Sax - World Music

Sax - World Music SAX Sax is an independent recordstore for 36 years. We specialise in worldmusic, Folk, Blues,Chanson and a selection of classical music.

There's an important collection of second hand vinyl and cd's.


The Dublin doom-folk favourites crown a momentous year with a magnificent assault on the senses and a set rich in hypnotic tales of woe


'I haven't picked up a guitar for about six months, but that's because I'm in the middle of making an extremely ambitious record that will come out so...


Nile Rodgers has claimed no modern record label would take a chance on David Bowie due to the cut-throat business of streaming.


Vous connaissez Karim Baggili ? Vous aimez sa musique ? Nous aussi 😀 C’est pourquoi, il recevra ce 19 décembre le Pôle d’or , la plus belle récompense artistique de la Province. 😀
Venez le fêter avec nous lors d’une soirée festive en son honneur, c’est gratuit. Inscription à [email protected]
La Ferme Ville d'Ottignies Louvain-la-Neuve


Nessum Dorma' van Puccini gezongen door Jasper Steverlinck


Voor het eerst wordt het volledige levensverhaal verteld van de briljante en aparte muzikant die Frank Zappa was (1940-1993). Regisseur Alex Winter en zijn team hebben een documentaire gemaakt op basis van duizenden uren grotendeels ongezien beeldmateriaal uit Zappa's persoonlijke collectie. Deze do...


in 1967, Traffic released their debut album, ‘Mr Fantasy' in the UK.

“Traffic was always this strange mixture of influences. We all came through the nightclub scene, soul music, Memphis music which we were obsessed with, that strong urban element.

But then we were fascinated by this whole other world, because we were all from fairly rural areas and we moved to the country. We tried to absorb the country into the music somehow, embody the things we'd learnt and seen into the music, try to make instrumental passages that evoked the landscape. It sounds ridiculous when you talk about it, but we didn't talk about it - we just did it." - SW


‘Beggars Banquet’ is a product of the time period during which it was recorded, but more than a half-century later, it still sounds timeless.


Bob Dylan has always been open in his praise of other songwriters. At heart, he remains a devoted music, and - in particular - a fan of words, and the


Out on Friday 17th november:


Chapman won the award for her 1988 hit "Fast Car," which got renewed attention after singer Luke Combs released a cover of the song earlier this year.


The new issue of Uncut Magazine is now in shops and available direct from us here: Bob Dylan, Dylan posterzine, The Beatles, PJ Harvey, Paul Simon, The Kinks, Shirley Collins, John Cale, Arooj Aftab, The Necks, Dinosaur Jr., Corinne Bailey Rae, Robert Forster! 43-page Review Of 2023! Top 75 LPs of the year! Best Of 2023 CD!


Pentangle’s Jacqui McShee as well as Robert Plant, Bernard Butler and Sam Lee were among stellar acts celebrating the late musician in impressive style

Roos Rebergen maakt een lied van 'De Avonden' van Reve.

Roos Rebergen maakt een lied van 'De Avonden' van Reve.

Tijdens het Boekenfeest vragen we muzikanten om een nummer te baseren op een zelf gekozen boek. Roos koos voor ‘De avonden’ van Gerard Reve. “Dit is mijn taal, dit vind ik echt mooi”, vertelt ze over deze klassieker. Ze haalde er de kern uit en bouwde er een nummer rond. “Het is herkenbaar...


Parijsstraat 31


Dinsdag 10:00 - 18:15
Woensdag 10:00 - 18:15
Donderdag 10:00 - 18:15
Vrijdag 10:00 - 18:15
Zaterdag 10:00 - 18:15


016 22 48 59



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Our Story

Sax is an independent recordstore for nearly 30 years. We specialise in worldmusic, Folk, Blues,Chanson and a selection of classical music. There's an important collection of second hand vinyl and cd's.