5/5: The daughter of a Greek doctor is sold by her mother into slavery and ends up in a Roman brothel. Brutal and harsh, this book does give an insight into another part of Roman life: the side of the slaves...
Een pagina over Boeken en Brugge. Boeken & Brugge: een schitterende combinatie! PM ons gerust...
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Description: The combination of different kinds of breakfasts, light lunches (salads, sandwiches and seasonal specials) and our used-book store create a relaxing atmospere.We like to surprise with tasty, healthy food. Organic and vegetarian options are always available. As for drinks : freshly ground coffee, latté, capuccino, fresh tea, homemade limonade and ice-tea....The books are a mix of all genres of non-fiction and fiction. English and French books are available too. We also supply free WIFI and charging points for your laptop, phone and tablet.See you in Books & Brunch ! Closed on Sunday, Monday and official Belgian holidays.