook oog te hebben voor de perfecte match vanuit het standpunt van d...

Niet elk rekruteringsbureau gaf Alexandra het gevoel ook oog te hebben voor de perfecte match vanuit het standpunt van de kandidaat. Iets waar Crossbridge wel heel hard op inzet. Dit resulteerde voor Alexandra in een nieuwe uitdaging bij CBRE. Een uitdaging waarvan ze nu, drie maanden later, nog altijd over dé perfecte match kan spreken!

Alexandra Horé vervult sinds drie maanden de functie van Finance Manager bij CBRE, waar ze momenteel verantwoordelijk is voor de financial reporting betreffende een contract dat CBRE heeft met Johnson & Johnson. Na haar studies is ze gestart als auditor bij Deloitte, waar ze drieënhalf jaar heeft ...

It’s good to know that every generation has other values. 🧑🏻👨🏻👨🏻‍🦳 Therefore, you should adapt your strategy when hiring...

It’s good to know that every generation has other values. 🧑🏻👨🏻👨🏻‍🦳 Therefore, you should adapt your strategy when hiring, retaining and developing your employees. Want to know more about the new Gen Zers? Go to our blog page to read a whole article about it! 📰

It is beneficial to give your new employees a good working welcome. 🤝 Giving them a good introduction program will facil...

It is beneficial to give your new employees a good working welcome. 🤝 Giving them a good introduction program will facilitate a smooth integration. They'll feel immediately part of the group and have a higher job satisfaction! 💼 Happy onboarding!

Waarom en hoe doe je dit? Ontdek in ons blogartikel hoe je zowel als werknemer als werkgever de balans tussen werk en pr...

Waarom en hoe doe je dit? Ontdek in ons blogartikel hoe je zowel als werknemer als werkgever de balans tussen werk en privé kan bewaren! ⬇️

Deconnecteren vermindert het risico op werkstress en burnout. 🔋 Wie de tijd neemt om zich helemaal los te koppelen van het werk, heeft meer energie voor de taken die nog volgen.⚡

Waarom en hoe doe je dit? Ontdek in ons blogartikel hoe je zowel als werknemer als werkgever de balans tussen werk en privé kan bewaren! Deconnecteren vermindert het risico op werkstress en burnout. Wie de tijd neemt om zich helemaal los te koppelen van het werk, heeft meer energie voor de taken di...


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Stuur een bericht naar Crossbridge:




… is a trusted advisor to unique talents as well as forward-thinking employers, building long-term and sustainable relationships​

… helps professionals and graduates identify what they really want to do and what working environment matches their aspirations and personality​

… helps talent effectively find the job and organization of their dreams

… helps employers attract, train, boost and retain the right talent