nWave Studios

nWave Studios A world of imagination✨
European Animation Studio
"The Inseparables" - Now In Theaters

nWave Studio is a leading European animation studio recognized for its state-of-the-art CG animation that delivers entertaining animated content bringing families together. Under the label nWave Pictures, the fully-integrated studio develops, produces and sells high-quality animated feature films, that are distributed in cinemas and on major streaming platforms over the world. Since 2008, nWave Pi

ctures has brought to life a slate of nine compelling adventure-comedies with heart and universal appeal, that embark audiences on visually striking journeys, including the BIGFOOT franchise (The Son Of Bigfoot and Bigfoot Family), The Queen’s Corgi and Chickenhare and the Hamster of Darkness. Under its umbrella nWave Pictures Distribution, the studio also creates highly immersive and innovative 4D/3D attraction films, 3D/2D ride simulation films and 3D/2D educational documentaries for giant-screen theaters. nWave Studio recently produced all concert videos for the world tour for crowd-pleasing music artist Stromae.


282 Rue Des Allies


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