Whether you're looking for a quick chuckle or a full-on laugh fest, we've got you covered! Introduction:
Garments manufacturing is the only goal of others textile manufacturing processes. To make garments and shipping it up-to the buyer, trimmings and accessories has a great importance in garments manufacturing. There are different types of trimmings and accessories which are used in garments man
ufacturing are mentioned in the following. Types of Trimmings and Accessories:
The materials which are attached with the body of garments by sewing are termed as trimmings. One point should be noted in case of trimmings, all the trimmings are used as functional purposes. Another one non-technical explanation is that, trimmings are the ultimate materials that are attached with the garments while using by end user. Different types of trimmings items are mentioned in the following:
Sewing Thread,
Metal Badge,
Shoulder Pad,
All types of Label such as main label, care label, size label etc. Hook and Loop,
Twill Tape,
Velcro Tape
Lace. Accessories:
The materials which are not attached with the body of garments by sewing, only used for garments finishing and packing (decorative purposes) are termed as accessories. The main difference between trimmings and accessories is, trimmings are used as functional purposes and accessories are used as decorative purposes. Garment accessories
Another one non-technical explanation about accessories is that, Accessories are the ultimate materials that are not attached with the garments while using by end user. Different types of accessories items are mentioned in the below:
Collar stand,
Carton sticker,
Safety sticker,
Draw cord/ String,
Back board,
Neck board,
Collar stay,
Gum Tape,
Price ticket,
Poly bag,
Safety Pin,
Tag pin,
Brass Pin,
P.P belt,
Tissue paper,
Size strip,
Pocket flasher,
Hand tag,
Photo in lay,
Both Side Tape,
Plastic Clip.