
DeWijzer Zeitgeist is the journal by and for students of the HIW, the philosophy institute at KUL.

Submissions deadline for the second issue is this sunday! The theme 'woke and censorship' is optional. But in any case t...

Submissions deadline for the second issue is this sunday! The theme 'woke and censorship' is optional. But in any case this is the chance to exercise your freedom of speech. Speak now or forever hold your peace...🤐

To give you a taste of the magazine that you'd be contributing to, here's the digital version of our first issue:



The day before yesterday was our deadline for submissions. Luckily for all those who were short on time, we've decided to postpone that deadline until after the Easter break!

📥 SUBMIT: send an email with a file attached to [email protected]


Friendly reminder that Zeitgeist is open for submissions until April 3, which is next Sunday!

The theme is 'wokeness and censorship', but texts on any and all topics will be taken into consideration.

Your submission also doesn't have to be specifically written for the Zeitgeist or overtly philosophical. We want to encourage philosophy students to practice and share their non-academic writing skills, in both Dutch and English.

In summary: the bar is low, the reward is high! Who doesn't want to get their stories, poems, essays and what not, published?


Zeitgeist is once again open for submissions! Our second issue of this year will focus on the topics of wokeness and censorship.

Have you been cancelled yet? Or have you ever felt the hot breath of Big Brother breathing down your neck? Do you have an opinion that might not be allowed in Russia? Tell us about it!

⌛️DEADLINE: Sunday April 3d
📝REQUIREMENTS: We're open to any and all types of printable texts of a reasonable length! Adherence to the theme is encouraged, but optional. Freedom of thought has no limitations, but human decency does offer some guidelines.
📥SUBMISSIONS: Send an email to [email protected] and attach your submission as a Word or other file.

We look forward to all your (uncensored) thoughts!

Finally, the day you've all been waiting for has arrived: our first issue is out now!! 🎉Run to the Institute to collect ...

Finally, the day you've all been waiting for has arrived: our first issue is out now!! 🎉

Run to the Institute to collect your copy! You can find them in the entry hall, the time-out zone, the library or the lounge. 🗞

A heartfelt thanks to NFK and all our contributors, without whom this wouldn't have been possible! 🙏


Today is the final day before the deadline, exciting! ⌛

We've already received a number of beautiful submissions, but this issue wouldn't be complete without yours 😉

You have until midnight to email a document to [email protected] 📥

⚠️  JUST ONE MORE WEEK TO GO UNTIL THE DEADLINE ON NOVEMBER 28 ⚠️ REQUIREMENTS - Both English and Dutch submissions are ...


REQUIREMENTS - Both English and Dutch submissions are very welcome. And in every (publishable) form imaginable, so essays, poems, short stories, illustrations, cartoons, lyrics, etc.

THEME: INTIMACY AND ALIENATION - The two thought provoking concepts we've chosen as our theme, allow for a broad range of interpretations. Will you educate the masses with a scathing critique of our society or allow us a small glance into your most personal thoughts? Has philosophy uncovered the deepest core of human nature, or was it precisely philosophy that led us astray? Did the past year of social distancing sever bonds that were important to you, or did it maybe give you the opportunity to get to know yourself better? The possibilities are endless.

INSPIRATION - We want to provide an inspiring piece of poetry relating to the theme in order to spark your creativity. This is the poem 'Body of a Woman' by the famous Chilean poet Pablo Neruda. There's a duality to it: on the one hand, it's unmistakably a love poem appealing to a sense of bodily intimacy; on the other, the references to (inner) struggle, vengeance, loneliness and absence invoke the feeling of distance, that is to say: alienation.

SUBMIT! - Have you experienced the same tension as Neruda? Or does his male gaze bother you? Or do you consider poetry to be a bourgeois distraction from the real alienation? We, and many others, would like to hear from you, so don't be shy and write a submission!

Another poster's up!! Friendly reminder that the deadline for submissions is Sunday the 28th of November.We have very fe...

Another poster's up!!

Friendly reminder that the deadline for submissions is Sunday the 28th of November.

We have very few restrictions on submissions, also with regard to word limit. Just mail a document to [email protected] and we'll take it into consideration.

We look forward to read all your most intimate or alienated thoughts!

Don't miss out on your chance to have your non-academic, philosophical submission published and be a part of the 2022 Mo...

Don't miss out on your chance to have your non-academic, philosophical submission published and be a part of the 2022 Month of Philosphy!

The deadline is the 1st of November, the day after tomorrow.

Both Dutch and English texts will be considered. You're free to choose your format: essay, short story, poem, etc.

The best part is, that you'd also already have something to submit to the upcoming Zeitgeist/DeWijzer issue, for which the deadline is november 28th.

Laatste kans! Op 1 november is de deadline voor het inzenden van bijdragen voor de bundel ‘Hoezo Intimiteit? Wat nou Vervreemding?’

Wil jij volgend jaar verschijnen in de boekhandels van Nederland en Vlaanderen? Kijk voor meer informatie op de website van Lemniscaat en stuur je bijdrage naar [email protected].

Uitgeverij Lemniscaat Maand van de Filosofie

📌 The first poster is up!! This one decorates the door to the lounge. 🔜 In the brainstorm session last Friday, we decide...

📌 The first poster is up!! This one decorates the door to the lounge.

🔜 In the brainstorm session last Friday, we decided on the deadline for submissions: Sunday the 28th of November.

💔 We also established that the theme 'Intimacy and Alienation' allows for a broad range of interpretations. Most importantly, it covers both personal experiences with solitude during the lockdown, as well as more political approaches inspired by critical social theories.

📥 From now on, we're open for all kinds of submissions! You can email your document to [email protected].

❓ What do you guys think of the poster? And do you have an idea for a submission?


If you don't want the breadmeal to end at 2 pm, you can always stay in the lounge for the brainstorm session for the first issue of the Zeitgeist!

Together we'll figure out how to fill the issue. Any (inkling of an) idea is welcome at this stage!


Zeitgeist (previously known as 'DeWijzer') is the journal by and for the students of the HIW, the faculty of philosophy. It doesn't matter whether you're in the English or Dutch programme, the bachelor's or master's, the full or abridged, you're all more than welcome to write submissions!

We want to offer you a chance to broaden your philosophical writing and thinking by focussing on non-academic texts. Satire, poetry, essays, reviews, interviews, song lyrics, cartoons, illustrations, etc. - you name it! So let your imagination run wild and get your creative juices flowing.

We'll soon announce the theme of the first issue of the year, and the date of a brainstorm session. If you want to stay updated, you can like our page DeWijzer. If you want to be involved as editor or designer, you can send an email to [email protected].

We hope to hear from you!
Ruben and Tycho, editors

We are more than happy and proud to announce that our new issue of Zeitgeist is finally out. We couldn't have done it wi...

We are more than happy and proud to announce that our new issue of Zeitgeist is finally out. We couldn't have done it without the students and we thank everyone for their contribution 🙏🏻

// Our second issue of Zeitgeist for 2021 is finally out! We believe it's important to give students a voice, and we are very grateful for all the students who submitted their written thoughts. It has been a more than a difficult year for everyone and we hoped that this issue serves as a great reminder to start a new academic year - don't take anything for granted.

// Onze tweede editie van Zeitgeist 2021 is er eindelijk! Wij geloven dat het belangrijk is om studenten een stem te geven, en we zijn dan ook zeer dankbaar voor alle studenten die hun gedachten hebben opgeschreven en naar ons hebben gestuurd! Het was een meer dan moeilijk jaar voor iedereen en we hopen dat deze editie zal dienen als een goede reminder voor dit nieuwe academiejaar - neem niets als vanzelfsprekend aan!

This is the link/ Dit is de link:

Hello everyone! We are now open to submissions for our next and last issue, titled "Pandemic and the State of Exception"...

Hello everyone! We are now open to submissions for our next and last issue, titled "Pandemic and the State of Exception". Of course we accept submissions for any other theme as well, as we don't want to limit you.
You can write to us either in English or in Dutch.
Submit your work at [email protected] or to any of our editors (Mehmet Tüfek/Sapfo Spyridakos). The deadline is 26th of May.
We can't wait to read all of it!

New issue of Zeitgeist is out now! We hope you all enjoy it as much as we did 🙂

New issue of Zeitgeist is out now! We hope you all enjoy it as much as we did 🙂

“Our student magazine is called Zeitgeist. It used to be called DeWijzer until September 2019, we changed to encourage the integration of the international student body and the dutch students. In our archive you will see that – historically – we only published in Dutch, however, we now proudly...


Just a reminder that the deadline for the submissions is tomorrow! We're waiting to see what you've been working on 🙂

Dear people! Zeitgeist's new issue concerns itself with art&cinema, aka film review (from our events with International ...

Dear people! Zeitgeist's new issue concerns itself with art&cinema, aka film review (from our events with International Movie Nights). Of course all other submissions are welcome as well. You can submit everything until 1/12 at [email protected] or to one of our editors: Sapfo Spyridakos and Mehmet Tufek.

Can't wait to receive all of your thoughts!
(English and Dutch are both welcome, we have an editor for the Dutch submissions as well 😉)

Het opbranden en het opbouwen van het leven door Alexander AertsVind een job, zoek naar stages, stuur dozijnen cv’s uit,...

Het opbranden en het opbouwen van het leven door Alexander Aerts

Vind een job, zoek naar stages, stuur dozijnen cv’s uit, ga op gesprek, studeer, slaag voor je examens, maak je thesis, doe aan netwerking, kom goed over, klaag niet te veel, oordeel niet, ga naar het buitenland, zie je vrienden, ga uit en doe mee aan elke activiteit, zeg ja op alles, gebruik je tijd nuttig, denk aan elke stap die je neemt, ervaar al het mogelijke en grijp elke mogelijkheid. We worden volgens de Franse filosoof Alain Badiou in onze jeugd en in het specifiek als studerende jeugd geconfronteerd met twee vaak conflicterende, overlappende passies, namelijk het opbranden en het opbouwen van het leven.

Lees meer op medium!

Alexander Aerts

De Nederlandse versie!

De Nederlandse versie!

De laatste editie van de Wijzer van dit jaar legt zich toe op mentale gezondheid.

The Wijzer is available on Issuu!

The Wijzer is available on Issuu!

The last edition of the Wijzer of this year focusses on mental health.

Find the online version here

Find the online version here

Het kringblad van NFK heet DeWijzer. De laatste editie vind je hieronder. Op onze Google Drive kan je het volledige archief raadplegen. Wens je aan dit fantastisch magazine mee te werken, contacteer dan [email protected].

Go get them at the Institute of Philosophy

Go get them at the Institute of Philosophy

The last edition of the Wijzer is out!

The last edition of the Wijzer is out!

De laatste editie van de Wijzer is uit!

De laatste editie van de Wijzer is uit!

IMPORTANT: STUDENT REPRESENTATION! [DUTCH BELOW]‘Studentrepresentation’ you might’ve heard from it. Do you know how you’...


‘Studentrepresentation’ you might’ve heard from it. Do you know how you’re represented at the HIW? This article gives a useful overview of how student representation works!

Studentenvertegenwoordiging, je hebt er misschien wel eens van gehoord. Weet jij ook hoe dat gebeurt aan het HIW? Dit artikel geeft een handig overzicht om inzicht te krijgen over hoe jij vertegenwoordigd wordt aan het HIW!

How are you represented as a philosophy student? This diagram and the explanation below make that clear.

Mind the gap: Simone de Beauvoir and the or**sm gap by Bram HulshoffDuring the Fundamental Philosophy course, I got a br...

Mind the gap: Simone de Beauvoir and the or**sm gap by Bram Hulshoff

During the Fundamental Philosophy course, I got a brief and concise introduction on Simone de Beauvoir and her inspiring book The Second S*x. The existentialism of de Beauvoir contains the idea, which is similar to that of her life partner Jean-Paul Sartre, that people should be able to actively shape their lives in freedom and creativity. In her book she finds that in this world it is the man who is the absolute ‘Subject’ while the woman is only considered to be the ‘Other’, inferior and subordinate to the essential male Subject. This image of the woman as the inferior Other goes back at least to Ancient Greece, during which Aristotle wrote that the nature of women was one suffering from “natural defectiveness” and Plato thanked the gods that he was not a woman.**sm-gap-53fd61810097

By Bram Hulshoff

Madness or Moderation: Plato and Foucault on the Struggle of Love By Dashan Xu: In Plato’s dialogue the Phaedrus, love (...

Madness or Moderation: Plato and Foucault on the Struggle of Love By Dashan Xu:

In Plato’s dialogue the Phaedrus, love (eros) is seen as a kind of madness (mania) (265b). However, when Foucault studies this text, in The Use of Pleasure, vol II of the history of sexuality (1984), there is a complete absence of any discussion about madness in relation to love. Instead, it is the topic of moderation (sophrosyne) that prevails. This paper addresses this absence by reconstructing Foucault’s reading so that love as madness can be understood as complementary to love as moderation. What underlies the inquiry of love for both Foucault and Plato is the acute awareness of the deep and unsettling tension between reason, moderation as self-mastery on the one hand, and irrationality, madness as liberation on the other. This tension is fundamental to our lives and we face it most directly when we love. On the one hand, love requires us to have sober discipline and self-control; on the other hand, love stirs the hubristic passion beyond our power. We both have power to love but are also overpowered by it.

By Dashan Xu



Kardinaal Mercierplein 2


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