Motovun Group of International Publishers - MGIP

Motovun Group of International Publishers - MGIP Motovun is a group of friends who like publishing exceptional books!


We are delighted to announce that our book SEEDS - TIME CAPSULES OF LIFE by Rob Kesseler and Wolfgang Stuppy was awarded Bronze at the ICMA awards under the Photo Books category.

SEEDS is a beautiful and fascinating history of these tiny parcels of life, uniquely combining art and science to captivate and enlighten those who are inspires by the wonderful world we live in.

Congratulations to Rob Kesseler and Wolfgang Stuppy and thank you to everyone at International Creative Media Award for their recognition of this beautiful book.

SEEDS is available to purchase now and you can find links to buy on our website (linked in bio).


If you’re local to Western Massachusetts and want to get some last minute gifts we will be here this week! Come on by. 🍉


Lovely to see ‘The Tastes of Home’ by Ong Jin Teong, featuring easy-to-cook dishes from Singapore and Malaysia being launched at specialist cookery bookshop, Books for Cooks, in Notting Hill on Thursday!

John Beaufoy Publishing are proud to have distributed Singapore-based Landmark Books (Landmark Books - Singapore) in the UK since 2014. Thursday's event is sure to be terrific.


Our Fairytale Feasts series celebrated food and stories from around the world!


It’s the perfect time of year to gift a big fancy book! 🎁


‘Sea Pools’ is a WINNER in the International Creative Media Awards!

We’re delighted to share that ‘Sea Pools: 66 saltwater sanctuaries from around the world’ by has been awarded its second award: the ‘Award of Excellence’ in the Photobooks Travel category of the International Creative Media Awards (ICMA) for 2024!

‘Sea Pools’ is a celebration of sea swimming – looking at the architecture, history and social significance of sea pools around the world. The book is illustrated throughout with beautiful colour photography, as well as fascinating archive material to give an insight into the provenance of these vital sanctuaries.

The ICMA Award aims to celebrate the excellence of contemporary graphics design in corporate media, corporate design, book and magazine design across 28 different countries.

‘Sea Pools: 66 saltwater sanctuaries from around the world’ is available to purchase online and in all good bookshops. Click the link in our bio to find it via our website.


A book rooted in the stories of India’s iconic trees.

Discover why Iconic Trees of India is being celebrated for its beauty and depth. 🌳✨




Vinnararnir av 15. ICMA-virðislønunum vórðu kunngjørdir í dag. Millum teirra er Bob eftir Bárð Oskarsson, sum fekk bronsu í bólkinum fyri barna- og ungdómsbókmentir. Bárður hevur bæði skrivað og myndprýtt bókina. Hetta er aðru ferð, at Bárður Oskarsson fær eina ICMA-virðisløn. Í 2017 fekk hann silvur fyri Træið.

ICMA, ið er stytting fyri International Creative Media Award, leggur dent á sniðgávu og sambandið millum snið av tilfari og móttakara av tilfarinum, og í tí sambandi hevur ICMA ein bókmentabólk, har myndprýðing, prentlist og permur verða heiðraðar. Bókmentabólkurin er eitt samstarv millum ICMA og Motovun Group of International Publishers (MGIP), sum er eitt altjóða samstarv millum bókaforløg. Í oktober í ár vann Bob gull í barnabókmentaflokkinum í MGIP Book Awards. 407 tilmeldingar úr 21 londum vóru við í ársins ICMA-virðislønum, og í bókmentabólkinum vóru 214 bøkur tilsamans.

Í bólkinum fyri barna- og ungdómsbókmentir verður mett um sniðið á einari bók, hvussu væl tað hóskar til málbólkin, og hvussu sniðið styrkir lesiupplivinga og -úrtøkuna hjá málbólkinum. Eitt nú verður hugt at stílinum sum heild, um myndprýðingin og søgan hóska saman, og um stavsniðið er egnað til ætlaða lesaran.

Vit ynskja Bárði hjartaliga til lukku við virðislønini!


Celebrating 46 incredible years of Roli Books!
We are immensely grateful to our authors, photographers, colleagues, and our wonderful readers who have made this journey so meaningful. Your stories, creativity, and support continue to inspire us every day. Here’s to many more chapters together!


72 Rue De La Poudrière


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