Have you ever gone through the feeling that you wanna isolate yourself from every good feeling for like forever?
This is a state that many of us go into, but no one should ever accept this. No one should give up trying to get out of this. Don't just die before you die. Then you are doing the greatest injustice towards yourself. No one deserves this.
Sadness might be the strongest feeling, yet we should never glorify this. We should cherish the little moments we get to have, and hold on to everything that is good. Make your life into something so that others can cherish your existence too!
On the journey, you may retreat, you may fall back, you may escape if you want, if it helps you to revive. But always do come back. Like Robert Bruce. I think in the 21th year of my life, I finally understood Robert Bruce.
Wishing myself a one month belated happy birthday! I guess I unlocked the truth. Sometimes I feel I'm free of the fear and the pain. But reality has always struck. One thing I want to promise, that I do not want to give up. Even if the whole world is not worth saving, I will keep trying to save at least one.
Like Batman said, "I have to try."