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Perfect health A page dedicated to health and lifestyle.

Can you train fasted? Some people manage to have a good performance training in fasted state, mainly when the exercise i...

Can you train fasted?

Some people manage to have a good performance training in fasted state, mainly when the exercise is of low or moderate intensity and also of short duration.

However, it is important to emphasize that the more we increase the intensity of the exercise and the longer it lasts, the more we will need carbohydrate reserves in our body and, if we are fasting, we will probably not have these adequate amounts and we will have a loss in training performance.

So always be aware, if you need to do aerobics first thing in the morning, such as a walk or a low intensity bike ride, you can do this fasting workout.

However, if your training in the morning is high-intensity bodybuilding or any exercise that involves high intensity and long duration, it is important that you have a pre-workout meal or even consume more solid carbohydrates before bed to ensure good performance in this training morning.

Does training fasting lose weight? Many people believe that fasting training will bring weight loss faster.  But this is...

Does training fasting lose weight?

Many people believe that fasting training will bring weight loss faster. But this is not true. Slimming comes mainly with greater energy expenditure throughout the day, that is, we have to spend more energy than we ingest throughout the day.

So fasting training can generate weight loss if we think that it is increasing your day's energy expenditure, but training alone is not the main factor for weight loss.

Another important factor to remember is that for weight loss, our body needs to oxidize (“burn”) the fats that we have as an energy reserve, but the mitochondria that are in our muscles do this, that is, it is important to have a good amount of mitochondria inside our muscle, and it is also important to have an adequate amount of muscle for the weight loss process.

And the best stimulus to increase the amount of mitochondria in the muscle is the constant practice of physical exercises, so long before thinking about training on an empty stomach, keep in mind that it is more important for you to maintain a regularity of training, because it will not help you to do it a fasted workout on one day and no workout on the other two days.

Another important detail for you to remember is that many people after a fasted workout end up feeling exacerbated hunger, and most of the time choose foods rich in sugars and fats and, consequently, rich in energy.

Now just imagine, the person did a fasting workout to lose weight, and spent a certain amount of energy, but after the workout, as he was very hungry, he ingested much more energy than necessary and recovered that caloric expenditure from training, thinking about that sense of kilocalories, did little to help the training.

Tips to improve sleep quality We understand, therefore, that it is necessary to develop a good sleep routine.  However, ...

Tips to improve sleep quality

We understand, therefore, that it is necessary to develop a good sleep routine. However, many people do not know how to do this.

Check out the following tips that will help you develop a quality sleep routine with great efficiency.

1- Have a bedtime

As we have seen, a person should sleep between 7 to 8 hours, so that we are alert and in a good state of mind. This even includes free days such as holidays and weekends.

In this way, to have a quality sleep, it is necessary to have a regularity in the times to go to bed and go to sleep. This makes the body get used to the routine.

2-Turn off electronic devices

Electronic devices such as smartphones and televisions need to be turned off about an hour before going to bed, mainly because these components stimulate the brain – due to the light emitted – and impair sleep.

For this, using background music can be very beneficial. That's because sounds can relax the brain and consequently contribute to sleep.

3-Have a dark environment

To maintain a suitable environment for relaxing and sleeping with quality, a dark space is necessary and, if you do not like it, resort to using indirect light, mainly yellow, as this favors sleep.

This indirect light can be made with a table lamp.

4-Avoid alcohol

Some research indicates that alcoholic beverages – when consumed before bedtime – can impair REM sleep, that is, the deepest dimension of sleep.

It is at this stage that we dream and sleep is characterized by being deeper, helping to rest and strengthen the body.

Therefore, it is important to avoid this type of drink before going to bed.

5-Avoid heavy food

Another important element is to avoid the consumption of fatty foods, as the digestion process lasts longer and interferes with the night's sleep.

In addition, avoiding this type of food allows the in-office bleaching to have a better result (such as health as a whole), as well as facial/aesthetic treatments and general maintenance of the body.

Therefore, we understand that in order to maintain quality sleep, it is necessary to take care of what you eat, avoid alcoholic beverages and reduce the pace of work so that the body can relax properly and safely.

How does sleep quality affect your health? During sleep, it is possible to restore energy and regulate metabolism, essen...

How does sleep quality affect your health?

During sleep, it is possible to restore energy and regulate metabolism, essential factors for maintaining a healthy body and mind. Sleeping well is a habit that should be included in everyone's routine.

Experts recommend an average of 8 hours of sleep a day, without interruptions. This number may vary according to each individual's age and the developmental needs of their body, as indicated.

In the long term, poor sleep quality can have far-reaching effects on your overall health. It increases your “cardiovascular risk,” putting you at greater risk for conditions like strokes and heart attacks. Poor sleep is also associated with high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity. In addition to physical health problems, poor sleep quality is also a contributing factor to mental health problems such as depression, emotional exhaustion, poor concentration and mood swings. It doesn't hurt to repeat and insist: sleeping well is the secret of good health and happiness.

The quality of sleep is not only related to hours slept, but also to several other factors. It's important to get good quality sleep so that you feel rested when you wake up. Having regular bedtime and waking up times is also an essential factor in creating good health habits.

By sleeping less than 8 hours a night, you disrupt the optimal functioning of your body, increasing the chances of developing diseases such as: obesity, diabetes, hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases, immunological alterations, constant colds and even mental disorders.

DO YOU KNOW WHAT REM SLEEP IS?  UNDERSTAND THE SLEEP CYCLE A good night's sleep is essential for a healthy life, as it h...


A good night's sleep is essential for a healthy life, as it helps regulate metabolism, renew cells, consolidate learning and so many other issues that directly influence our body's development. But do you know how the sleep cycle works and how to get a good night's rest? The human body goes through 4 to 6 sleep cycles per night, each lasting 90 minutes and can be divided into phases. See below:

- Sleep phase 1;

- Sleep phase 2;

- Stage 3 sleep;

- Sleep phase 2;

- Sleep phase 1;

- REM sleep.

*Stages 1 and 2 repeat after stage 3.

sleep stage 1

This moment is called sleep latency, which is the lightest stage of sleep, in addition to being the period of time needed to make the transition from wakefulness to total sleep. At this stage, it's normal to wake up more easily, even if you don't realize you're already asleep. This stage lasts, on average, 10 minutes and it is normal to have the “feeling of falling”.

sleep stage 2

At this stage we continue in light sleep. The body is more relaxed than in phase 1, but the head is still agitated, so it's also easier to wake up with small noises or movements. This stage lasts about 20 minutes, and this is when your heart rate starts to drop, as does your body temperature.

sleep stage 3

This is the beginning of the transition from light to deep sleep, in which the body is completely relaxed and external stimuli do not affect it so much, that is, movements and noises hardly disturb sleep.

In this period there is still no sleep, as the mind is turned off for the body to work on recovering the damage that was suffered during the day. It is also important to point out that after three complete sleep cycles, this stage stops happening.

REM sleep

Sleep begins as soon as we close our eyes (phase 1), but we go through several stages until we reach REM sleep, in English Rapid Eye Movement, which means "rapid eye movement". This sleep is the most difficult to achieve, as it is a deeper stage, when the body can really relax. The stages before it are called non-REM.
REM is the last stage of the sleep cycle, which lasts about 20 minutes each and is where dreams happen. At that moment our heartbeat accelerates and the so-called “sleep paralysis” occurs, as the brain blocks motor neurons so that the body does not reproduce the movements that occur in dreams.
The total REM sleep time decreases with the age of the person, that is, the younger the person, the more REM sleep time. A newborn, for example, sleeps more than 80% of his sleep in the REM phase. An elderly person has only 10% of his sleep in this stage.
REM sleep is extremely important for health, as this phase is characterized by intense brain activity. It's when we produce several fundamental hormones for our body and retain new learning in our memory, for example. Therefore, it is essential that sleep is not interrupted until reaching this stage.

Ingredients 200ml cold whole or skimmed milk 3 large pitted plums 2 tablespoons of natural laxative (100g chia 100g amar...

Ingredients 200ml cold whole or skimmed milk 3 large pitted plums 2 tablespoons of natural laxative (100g chia 100g amaranth 100g Quinoa 100g Flaxseed) 2 tablespoons oat bran flakes 1 coffee spoon of coconut oil 1/2 papaya papaya Preparation mode Blend everything in a blender for about 2 minutes and then drink.

Sweat it out this weekend with this routine. Tag a friend 💪 1️⃣ Kettlebell sumo squats2️⃣ Goblet squats3️⃣ Deadlifts3 se...

Sweat it out this weekend with this routine. Tag a friend 💪
1️⃣ Kettlebell sumo squats
2️⃣ Goblet squats
3️⃣ Deadlifts
3 set of 10 each (with moderate to heavy weight)

Bananas are not only one of the most popular fruits worldwide, but they are also very healthy. They contain a number of ...

Bananas are not only one of the most popular fruits worldwide, but they are also very healthy. They contain a number of essential nutrients and antioxidants that can benefit your health in many ways – such as improving heart and digestive health. Eating bananas can also help with weight loss because they are high in fiber and other nutrients. A lot of people enjoy banana shakes as a healthy way to help achieve their weight loss goals. Banana shake is a healthy and nutritious drink that can be enjoyed as a convenient breakfast option or a quick snack.

1 cup almond milk 1 small beet 1 cup mixed berries 1/2 inch ginger 1 tbsp ground flax 5 mint leaves Cre on pic

1 cup almond milk
1 small beet
1 cup mixed berries
1/2 inch ginger
1 tbsp ground flax
5 mint leaves

Cre on pic

This very beneficial fat-burning drink can help reduce body weight, improve metabolism and nutrient absorption, and deto...

This very beneficial fat-burning drink can help reduce body weight, improve metabolism and nutrient absorption, and detoxify the whole body. As noted above, you will need some cardiovascular exercise and a healthy diet, as they play an important role in burning belly fat.

Cre on pic

The Smoothie Slim Detox recipes don’t just help with weight loss, they also offer lots of wonderful health benefits too!...

The Smoothie Slim Detox recipes don’t just help with weight loss, they also offer lots of wonderful health benefits too! ⁣ Incorporating one nutrient-packed smoothie into your daily routine offers incredible benefits

Here are a few ideas of excellent healthy snacks to have during the course of your day ! Enjoy !

Here are a few ideas of excellent healthy snacks to have during the course of your day ! Enjoy !

Bicep Workout – Exercise Tips and How to Train. For men this muscle is fundamental for women not so much, but for a firm...

Bicep Workout – Exercise Tips and How to Train.
For men this muscle is fundamental for women not so much, but for a firm arm training it is fundamental. Want to know what a good biceps workout looks like? Let's see more about this muscle and some tips to train it.
The biceps brachii muscle is one of the best known in the human body, it is the muscle that is located on the front of your arm. It has this name because it is divided into two portions (long and short portion).
The movement is the opposite of the triceps, remember this one? (Triceps Training) That is, the elbow flexion, also makes a slight shoulder flexion and forearm supination.
In this way, all exercises that have arm flexion will activate the biceps, basically they are back exercises, but in some shoulder exercises such as high row and front elevation we also find the activation of the biceps.
Exercises for the Biceps
Let's see some exercises used to train biceps:
– Neutral curl: this exercise can be done with the H bar, Dumbbels, just turn your hands towards your torso and finally, the rope curl on the pulley.
By having elbow flexion there will be activation of the biceps, however due to the direction the hand is in (neutral position) there is greater work of the brachioradialis a forearm muscle, the greater the pronation (hand facing downwards) the greater the activation of the forearm.
The forearm muscles are secondary in a biceps workout, meaning that when you are training one, the other is also activated, however the biceps is a bigger and stronger muscle, so it should be done first.
Neutral or prone exercises should be done after biceps training.
– Concentrated Curl: famous biceps exercise, sitting down, leaning your torso and resting your elbow on your knee, did you recognize it? This is a great exercise as long as it's done well, as your knee shouldn't be bouncing and your other hand shouldn't help! Classic mistakes. It is a good exercise because it is unilateral and because of the amplitude that the movement is capable of.
– Scott Curl: great exercise, this one is almost impossible to steal, as the elbows are supported. They should be in line with your shoulders. The movement is shorter when performed free, because when passing the elbow line, gravity is in your favor (this does not happen with a machine) and the extension cannot be total, because the pressure on the elbow is enormous, be careful!
-Circuit curl: Of course it couldn't be missing, bar curl is a classic biceps training exercise, it can be done with the straight bar, with the w bar or dumbbels.
Important in this exercise is to keep your hands supinated, that is, facing forward. This will make a greater activation of the biceps. Bend your elbows bringing the dumbbels up to your shoulders. Control the movement of the descent and extend the entire arm. Keep your elbows from going behind your torso, they should always be close to your body. As it is a free exercise, it is very important to keep your abdomen contracted.
Check it out in the video below. And take the opportunity to subscribe to our channel!
Biceps workout tips
– Periodizing is important! If you want to emphasize your arms, or are doing strength training, for example, don't train biceps with back training, your arms will be tired and won't perform as well.
– Do not do pendulums, it is very common to see biceps training in gyms. It can be dangerous for the lumbar in addition to the exercise being precarious. Lower the load and do it right; locked elbows just flex and extend, simple.
– Extension is also important, it will increase muscle activation and prevent muscle shortening.

Tips for your abs workout Training the abdomen is not just to have a “six pack”, training the abdomen is important for p...

Tips for your abs workout
Training the abdomen is not just to have a “six pack”, training the abdomen is important for posture, support and balance that will be required not only in everyday life but in a simple activity like running, the definition is a consequence.
Remember the breath! Whenever you contract the air must be expelled.
Before increasing load, increase intensity with greater amplitude and instability.
Work the entire muscle region, even the deepest ones, which will be more activated in instability exercises.
To define, do aerobics and improve your diet.
During the whole exercise keep your abdomen contracted, relaxing at some point can generate a high load for the lumbar, causing injuries.

Abdominal exercises types Let's explain some exercises for abs Re**us Abdominal Solo This is the best known, lying on yo...

Abdominal exercises types
Let's explain some exercises for abs
Re**us Abdominal Solo
This is the best known, lying on your back on the mat with your feet flat on the floor close to your hips. The movement is to contract the abdomen by taking the thoracic part off the ground. An important detail in this exercise, when you contract and the torso rises, exhale (release) the air, the return to the ground must be slow and inhaling the air.
There are numerous variations of this exercise, taking your foot off the ground, leaving your knee in line with your hips and supporting your lower back, making it more comfortable for those with low back pain. Extending the arms keeping the elbow close to the ear creates greater resistance causing the muscle to produce more force.
Abdominal Oblique
The oblique exercise is the lateral flexion of the abdomen. Lying on your side with one arm in front of your body, do the lateral contraction by taking your shoulder off the ground. So breathing is equal to the exercise of the re**us abdominis.
Some variations can be made, taking your feet off the ground will generate greater instability and greater abdominal contraction, you can go down and up your legs along with the torso making the exercise more difficult.
Abdominal Plank
It has no movement, in this exercise you have your elbows and feet flat on the ground, your hips and torso suspended, they must be aligned. Abdominal contraction should be maintained for about 30 to 45 seconds. This is an exercise that works deeper muscles such as the transversus abdominis, in addition to the lumbar region, essential for everyday life and for other exercises that require this musculature, such as the squat.
As a variation we have the elevation of one leg or arm, both or in devices that promote instability such as the bosu or medicine ball.
There are some questions that leave practitioners in doubt about abs training, I've put some below so they can be clarified

Risks of Obesity – causes and risks of the new global epidemic A worldwide epidemic scares the government of several dev...

Risks of Obesity – causes and risks of the new global epidemic
A worldwide epidemic scares the government of several developed and emerging countries, and there is no vaccine because there is no virus or bacteria. It's not in the water, not in the air. In the food… Maybe. Obesity has become a worldwide epidemic, let's see the causes and risks of obesity.
causes of obesity
I'll let you guess what the main cause of this epidemic is. Whoever said it was right, bad habits. Every day that passes we are always looking for facilities to gain more time.
Today I don't need to leave the house to go shopping, I buy online, and of course, I buy frozen foods that are not nutritious at all. Just put it in the microwave and it's ready in less than 2 minutes, I can also call and a nice pizza with soda arrives quickly, I can take my car to a drive-thru and get a giant hamburger and fries. At least once a month you should have done this.
There are other causes that help hold on to that fat, such as endocrine, metabolic and genetic problems, in these cases the struggle to stay in weight will be greater. However, the bad habit, routine or that bad habit that passes and we don't even notice during the day, will be decisive so that at the end of the month, we accumulate a few extra kilos of fat.
The problem is not eating more greasy food, because sometimes it's good or we really don't have alternatives, but making it a routine, that does become a big problem.
Result of a new culture of society, which has been affecting since childhood and explodes in adulthood. Stress, which makes us compulsively eat; sedentary lifestyle, not expending the energy that is now stored; poor diet, no time to eat or preferences for “junk foods”, are classic examples of mistakes that you have already committed at some point in your life and that should not become a habit.
Of course, obesity is not always concentrated only in lifestyle, hormonal disorders are often the main cause, or many times one leads to the other, which is why losing weight becomes so difficult and in some cases requires medical help. (See more about Obesity Hormones).
But obesity affects your health in different ways, let's see some risks of obesity.
The risks of obesity
Have you ever heard that phrase “here we do it, here we pay”, well, in our case you can pay dearly. I will show some consequences that this habit can have on your life or the end of it:
Heart diseases (risk of heart attack)
Type 2 diabetes
Arterial Hypertension (high blood pressure)
Osteoarthritis (joint wear)
hormonal disorders
deviations in the column
psychosocial problems
sleep apnea
increase cholesterol
Cholelithiasis (gallstone)
A short list, however, each of them can turn into more serious chain diseases with a higher probability of cancer, stroke, thrombosis, varicose veins.
Remembering that obesity is not the only cause of these diseases, but it is a big factor. This explains the enormous concern of the WHO (World Health Organization) with the epidemic, and the high spending on health by governments.
The risks of obesity are serious and can have serious consequences for your quality of life. Let's live longer, but I think you want to live with quality correct?
This concern with obesity should start from childhood

Childhood X obesity The fact that adults have a sedentary routine is more common, it is more “acceptable”, after all we ...

Childhood X obesity
The fact that adults have a sedentary routine is more common, it is more “acceptable”, after all we have to work to pay bills, take care of the children, take care of the house and several other excuses that are somewhat understandable. On the other hand, children around the world are becoming more sedentary, as a result of which: the high number of childhood obesity.
Some problems of an overweight child, is the greater probability of being an obese adult having later more difficulty to fight against excess weight and having greater chances of acquiring health problems (described above) earlier in life, in addition to being prone to psychological problems, bad habits and reluctance to physical activity, among others.
Some of the culprits for this are technology, such as the internet and increasingly realistic and addictive games, in addition to the preference for unhealthy foods such as industrialized sweets and snacks. But the most guilty are the parents. They are responsible for creating their children's routine, today there are children with more tasks than many adults, surrounded by technology, treats and stress. Bad habits in childhood result in bad habits in adulthood.
Being overweight is not a sign of an unhealthy person, there are healthy chubby people out there, but having bad habits can become a ticking time bomb.

Tips on how to train to gain mass Want to favor hypertrophy?  Here are six suggestions: 1-Train hard, giving preference ...

Tips on how to train to gain mass
Want to favor hypertrophy? Here are six suggestions:
1-Train hard, giving preference to higher volumes (sets and repetitions);
2-Capriche in eccentric contractions (the return of the movement);
3-Work in greater amplitudes of movement, making the muscle exert strength while it is elongated;
4-Try to respect around 48 hours of rest before training the same muscle group again;
5-Consume adequate amounts of calories, carbohydrates and proteins - and post-workout, prioritize carbohydrates. The 4:1 formula (4 servings of carbohydrate to 1 serving of protein) is very favorable;
6-Never underestimate the value of a good night's sleep. Try to sleep at least seven hours a night.

How long to wait before training the same muscle group? Do you train, train, train and the muscle doesn't grow?  Maybe t...

How long to wait before training the same muscle group?
Do you train, train, train and the muscle doesn't grow? Maybe that's the problem. In order for the muscle to grow to its full potential, we need to respect adequate rest time. And the training frequency must respect three factors.
1 - The duration of the increase in protein synthesis (protein building) triggered by exercise;
2 - The subsequent decrease in the stimulus for protein synthesis, which leads to a certain atrophy (loss of muscle mass), and post-workout nutrition:
About the two points above: after the training session, for a certain period, protein synthesis is increased, leading to muscle hypertrophy (increase in muscle mass). This increase in protein synthesis lasts for approximately 48 hours. Studies show that stimulating the same muscle again during this period is not as effective, for two reasons: either this new stimulus is interpreted by the organism as part of the previous stimulus, or it interrupts the increase in protein synthesis provided by the previous training.
Post-workout nutrition has its role, since offering calories and carbohydrates in this period helps to minimize the drop in protein synthesis that occurs after that initial increase in stimulus. In this case, unlike protein, it is advisable to consume carbohydrates within the first 30 minutes after training, in order to facilitate their entry into muscle cells.
3 - The duration of fatigue triggered by exercise:
There is also the issue of post-exercise fatigue. Training a fatigued muscle will also not bring the desired results, because during this period the muscle has its ability to generate mechanical tension reduced.
And in terms of post-training fatigue, primarily aimed at hypertrophy, we have yet another aggravating factor: the training that most favors hypertrophy is the one that involves greater training volumes, with a predominance of eccentric contractions (the return of movement) and with greater ranges of motion (so that the muscle works closer to its maximum stretch). This type of training leads to a type of fatigue that takes longer to dissipate (it is the fatigue triggered by the accumulation of calcium within the muscle fiber). Therefore, training the same muscle groups with less than 48 hours of rest is not advisable.

4 essential attitudes to control your mind, maintain motivation and 'fly' in trainingPsychological factors such as lack ...

4 essential attitudes to control your mind, maintain motivation and 'fly' in training
Psychological factors such as lack of motivation can be your worst enemies when training. You probably don't pay attention to this, but you should.
It's a fact, backed by practice and science: psychological factors can be your worst enemies when it comes to training. You probably don't pay attention to this, but you should.
Lack of motivation or drive, laziness, bad mood, bad will and other issues of this type can ruin your goals in the gym - and in many other aspects of life.
There are many people who spend money buying equipment to control themselves at home, signing up for online training and the like, in the hope that with this they will be able to circumvent the lack of motivation.
But in addition to being a necessary expenditure of money, these facilities are not what will bring your spirits back. Money only buys methods, not the motivation to train.
Aligning your values and interests are the foundation of a successful plan, rather than focusing purely on results.
Do you want to learn how to put this into practice, control your mind and have the motivation and willingness to “fly” at the gym? So, connect with the four pillars that will help you get there, with maximum focus and spirituality, to guarantee the insane shape you want so much!
4 essential attitudes to control your mind, maintain motivation and 'fly' in training
1- Be clear on your goals
Being honest with your goals is an indisputably necessary attitude for achieving the results you want to achieve. If you don't define what you hope to achieve, then not only will it be impossible to come up with a decent plan, but it will certainly give you less direction to get to where you want to be in the long run.
To do this, you need to clearly define what your goal is in the gym and make sure you have the weight you need for your starting point, progress and end result.
Have frequent, honest dialogue with your teacher or coach, and ask them to help you set a goal before you start training – and renew your goals as you reach your goals.
If your goal is to gain more muscle mass, discuss all this with him so that your results are more assertive. Having a follow-up with an expert ensures that you don't end up betting on impossible, unfeasible or meaningless goals.
Also try to set short-term or medium-term goals. Very distant goals may seem impossible and capable of becoming dangerous (and discouraging) pitfalls.
Remember: if you're not evaluating, you're guessing. Having clarity on your goals and results with descriptive measures keeps you more focused in your training.
Knowing exactly where you want to go and being sure that this is possible is a big step towards the achievements you seek.
2- Get accurate feedback
4 attitudes - feedback
Getting feedback on your training has a powerful effect on your emotions as you can see your progress or regress. Receiving negative feedback isn't always a bad thing, as it can encourage you to train harder and better, changing methods along the way to ensure success.
That's why it's important to count on your coach's help, both to set goals (like mentioning the item above) and to find out if you managed to achieve the results you expected.
Example: if your goal is to lose fat, ask the nutritionist to monitor it and give you regular feedback on your progress in this regard. If your goal is to gain strength, ask your teacher to give you a “report” on your performance and your training so that you can follow your progress.
And that goes for whatever your goal is: ask the specialist who takes care of the matter with you to give you frequent feedback on your performance and evolution.
Just be careful not to become obsessed with these answers. Monthly feedback is more than enough, as daily measurement can be variable and make you take hasty measures, for example, changing your training or diet when this is actually not necessary.
3- Find your purpose
Setting arbitrary goals with no personal meaning won't give you butterflies in your stomach when it's time to move forward with your workouts. When you feel like you're not seeing results in your body and you feel like giving up, have a strong enough reason to hold on.
If your life depended on you lifting twice your body weight for 10 deadlift reps, what are your chances of being able to do it? Huge, right?
For that very reason, you must set goals with emotional meaning and purpose.
Compare the following two assumptions in terms of potential motivation:
“I want to lose 20 kg of fat because my doctor said I am


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