ACCE Group

ACCE Group Applied Chemistry & Chemical Engineering Group (ACCE Group)
University Of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. b. c. Continue to be an Alumni Member of the ACCE GROUP; and



1 Name and Effect

1) The name of the Association is the ‘ACCE GROUP (Applied Chemistry & Chemical Engineering Group, University of Rajshahi)’.

2) This Constitution is binding on each member of the ACCE GROUP.

3) Any regulations made under provisions in this Constitution are binding upon the ACCE GROUP, affiliated and subsidiary bodies.

4) Where the ACCE GROUP Constitutio

n or Regulations created under this Constitution conflict with those of an affiliated or subsidiary body the ACCE GROUP Constitution or regulations will prevail.

2 Objects of the ACCE GROUP

1) The objects of the ACCE GROUP, a non-profit student organization, shall be to –
a) Foster and promote Objects and mission of the University;

b) Facilitate employment of students under ACCE department. c) Promote the wellbeing and interests of Students;

d) Further the common interest of Students;

e) Provide for and encourage communication among enrolled students in matters of common interest;

f) Provide extra-curricular activities for the general well-being of Students;

g) Represent student when such representation is authorized, necessary and desirable, and to provide a recognized means of communication between the students and the University authorities;

h) Cooperate with anybody or organization having kindred aims;

i) Provide, conduct or manage educational, cultural, sporting, welfare, recreational or commercial facilities or activities intended for the benefit directly, or indirectly, of students;

j) Accommodate and provide for any type of amenities or facilities for Students;

k) Help students achieve their full social and spiritual potential;

l) Contribute effectively, positively and in accordance with the University’s Objects to the wider community;

2) The property and income of the ACCE GROUP shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of the ACCE GROUP and no part of that property or income may be paid or otherwise distributed, directly or indirectly, to members of the ACCE GROUP, except in good faith in the promotion of the objects.

3 Powers and Functions of the ACCE GROUP

1) The Powers of the ACCE GROUP, as exercised by the ACCE GROUP Committee, are to:

a) Represent the ACCE GROUP and Students in public ceremonies and functions as requested by the University;
b) Represent the ACCE GROUP and Members in cultural, sporting and social activities;

c) Upon request by a Student, provide support in relation to any hearings of a University Discipline Committee;

d) Represent Students in liaising with the University, other Universities and external bodies;

e) Serve on the Student Board, Student Affairs Committee or other University committees as required under University Regulation or Statute;

f) Affiliate with any other university association or any other association of students;

g) Expend and invest moneys –

i) In any security in which trust moneys may lawfully be invested; and

ii) In any other manner authorized by the Constitution;

h) Borrow or raise money for any of the objects of the ACCE GROUP, including raising funding and seeking sponsorships for the ACCE GROUP;

i) Create committees or subsidiary bodies of the ACCE GROUP;

j) Take such actions as necessary in the performance of its obligations as prescribed by this Constitution; and

k) Create Rules, Regulations, Terms of Reference and Standing Orders in accordance with this Constitution and as may be necessary in the management or performance of the business, affairs, obligations and procedures of the ACCE GROUP as prescribed by this Constitution;

l) Create, by way of a Special Resolution passed through the ACCE GROUP Committee, binding Regulations relating to any aspect of the operation of the ACCE GROUP, the ACCE GROUP Committee, subsidiary bodies, affiliated and registered clubs and societies in consultation with the relevant body. Registered…

 page Link:
 Facebook Private Group:
 Facebook Admin Panel (ACCE GROUP):
 AC / ACCT / ACCE Student Info Link:
 Committee Member Link:
 Official File Link:
 Official Mail: [email protected] & [email protected]

4 Discrimination

No person in the Student Body shall be discriminated against by the ACCE GROUP on the basis of race, s*x, gender identity, religion, political beliefs, mental or physical disability, s*xual orientation, age or financial status. Part 2 Membership

5 Qualifications for membership of the ACCE GROUP

1) There are five types of membership on the ACCE GROUP:

a) Ordinary membership;

b) Committee membership;

c) Alumni Membership;

d) Honorary Life Membership; and

e) Advisor & additional member

2) All students enrolled at the Department of Applied Chemistry / Applied Chemistry & Chemical Technology / Applied Chemistry & Chemical Engineering of the University of Rajshahi are automatically Ordinary Members of the ACCE GROUP through their valid and continued enrolment without the need for application.

3) All students who have graduated from the Department of Applied Chemistry / Applied Chemistry & Chemical Technology / Applied Chemistry & Chemical Engineering of the University of Rajshahi are automatically an Alumni Member of the ACCE GROUP. Alumni Members have all rights and privileges of Ordinary Members except they are only eligible to nominate for Alumni Director on the ACCE GROUP and cannot vote unless they have been appointed as Alumni Director.

4) In establishing an additional class of membership:

a) No rights, privileges or benefits to Ordinary Members under this Constitution or any Regulation shall be reduced, diminished or altered in any way; and

b) Any fee must be reasonable taking into account the nature and extent of the additional entitlements and benefits, equity, Student capacity and ability to pay the feed and the objects of the University.

6 Member entitlements

1) All members of the ACCE GROUP shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges and shall observe the duties and obligations specified in this constitution.

2) A member may at any reasonable time inspect without charge the books, documents, records and securities of the ACCE GROUP.

3) A member may make a copy of or take an extract from any of the books, documents, records and securities of the ACCE GROUP but shall have no right to remove the books, documents, records or securities for that purpose. Part 3 Election
7 Election Governance

1) All elections, polls and referendums are to be run in accordance with this Constitution and the Election Regulations. Any Election Regulations (provided they are not inconsistent with this Constitution) must be passed by an absolute majority of the Committee.

2) The ACCE GROUP Committee will appoint an Election Tribunal to conduct the Annual election of the ACCE GROUP.

3) The powers and function of the Election Tribunal include:

a) Setting the dates for nomination and election;

b) Resolving disputes between and of candidates;

c) Counting the ballots; and

d) Declaring and publishing the results of the election.

4) The Returning Officer for the election shall be the Manager of the Student Services Office or their representative, and they:

a) Shall supervise and count the ballots;

b) Must not be members of the Association or the student body of the University; and

c) Must be neutral and publicly perceived as such.

8 Voting

1) All students are eligible to vote. However, a student can only one vote.

9 Qualifications for Candidates

a. Subject to the Constitution or the Election Regulations, all ordinary members are eligible to stand as candidates for election to the ACCE GROUP Committee. To be eligible to stand as a candidate for an Executive position:

i. The student must have previously been on the ACCE GROUP Committee and must not have been removed from office by operation of any provision in this Constitution. To be eligible to stand as a candidate for Alumni Director:

i. The candidate must have been a graduate of the Department of Applied Chemistry & Chemical Engineering of the University of Rajshahi;

ii. The ACCE GROUP may give preference to a candidate that have previously served on the ACCE GROUP Committee. d. To be eligible to stand as a candidate for Postgraduate Representative:

i. The Student must be enrolled in either a Masters or Doctoral level degree in the Department of Applied Chemistry & Chemical Engineering of the University. e. A student will be disqualified from candidature if he or she is:

i. Not an ordinary member;

ii. A member of the academic staff of the University;

iii. A member of the Election Tribunal;

iv. Previously convicted of an offence and sentenced to imprisonment or who is currently under sentence or has not been given a free pardon;

f. Any Candidate who repeatedly fails to comply with this Constitution or the Election Regulation may be disqualified from the election.

10 Referenda

a. The ACCE GROUP Committee shall submit a question to a referendum of the Student Body or of the members of the ACCE GROUP, if –

i. the ACCE GROUP Committee resolves by an absolute majority;

ii. a general meeting resolves by a simple majority; or

iii. one hundred students submit a petition to the Student Body President;

b. Unless expressed to the contrary in this section, sections applying to an Annual General Election shall also apply to a Referendum in so far as they are appropriate and practical. If the referendum is –

i. of the whole student body, all students of the Student Body shall be entitled to one vote;

ii. of Association members only, each ACCE GROUP member only shall be entitled to one vote. Referenda may be held in conjunction with any election. The ACCE GROUP Committee shall determine all matters of detail in connection with any referenda. f. The result of a referendum shall be decided in the affirmative by a simple majority of the votes. g. A valid vote in a referendum is a ballot paper that has only the question and “yes” or “no” written on the ballot paper unless otherwise determined by the Executive Committee prior to the commencement of voting in a referendum. h. If the constitution needs to be amended-

The elected members of the admin panel will have to make the final decision by filling the quorum through ballot and online voting for amending the constitution, making laws and other important decisions. Part 4 Amendment of the Constitution

11 Amendment of the Constitution

a. This constitution binds every member and the ACCE GROUP to the same extent as if every member and the ACCE GROUP had signed and sealed this constitution and agreed to be bound by all their provisions. An amendment to this Constitution may be proposed in either of two ways:

i. by a member of the Association provided that such proposed amendments shall be in writing and submitted to the ACCE GROUP Secretary by any member of the ACCE GROUP with the signatures of the proposing member and twenty
(20) other students accompanied by a statement of explanation; or

ii. by a resolution of an absolute majority of the ACCE GROUP Committee. This constitution may be made, altered or repealed in accordance with the following procedure –

i. A resolution to amend shall be put to a general meeting as a special resolution. ii. If at the general meeting required by alterations are made to the proposed amendment –

1. in form only, the proposed amendment may be voted on at the general meeting;

2. that affect the substance of the proposed amendment, the change will constitute a new proposed amendment and the procedures outlined in this section must be followed through again for the new proposed amendment. iii. Within one month of the passing of a resolution to amend, the Secretary shall lodge with the relevant Statutory authority:

1. notice of the resolution setting out particulars of the amendment; and

2. a certificate, signed by the officer presiding at the General Meeting, certifying that the resolution was duly passed and that the amended constitution complies with the Act. Part 5 Transitional

12 Logo, Pad & Seal

a. The ACCE GROUP may have a logo, pad common seal on which its corporate name appears in legible characters. Unless the Committee decides otherwise, the Secretary shall have the custody of the logo. The logo shall not be used without the express authority of the Committee. The affixing of the logo shall be witnessed by Ten members of the three Committee.





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WE, the students of department of Applied Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, University of Rajshahi, in order to enhance our educational, spiritual and departmental social development during the course of our study, set down here the Constitution of the ACCE GROUP of The University of Rajshahi.

The ACCE GROUP, while being run by students, will fulfill these aspirations through the representation of students, the building of a vibrant student community and the promotion of interaction between the AC / ACCT / ACCE students and the University and the wider community.

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