Tomer Cohen "Story of a Traveler" (2025) is out now! #tomercohen #shaimaestro #cyrilleobermüller #gertjandreessen #newalbum #jazz #piano #jazzpiano #pianojazz #jazzsolo
Tomer Cohen "Story of a Traveler" new album out now! #tomercohen #shaimaestro #cyrilleobermüller #gertjandreessen #newalbum #jazz #guitar #guitarist #jazzguitarist #jazzguitar #guitarelectric #guitarjazz
Amaury Faye Trio - Live at Marciac 2019 #amauryfaye #amauryfayetrio #piano #jazz #jazzpianist #solopiano #pianosolo #marciac #marciacjazzfestival #live #concert #triojazz #jazztrio
Toni Mora "Space Folklore" available on CD and HD Digital. #tonimora #jeanpaulestievenart #jasenweaver #noamisraeli #pepaniebla #jazz #guitar #guitarist #jazzguitar #sologuitar
Daniele Esposito "Per altri motivi" new album out now! #newalbum #basssolo #danieleesposito #bass #doublebass #jazz #jazzbass #jazzbassist #solobass #bassist
Daniele Esposito "Per altri motivi" out December 6, 2024 on Hypnote Records. #danieleesposito #newalbum #peraltrimotivi #doublebass #bassist #basssolo #solobass
Tomer Cohen "Orev (Crow)" New single out now! @shaimaestro @gertjandreessen @cyrilleobermuller #newsingle #jazz #tomercohen #shaimaestro #gertjandreessen #cyrilleobermüller #jazzguitarist #storyofatraveler
Daniele Esposito "Per altri motivi" first solo bass album. Out December 6, 2024 on Hypnote Records #danieleesposito #bassplayer #doublebass #bassist #jazzbassist #jazzbass #jazz #soloalbum #basssolo #newalbum
Lionel Beuvens "49 Steps to Heaven" #lionelbeuvens #alexituomarila #kalevilouhivuori #bricesoniano #jazz #newalbum #europeanjazz #jazzquartet