Gerald Bassleer

Gerald Bassleer Extra page of Gerald Bassleer & Fish pathobiologist with holistic approach for aquarium fis

My page Gerald Bassleer has reached 5000 friends so this page is complementary that is not limited for my contacts & friends that want to follow me!


This wild puffer fish, used to be called Tetraodon or Figure-8 Puffer, now called Dichomyctere ocellatus, was waisting away and we examined with the microscope!
We have found a severe gill fluke infection, with lots of eggs inbetween the gills. We show our microscopic findings and make suggestions for treatment.

Ökologe kritisiert den Alarmismus: Die Ozeane „ersticken“ nichtDie Klimaalarmisten behaupten, der Klimawandel würde die ...

Ökologe kritisiert den Alarmismus: Die Ozeane „ersticken“ nicht

Die Klimaalarmisten behaupten, der Klimawandel würde die Ozeane quasi ersticken lassen. Laut dem Ökologen Jim Steele ist dies jedoch nicht der Fall. In einem umfangreichen Tweet mit anschaulichen Grafiken erklärt der Professor, wie die Menschen in die Irre geführt werden.
Bassleer Gerald - Eco-Modernist

Ersticken unsere Ozeane? Laut dem amerikanischen Ökologen Jim Steele ist dem nicht der Fall. Er zeigt die Fakten auf.

Dit prettig leesbare boek documenteert misstanden in de gezondheidszorg, voedingsmiddelen- en landbouwindustrie die uw g...

Dit prettig leesbare boek documenteert misstanden in de gezondheidszorg, voedingsmiddelen- en landbouwindustrie die uw gezondheid – en die van uw familie – serieus in gevaar brengen. Het beschrijft onder meer.
Hoe de medische wereld zich ontwikkeld heeft tot een verdienmodel waarin symptomen met medicatie worden weggedrukt in plaats van de onderliggende oorzaak op te sporen.
hoe de landbouw chemisch georiënteerd werd en welke gevolgen dit heeft voor de voedingswaarde van wat we eten.
hoe de bewerkingen van de voedingsmiddelenindustrie financieel interessant zijn, maar afbreuk doen aan wat ons lichaam werkelijk nodig heeft om tot op hoge leeftijd gezond te blijven.
hoe belangenverstrengeling gezondheids- en voedingsadviezen heeft gemanipuleerd – en tot op heden nog doet.
Het boek is voor velen een eyeopener. Het verschaft begrip en duidelijkheid. Bovenal draagt het oplossingen aan. Bassleer Gerald - Eco-Modernist

Dodelijke leugens beschrijft belangenverstrengeling van bewindslieden en wetenschappers, massamarketing van de farmaceutische industrie en leugens....

This week, the Health Minister of Colombia, Guillermo Alfonso Jaramillo, has sparked significant debate with his fiery r...

This week, the Health Minister of Colombia, Guillermo Alfonso Jaramillo, has sparked significant debate with his fiery remarks suggesting that the entire Colombian population inadvertently became part of a global experiment due to the Covid-19 vaccination campaign.

Mr. Jaramillo, who is also a surgeon, during his appearance before the First Commission of the Senate of the Republic, made an impactful statement: “Every vaccinated Colombian has contributed to the largest experiment ever conducted in human history.” Bassleer Gerald - Eco-Modernist

"Every vaccinated Colombian has contributed to the largest experiment ever conducted in human history"

The European summer is over, but summer in Brazil is eternal! And for you to enjoy the same privilege I have in Praia da...

The European summer is over, but summer in Brazil is eternal!
And for you to enjoy the same privilege I have in Praia da P**a, I've got a special discount for you to stay at Domus Villas: an exclusive hotel of super comfortable and equipped villas, with direct access to a swimming pool that winds through a tropical garden.
Just make your booking directly on the website, and include the promotional coupon 17803, and like magic your discount will be applied!
I recommend this piece of paradise!

O verão europeu está acabando, mas o verão no Brasil é eterno!
E para você desfrutar do mesmo privilégio que eu tenho na Praia da P**a, consegui um desconto especial para você se hospedar no Domus Villas: um hotel exclusivo de villas superconfortáveis e equipadas, com acesso direto a uma piscina que serpenteia um jardim tropical.
Basta você fazer sua reserva diretamente no site, e incluir o cupom promocional 17803, e como mágica seu desconto será aplicado!
Eu recomendo esse pedaço de paraíso!

L'été en Europe est à sa fin, mais l'été au Brésil est éternel. Pour que vous puissiez profiter du même privilège que j'ai à Praia da P**a, j'ai obtenue une réduction spéciale pour que vous puissiez séjourner au Domus Villas. C’est un hôtel exceptionnel avec des villas super confortables et complètement équipées, ayant chacune un accès direct à une piscine qui serpente à travers un jardin tropical. Il vous suffit de faire votre réservation directement sur leur site internet et d'inclure le coupon promotionnel 17803. Comme par magie, votre réduction sera appliquée !
Je recommande vivement ce petit coin de paradis !
Une réduction de 15 % sur les prix du site internet du DOMUS à P**a/BR.
(environ 32% de moins que sur Booking)
Le coupon fonctionne dans la période du 15/02/2024 au 01/10/2024.
Profitez d’un code promotionnel = 17803

Domus Villa is located on the Chapadao cliff next to the village of P**a, in northern Brazil. We offer you peace, comfort, and discretion for your family. Let yourself be charmed by our tropical garden and our swimming pool that flows between the luxurious and fully equipped villas.


Do you remember R.F. Kennedy, running for president in the US, who was/is defending the rights & health of children when it concerns vaccination or medications but he is now supporting the genocide of children in Ghaza? Are you also supporting the unique genocide that is the 1st worst killing of children and citizins in human history? If you support this I want to learn your reasons!

How Much Does it Cost to Build a Nuclear Power Plant?Probably a lot less than you think! Bassleer Gerald - Eco-Modernist

How Much Does it Cost to Build a Nuclear Power Plant?
Probably a lot less than you think! Bassleer Gerald - Eco-Modernist

Probably a lot less than you think

Rondetafelgesprek over de schokkende onthullingen van Covid-vaccinaties door de EMA (In English)Tijdens die persconferen...

Rondetafelgesprek over de schokkende onthullingen van Covid-vaccinaties door de EMA (In English)

Tijdens die persconferentie hebben Marcel de Graaff (Europarlementariër FVD) en Joachim Kuhs (Europarlementariër AfD), Willem Engel (farmacoloog) en Vibeke Manniche (arts) een brief besproken van de European Medicines Agency (EMA) d.d. 18 oktober 2023. Deze brief kwam als reactie op het verzoek d.d. 4 oktober 2023 van Marcel de Graaff en Joachim Kuhs om de Europese handelsvergunningen van Covid-19 vaccines onmiddellijk op te schorten.

Rondetafelgesprek over de schokkende onthullingen van Covid-vaccinaties door de EMA

All who are in support of Julian Assange and Truth and Justice, let’s rise to DECLARE International   Day on December 7t...

All who are in support of Julian Assange and Truth and Justice, let’s rise to DECLARE International Day on December 7th to make a global statement and show them how many we are all over this planet during this whole week.

This is a global call to declare 7 December "International Day".

Are you taking the risk?

Are you taking the risk?

COP28 states it is “bringing the world together to Unite, Act and Deliver.”  This is not true according to one small-sca...

COP28 states it is “bringing the world together to Unite, Act and Deliver.” This is not true according to one small-scale farmer from Kenya who does not agree with transitioning Africa to “renewable energy.”

To you Western governments and environmental organisations preaching to us – climate change is not a problem in Africa, he said. “Africa needs fossil fuels.” Bassleer Gerald - Eco-Modernist

COP28 states it is “bringing the world together to Unite, Act and Deliver.”  This is not true according to one small-scale farmer from Kenya who does not agree with transitioning Africa to “re…

“There is no science out there, or no scenario out there, that says that the phase-out of fossil fuel is what’s going to...

“There is no science out there, or no scenario out there, that says that the phase-out of fossil fuel is what’s going to achieve 1.5°C,” he said in response to a question from Mary Robinson, the former Irish President.

Dr. Al-Jaber, who is also head of the renewable energy company Masdar, suggested that a phase-out of fossil fuels would mean countries missing out on “sustainable socioeconomic development” and could not be achieved “unless you want to take the world back into caves”.

He added that a “phase-down and a phase-out of fossil fuels is inevitable, it is essential, but we need to be real, serious and pragmatic about it”. Bassleer Gerald - Eco-Modernist

COP28 President, Dr Sultan Al-Jaber, has contested the scientific basis for phasing out fossil fuels, contradicting the UN's call for a total oil and gas phase-out.



Sie nennen es "Wissenschaft" 🤡

Are you already informed that your traveling for the aquarium hobby, fish industry or as tourist to explore nature will ...

Are you already informed that your traveling for the aquarium hobby, fish industry or as tourist to explore nature will BE LIMITED?
Interesting to read your comments!
Personal carbon allowances could help curb carbon emissions and lower travel’s overall footprint.

These allowances will manifest as passports that force people to ration their carbon in line with the global carbon budget, which is 750bn tonnes until 2050.

By 2040, we can expect to see limitations imposed on the amount of travel that is permitted each year.

ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero

Do you remember? "You could not get sick", "you couldn't transmit the virus", "you were well protected?"

Do you remember? "You could not get sick", "you couldn't transmit the virus", "you were well protected?"

I, and others, have reported on the exaggerated claims made by vaccine manufacturers about the benefits of the COVID-19 vaccines. In November 2020 for example, Pfizer published results in a press release claiming its mRNA vaccine was “95% effective against COVID-19.” The statistic was widely cit...

Received from a fish specialist Johan Roux "Putting a perspective on gel food types"They have a place in the market like...

Received from a fish specialist Johan Roux
"Putting a perspective on gel food types"

They have a place in the market like all other foods but saying that you get 3 to 5 times more food compared with granular food is a bit far fetched.
You diluting the nutrient content 3 -5 time’s by adding water. Thinking you get more value for money, you actually get less nutritional value from dilution with water. You feeding 3 to 5 times less nutritional value. Your fish will eventually feel it. I’ve done some comparative calcs for those that are interested.
Bottom line is - it doesn’t make 3/5 times more, it actually makes 3-5 times less nutrient feed as you poor fish eats gelled water.


Press conference on the letter from EMA, by Forum for Democracy in the European Parliament
By circumventing and ignoring several laws, the committee knowingly introduced potentially lethal injections onto the market. The batch dependency due to the side effects has been admitted, as has the DNA contamination.” EU/FvD Press Conference November 21, 2023 The press conference starts in Dutch and is continued in English. Botyh parts are subtitled. In this press conference, Marcel de Graaff (FVD MEP) and Joachim Kuhs (AfD MEP), Willem Engel and Vibeke Manniche (doctor) will discuss shocking revelations arising from the letter from the European Medicines Agency (EMA). This letter came in response to the request from Marcel de Graaff and Joachim Kuhs to immediately suspend the licenses of Covid-19 vaccins. Bassleer Gerald - Eco-Modernist

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

WATCH: An Honest & Sensible Conversation about Global Energy | Scott TinkerThis is a talk that everyone has to watch. In...

WATCH: An Honest & Sensible Conversation about Global Energy | Scott Tinker

This is a talk that everyone has to watch. In the real world, we have to make real trade-offs between climate security, energy poverty, and energy security. Energy is necessary for lifting much of the world out of poverty, however, climate concerns are also real considerations. We need to start a constructive, and honest conversation about these trade-offs. Dr Scott Tinker is the director of the Bureau of Economic Geology, the State Geologist of Texas, professor at The University of Texas at Austin, Chairman of the Switch Energy Alliance, and CEO of Tinker Energy Associates. Bassleer Gerald - Eco-Modernist

This is a talk that everyone has to watch. In the real world, we have to make real trade-offs between climate security, energy poverty, and energy security. ...

This is a talk that everyone has to watch. In the real world, we have to make real trade-offs between climate security, ...

This is a talk that everyone has to watch. In the real world, we have to make real trade-offs between climate security, energy poverty, and energy security. Energy is necessary for lifting much of the world out of poverty, however, climate concerns are also real considerations. We need to start a constructive, and honest conversation about these trade-offs.

Dr Scott Tinker is the director of the Bureau of Economic Geology, the State Geologist of Texas, professor at The University of Texas at Austin, Chairman of the Switch Energy Alliance, and CEO of Tinker Energy Associates. Bassleer Gerald - Eco-Modernist

This is a talk that everyone has to watch. In the real world, we have to make real trade-offs between climate security, energy poverty, and energy security. ...

Some facts to learn to understand what kind of world some try to create!

Some facts to learn to understand what kind of world some try to create!

De bewijzen dat vaccinatie NIET DE TOTALE oplossing was, waar ik als pathobioloog genoeg aanwijzingen over had, zijn nu ...

De bewijzen dat vaccinatie NIET DE TOTALE oplossing was, waar ik als pathobioloog genoeg aanwijzingen over had, zijn nu officieel gepubliceerd (in Nature).
De natuurlijke immuniteit is de grote redder! Omdat velen toch eens ziek of verkouden zijn geweest van Covid-19, EN de mutatie van het virus, naar een minder ziekmakende variant, heeft, zoals verwacht, goed meegeholpen naar een situatie waar enig advies voor een volgende prik(booster), voor de meeste gezonde mensen, echt overbodig is! En dan spreken we nog niet van de vernieuwde bijsluiter van Pfizer van 574 pagina’s met alle (nu bekende) risico’s op letsel, myocarditis, hersenverlamming, zenuwschade, auto-immuunziektes, sterfte, enz. (probeer het maar eens te lezen en aan je patiënten mee te delen als ‘informed consent’)

Risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection and hospitalization in individuals with natural, vaccine-induced and hybrid immunity: a retrospective population-based cohort study from Estonia
Natural immunity conferred substantial protection against COVID-19-hospitalization.
Individuals with vaccine-induced immunity were at higher risk than those with natural immunity for infection (Delta aHR 4.90, 95%CI 4.48–5.36; Omicron 1.13, 95%CI 1.06–1.21) and hospitalization (Delta aHR 7.19, 95%CI 4.02–12.84). These results show that risk of infection and severe COVID-19 are driven by personal immunity history and the variant of SARS-CoV-2 causing infection

A large proportion of the world’s population has some form of immunity against SARS-CoV-2, through either infection (‘natural’), vaccination or both (‘hybrid’). This retrospective cohort study used data on SARS-CoV-2, vaccination, and hospitalization from national health system from Februa...



Fachbuchwissen von Dr. Frank über Krankheit, Behandlung, usw.

Fachbuchwissen von Dr. Frank über Krankheit, Behandlung, usw.

⚡⚡ ACHTUNG! Dieses Video enthüllt die schockierenden Wahrheiten, die Dr. Gunter Frank, ein renommierter Allgemeinmediziner, auf dem 2. Corona Symposium der A...

Cooling facts

Cooling facts

A series of short and long videos in preparation for COP28

TIME FOR PEACE AND END OF WAR...when Western countries cannot bring a solution???Gaza And BRICS: Arab Leaders' Visit To ...

TIME FOR PEACE AND END OF WAR...when Western countries cannot bring a solution???
Gaza And BRICS: Arab Leaders' Visit To China Is Only The Beginning!
Arab governments have looked at other options to help establish a ceasefire before it becomes too late. First stop: Beijing. Moscow’s role may be more obscure, but no less essential, in building a global coalition that counters the West’s stance.

Frustrated by the United States’ unwavering support for Israel’s war on Gaza, Arab governments have looked at other options to help establish a ceasefire before it becomes too late. First stop: Beijing. Moscow’s role may be more obscure, but no less essential, in building a global coalition th...

Covid lockdowns were NO more effective than Swedish-style softer approach, major Oxford University-backed study suggests...

Covid lockdowns were NO more effective than Swedish-style softer approach, major Oxford University-backed study suggests
• Researchers made model that measures Covid deaths for different policies
• Letting people adapt behaviour just as effective as lockdowns, study suggests

A team international researchers created a model that generates Covid death data and unemployment rates in response to different pandemic policies.

The fight of the Dutch farmers...against a crazy, unpractical, unscientific nitrogen-model made by WEF & EU! Bassleer Ge...

The fight of the Dutch farmers...against a crazy, unpractical, unscientific nitrogen-model made by WEF & EU! Bassleer Gerald - Eco-Modernist

Stikstof 2000 is een 45 minuten durende documentaire over de Nederlandse boerenstrijd van 2019-23. 70% van Nederland is in handen van kleine veehouders en sinds 2019 pleit de Nederlandse regering voor

Enjoying Brazil

Enjoying Brazil

We give you information for keeping fish in better conditions, learn how to prevent, diagnose and treat fish diseases.He...

We give you information for keeping fish in better conditions, learn how to prevent, diagnose and treat fish diseases.

Here we have a case of a Discus Cichlid with smalle holes in the head.

We show our findings that seems to be related to a bacterial infection.

Join this channel to get access to perks: give you information for keeping fish in better cond...

RECOMMENDED to join! The Alliance for Responsible Citizenship (ARC) is an international community with a vision for a be...

The Alliance for Responsible Citizenship (ARC) is an international community with a vision for a better world where every citizen can prosper, contribute and flourish.
We are inviting you to join us in developing a better narrative in response to life’s most fundamental social, economic, philosophical and cultural questions. We reject the inevitability of decline and instead are seeking solutions which draw on humanity’s highest virtues and extraordinary capacity for innovation and ingenuity.

The Alliance for Responsible Citizenship (ARC) is being established as an international community with a vision for a better world.


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Vrijdag 09:00 - 12:00


+32 16 69 68 39


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Flying Fish Doctor

Serving the ornamental aquatic industry is a challenging carreer due to the complicated issues I encounter during my consulting of breeder, collector, exporter, importer, aquarium shop or giving training to ‘aquatic specialists’. Many of my books have been sold but the practical training ‘in the fish house’ with a guidance to good feeding practices is giving the best results!

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