Palyanytsya Studio - Студія Паляниця

Palyanytsya Studio - Студія Паляниця Тут контент про Україну та Українців зі всього світу. Here you can find content about Ukraine and Ukrainians from all around the world.


1 грудня 1991 року відбувся Всеукраїнський
референдум щодо незалежності України, 90,32%
громадян висловилися за право України бути
Молодіжна студія «Гарт» напередодні Референдуму 1991 року провела опитування на вулицях про те за що голосуватимуть люди та чому, говорять про федеративний устрій України.

Джерело відео: Суспільнеculture

#СуспільнеМедіатека #Україна


Commemoration event by Ukrainian Scouts in Belgium

In 1932 and 1933, millions of Ukrainians were killed in the Holodomor, a man-made famine engineered by the Soviet government. Feeling threatened by Ukraine's strengthening national identity, Joseph Stalin took measures to destroy the Ukrainian peasantry and the intellectual elites to prevent them
from seeking independence from the USSR. The primary victims of the Holodomor were farmers and villagers, who made up roughly 80% of Ukraine's population in the 1930s. The estimated number of deaths in these 2 years of famine ranges from 3.5 to 7 million.

Each year, the fourth Saturday of November marks the day of remembrance of the 1932-1933 Holodomor famine in Ukraine. We honor all the lives lost in this horrible tragedy and the resilience of Ukrainian people who overcame these hardships to establish an independent nation in 1991.

Today, echoes of this dark past are felt as Ukraine once again faces threats to its freedom and sovereignty from Russia's invasion. As we remember the victims of the Holodomor, we reaffirm our support for Ukrainians, their liberty, and their democratic nationhood.

The Holodomor stands as a tragic milestone in history: the first genocide systematically orchestrated by the Soviets depriving the Ukrainian population of the very nourishment they produced. This atrocity is especially horrific since the use of food deprivation as a weapon of genocide happened in a region historically known as the "breadbasket of Europe".

Ukraine always produced enough grain to feed not only its own population but also to supply other parts of the Soviet Union and even export abroad, and without the Soviet genocidalpolicies in 1932 and 1933, a famine would be unthinkable. Ukraine's Iong history of resistance against Soviet domination posed significant threat to Stalin's regime. Concerned that rising opposition in Ukraine could escalate and potentially lead tonits secession from the Soviet Union, Stalin implemented impossibly high grain procurement quotas. These draconian measures were enforced alongside a series of ruthless policies designed not only to extract resources but to break the spirit of the Ukrainian people, ultimately aiming to eliminate a significant part of the nation and extinguish an y possibility of independence.

Excessive Grain Quotas: The Soviet regime set impossibly high grain quotas, enforce through violent repression and the complete confiscation of all reserves, leaving farmers without food.

Isolation of Famine Regions: Soviet authorities sealed off affected areas with armed patrols preventing starving peasants from seeking food elsewhere.

Constant Searches and Fines: Officials imposed "natural fines," seizing grain, seeds, and even cooked food, stripping families of all sustenance.

Brutal Repressions: Severe penalties, including ex*****ons, were inflicted on those who resisted or tried to hide food.

A particularly cruel decree, issued in August 1932 and known as the "Law of Five Stalks of Grain", criminalized even the smallest act of taking food from collective fields. Under this law, anyone — adult or child—caught taking any produce, even a few stalks of grain, could face ex*****on or imprisonment for stealing "socialist property"

By early 1933, approximately 54,645 people had been tried and sentenced under this decree with over 2,000 individuals executed. The decree exemplified the extreme measures taken to enforce starvation and punish those struggling to survive.

Overall, in 1932-1933, the Holodomor claimed the lives of an estimated 3.5 to 7 million Ukrainians, though some estimates suggest even higher numbers. Entire villages were decimated as people died en masse from hunger, with the most vulnerable children and the elderly - suffering first.

It remains one of the deadliest famines in human history and is widely recognized as a genocide deliberately orchestrated to crush Ukrainian national identity and resistance against Soviet rule.

Every year in November we commemorate the victims of he Holodomor. By remembering this tragedy, we acknowledge the enduring resilience of the Ukrainian people in the face of overwhelming Soviet oppression. This remembrance is especially relevant today, as Ukraine once again finds itself fighting against Moscow's aggression. The lessons of the Holodomor should always remind us about the dangers of tyranny and the importance of defending sovereignty and freedom.

Holodomor is one of the greatest tragedies of the Ukrainian people. Millions of Ukrainians died of starvation and a terrible imprint on our entire history was left. This tragedy requires us to remember all the innocent victims and never forget who committed these atrocities and continues to commit them now. In order to tell the story of the Holodomor and to remind people once again about the war in Ukraine, on Sunday November 17th the Plast, Ukrainian Scouts in Belgium, organized a commemoration event in Brussels. Using the senses, such as sight, taste and hearing, scouts tried to recall the suffering that Ukrainians experienced then and now.


November 17th 2024
⏰ From 12:00 to 15:30
📍 In front of the Cathedral of St. Michael and St. Gudula, Brussels

Support Ukraine, remember the past! Fight for a free future!

Oranized by/Організатор:
Пласт Бельгія - Oekraïense scouts in België - Scouts ukrainiens en Belgique

Голодомор є однією з найбільших трагедій українського народу. Мільйони загиблих голодною смертю і страшний відбиток на нашій історій, що вимагає від нас пам‘ятати про всіх невинних жертв, і ніколи не забувати, хто вчиняв ці звірства і продовжує їх коїти зараз.
З метою розповісти про Голодомор і вкотре нагадати людям про війну в Україні, в неділю 17 листопада пластуни влаштують акцію пам'яті в Брюсселі. За допомогою чуттів, таких як зір, смак і слух, ми спробуємо пригадати страждання, які українці переживали тоді й зараз.
🗓 17 листопада
⏰З 12:00 по 15:30
📍 Перед Собором Святих Михайла і Гудули в Брюсселі
Підтримуйте Україну! Пам'ятайте минуле! Боріться за вільне майбутнє!

#Україна #Голодомор #Брюссель

Music used in the video:
Title: Rose
Artist: Sam Marshall

In 1932 and 1933, millions of Ukrainians were killed in the Holodomor, a man-made famine engineered by the Soviet govern...

In 1932 and 1933, millions of Ukrainians were killed in the Holodomor, a man-made famine engineered by the Soviet government. Feeling threatened by Ukraine's strengthening national identity, Joseph Stalin took measures to destroy the Ukrainian peasantry and the intellectual elites to prevent them
from seeking independence from the USSR. The primary victims of the Holodomor were farmers and villagers, who made up roughly 80% of Ukraine's population in the 1930s. The estimated number of deaths in these 2 years of famine ranges from 3.5 to 7 million.

Each year, the fourth Saturday of November marks the day of remembrance of the 1932-1933 Holodomor famine in Ukraine. We honor all the lives lost in this horrible tragedy and the resilience of Ukrainian people who overcame these hardships to establish an independent nation in 1991.

Today, echoes of this dark past are felt as Ukraine once again faces threats to its freedom and sovereignty from Russia's invasion. As we remember the victims of the Holodomor, we reaffirm our support for Ukrainians, their liberty, and their democratic nationhood.

HOLODOMOR 1932-1933
Commemoration event by
Пласт Бельгія - Oekraïense scouts in België - Scouts ukrainiens en Belgique
November 17th, 2024

Holodomor is one of the greatest tragedies of the Ukrainian people. Millions of Ukrainians died of starvation and a terrible imprint on our entire history was left. This tragedy requires us to remember all the innocent victims and never forget who committed these atrocities and continues to commit them now.
In order to tell the story of the Holodomor and to remind people once again about the war in Ukraine, on Sunday November 17th the Plast, Ukrainian Scouts in Belgium, organized a commemoration event in Brussels. Using the senses, such as sight, taste and hearing, scouts tried to recall the suffering that Ukrainians experienced then and now.


#Україна #Голодомор


Голодомор і мовчання довго йшли поруч. Про нього мало говорили і очевидці, і дослідники, адже це ставило під загрозу все їхнє становище і навіть життя. Радянська влада пильно стежила, аби жодна інформація про штучно створений голод не просочилася в інші країни. Однак навіть за океаном знайшлися люди, які зробили так, щоб злочин совєтів вийшов на яв.

Один із них — Джеймс Мейс. Це американський історик, який навчався на русистиці, але полюбив Україну і зробив усе від себе залежне, щоб світ знав про Голодомор. Саме завдяки йому щороку в четверту суботу листопада у вікнах українців горять свічки.

Батько Джеймса походив з індіанського племені черокі, яке американський уряд у 1830-х змусив переселитися з корінних земель. У дорозі багато людей загинули від хвороб і голоду. Джеймс був істориком і знав цю сторінку з життя своїх предків.

Коли навчався в Мічиганському університеті на русистиці, познайомився з професором Романом Шпорлюком. Той розповів йому про українців та замовчувану трагедію, яку спричинила радянська влада, — Голодомор.

Докторська дисертація Джеймса була про несумісність ідеалів національного визволення з комуністичною ідеологією й називалася «Національний комунізм у Радянській Україні 1918–1933 рр.».

Відтоді Голодомор став центральною темою його досліджень. Він неабияк доклався до написання книжки «Жнива скорботи. Радянська колективізація і Голодомор». Координував роботу Комісії Конгресу США із вивчення голоду 1932–1933 років, завдяки якій Голодомор вперше назвали геноцидом. Працював з архівами і зібрав майже 200 свідчень українських емігрантів у Канаді та США, які були очевидцями голоду.

У наукових колах русистів Джеймсу Мейсу мстилися за дослідження теми Голодомору, називали її «ревізініоністською» й усіляко дискредитували його. 1993-го він переїхав до України і продовжував свою справу вже тут. На жаль, не маючи належної підтримки.

«Мені судилася така доля, що ваші мертві вибрали мене. І так само, як не можна займатися історією Голокосту і не стати хоч би напівєвреєм, так само не можна займатися історією дослідження Голодомору і не стати хоча б напівукраїнцем. Я втратив над цією роботою забагато років, щоб Україна не стала більшою частиною мого життя».

Джеймс Мейс помер 3 травня 2004 року в Києві. За рік до смерті, 18 лютого 2003-го, у день свого народження, розмістив у газеті «День» матеріал «Свіча у вікні», в якому написав:

«Я ж хочу запропонувати лише акт національної пам’яті, доступний кожному: в Національний день пам’яті жертв 1933-го (в четверту суботу листопада) визначити час, коли кожен член цієї нації, де майже кожна родина втратила когось із близьких, запалить у своєму вікні свічку в пам’ять про померлих».

23 листопада о 16:00


How Russia REWRITES history in its favor | BIG

The first episode of the "Big Russian Lies" series shows how Russia has been using history as a propagandistic tool to advance its political interests for centuries. Russia employs the historical myth of direct descent from Kievan Rus to claim a millennia-long history and justify territorial claims on neighboring states.

Russia asserts special geopolitical rights in Europe by exploiting the historical theme of victory in World War II, creating a myth of a unified, Russian, victorious people. Russia has already printed thousands of textbooks where historical facts are manipulated to fit political expediency.

Why can you still find the term "Kievan Russia" in Western encyclopedias as of 2023? Why does the study of Eastern European history in the world remain so Russia-centric?

Professor Jason Stanley of Yale University, Professor of History and Political Science at the University of Western Ontario Marta Dyczok, Deputy Chairman of the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory Volodymyr Viatrovych, PhD in History, Public History Researcher Anton Liagusha, Senior Associate of the Russia Studies Department at the Center for Eastern Studies (Poland) Maria Domanska discuss how historical manipulations work and how destructive their consequences can be.

"The Big Russian Lies" is a series of films about a country living in an atmosphere of informational sanitation, in which the narratives of Russian propaganda are debunked.

For centuries, Russia has used history, literature, cinema, art, sports, and media as instruments of propaganda to advance political interests. It calls itself the heir of Kievan Rus and justifies claims to the lands of neighboring states.



(UKR/ENG) «путін не хоче, щоб Україна існувала» Хосе Мануель Баррозу, колишній президент Європейської комісії, – сказав у інтерв'ю Euronews, переказуючи свою розмову з російським лідером. путін сказав йому що Україна "штучна країна", створена ЦРУ та Єврокомісією.

"Putin does not want Ukraine to exist" José
Manuel Barroso, the former president of the European Commission, tells Euronews, recounting his conversations with the Russian leader.
Putin claimed Ukraine was an "artificial country" created by CIA and the European Commission.



(UKR/ENG) «Заплатив ногами, щоб врятувати побратимів» – це про Андрія Соломіна: лучанина, ветерана АТО, офіцера, військовослужбовця 100-ї окремої механізованої бригади тероборони.

Ви можете дізнатися більше про його історію у відеоінтерв’ю з ним.

Волонтерська група “ВОЛЯ” в Брюсселі організувала збір коштів на придбання спеціального колісного крісла, яке допоможе Андрію повернутися до активного життя та продовжити боротьбу за свої мрії.
Ціль збору €4000.

Будь ласка долучайтесь будь-якою сумою 🙏🏻

Посилання на банку:

IBAN: BE71 7320 6631 1069
Danylo Dugin
Comunication: Donation for Andriy Solomin

PayPal: [email protected]

Слава Україні 🇺🇦
Andriy Solomin, a brave Ukrainian soldier, lost both his legs defending Ukraine. Despite these challenges, he is determined to lead an active lifestyle and regain his independence.

You can learn more about his story in the video interview with him(English subtitles), link in the comments.

Brussels based volunteers group "Volya" have found a specially adapted wheelchair at the Orthomatton shop in Belgium that will provide Andriy with the mobility and comfort he needs to stay active. They are raising €4,000 to cover the cost of this modern wheelchair.

Please support the fundraiser, it will make a life-changing difference for this hero who gave everything. Every donation brings us closer to helping Andriy to move forward with strength, hope, and renewed energy for an active life.

The link for donations:

You can also make a SEPA bank transfer:
IBAN: BE71 7320 6631 1069
Danylo Dugin
Comunication: Donation for Andriy Solomin
or via PayPal: [email protected]

Thank you for your support! 🇺🇦✊🏻

Andriy Solomin, a brave Ukrainian soldier, lost both his legs defending Ukraine and rescuing his brothers in arms. Despi...

Andriy Solomin, a brave Ukrainian soldier, lost both his legs defending Ukraine and rescuing his brothers in arms. Despite these challenges, he is determined to lead an active lifestyle and regain his independence.

You can learn more about his story in the video interview with him(English subtitles), link in the comments.

Brussels based volunteers group "Volya" have found a specially adapted wheelchair at the Orthomatton shop in Belgium that will provide Andriy with the mobility and comfort he needs to stay active. They are raising €4,000 to cover the cost of this modern wheelchair.

Please support the fundraiser, it will make a life-changing difference for this hero who gave everything. Every donation brings us closer to helping Andriy to move forward with strength, hope, and renewed energy for an active life.

The link for donations:

For SEPA bank transfer:
IBAN: BE71 7320 6631 1069
Danylo Dugin
Comunication: Donation for Andriy Solomin

For PayPal: [email protected]
Comunication: Donation for Andriy Solomin

Thank you for your support! 🇺🇦✊🏻

(UKR/ENG) «Заплатив ногами, щоб врятувати побратимів» – це про Андрія Соломіна: лучанина, ветерана АТО, офіцера, військо...

(UKR/ENG) «Заплатив ногами, щоб врятувати побратимів» – це про Андрія Соломіна: лучанина, ветерана АТО, офіцера, військовослужбовця 100-ї окремої механізованої бригади тероборони.

Ви можете дізнатися більше про його історію у відеоінтерв’ю з ним (англійські субтитри), посилання в коментарях.

Волонтерська група “ВОЛЯ” в Брюсселі організувала збір коштів на придбання спеціального колісного крісла, яке допоможе Андрію повернутися до активного життя та продовжити боротьбу за свої мрії.
Ціль збору €4000.

Будь ласка долучайтесь будь-якою сумою 🙏🏻

Посилання на банку:

IBAN: BE71 7320 6631 1069
Danylo Dugin
Comunication: Donation for Andriy Solomin

PayPal: [email protected]
Comunication: Donation for Andriy Solomin

Слава Україні 🇺🇦
Andriy Solomin, a brave Ukrainian soldier, lost both his legs defending Ukraine and rescuing his brothers in arms. Despite these challenges, he is determined to lead an active lifestyle and regain his independence.

You can learn more about his story in the video interview with him(English subtitles), link in the comments.

Brussels based volunteers group "Volya" have found a specially adapted wheelchair at the Orthomatton shop in Belgium that will provide Andriy with the mobility and comfort he needs to stay active. They are raising €4,000 to cover the cost of this modern wheelchair.

Please support the fundraiser, it will make a life-changing difference for this hero who gave everything. Every donation brings us closer to helping Andriy to move forward with strength, hope, and renewed energy for an active life.

The link for donations:

For SEPA bank transfer:
IBAN: BE71 7320 6631 1069
Danylo Dugin
Comunication: Donation for Andriy Solomin

For PayPal: [email protected]
Comunication: Donation for Andriy Solomin

Thank you for your support! 🇺🇦✊🏻

7 Impressive facts about the culture and history of Ukraine that will definitely surprise you 👇🏻1. The world's first con...

7 Impressive facts about the culture and history of Ukraine that will definitely surprise you 👇🏻

1. The world's first constitution, which outlined the rights of citizens and the government, was drafted and enacted in 1710 by Ukrainian Hetman Pylyp Orlyk. For comparison, the U.S. Constitution was drafted and adopted in 1787.

2. Zaporizhzhya Sich - a socio-political and military-administrative organization of the Ukrainian Cossacks, founded in 1553-1554, today considered one of the first democratic entities in the world.

3. Of the 12 Lavras in the world, 4 are located in Ukraine: the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra (Kyiv, has existed since 1051), the Pochayiv Lavra (Pochayiv, Ternopil region, since 1833), the Holy Dormition Sviatohirsk Lavra (Sviatohirsk, Donetsk region (received the status of a Lavra in 2004) and the Holy Dormition Univ Lavra of the Studite Statute (Univ since 1898).

4. Ukrainian folk songs have become the basis for many world musical masterpieces. For example, George Gershwin's composition "Summertime" was written on the basis of the Ukrainian lullaby "Oh, Sleep Walks by the Windows", which he heard performed by the National Choir of Ukraine under the direction of Oleksandr Kosh*ts.

5. Ukraine gave up the third largest nuclear weapons arsenal in the world (after the United States and russia). At the time of its declaration of independence, more than 1,000 nuclear warheads and missiles were deployed on the territory of Ukraine. Why? The answer is here👇🏻

6. The world's oldest map, carved on a mammoth bone, and the oldest settlement of Homo sapiens were found in Ukraine, in the village of Mezhyrichchia, Rivne region. They are 14.5-15 thousand years old.

7. Ukraine is home to the world's civilizational cradle, older than the Egyptian pyramids and Stonehenge - the Stone Tomb complex in Zaporizhzhia region.



7 Impressive facts about the culture and history of Ukraine that will definitely surprise you 👇🏻

1. The world's first constitution, which outlined the rights of citizens and the government, was drafted and enacted in 1710 by Ukrainian Hetman Pylyp Orlyk. For comparison, the U.S. Constitution was drafted and adopted in 1787.

2. Zaporizhzhya Sich - a socio-political and military-administrative organization of the Ukrainian Cossacks, founded in 1553-1554, today considered one of the first democratic entities in the world.

3. Of the 12 Lavras in the world, 4 are located in Ukraine: the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra (Kyiv, has existed since 1051), the Pochayiv Lavra (Pochayiv, Ternopil region, since 1833), the Holy Dormition Sviatohirsk Lavra (Sviatohirsk, Donetsk region (received the status of a Lavra in 2004) and the Holy Dormition Univ Lavra of the Studite Statute (Univ since 1898).

4. Ukrainian folk songs have become the basis for many world musical masterpieces. For example, George Gershwin's composition "Summertime" was written on the basis of the Ukrainian lullaby "Oh, Sleep Walks by the Windows", which he heard performed by the National Choir of Ukraine under the direction of Oleksandr Kosh*ts.

5. Ukraine gave up the third largest nuclear weapons arsenal in the world (after the United States and russia). At the time of its declaration of independence, more than 1,000 nuclear warheads and missiles were deployed on the territory of Ukraine. Why? The answer is here👇🏻

6. The world's oldest map, carved on a mammoth bone, and the oldest settlement of Homo sapiens were found in Ukraine, in the village of Mezhyrichchia, Rivne region. They are 14.5-15 thousand years old.

7. Ukraine is home to the world's civilizational cradle, older than the Egyptian pyramids and Stonehenge - the Stone Tomb complex in Zaporizhzhia region.



«Вчора зустріч - тепер прощання»
Володимир Шинкарук




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