The Lunar New Year is the first new moon of a lunar calendar or lunisolar calendar year, whose months are moon cycles. The event is celebrated by numerous cultures in various ways at diverse dates. The more well-known celebrations include New Year's Day (or week) in the Chinese calendar and Tibetan calendar of East Asia; the Buddhist and Hindu calendars of Southeast and South Asia; the Islamic cal
endar and the Jewish calendar that originated in the Middle East; and the Nisga'a calendar from Canada. The determination of the first month of a new lunar year varies by culture. Chinese New Year is a festive celebration held to honor the start of the lunar new year. It is intended to bring luck and prosperity for the coming months and is celebrated in many countries around the world. Throughout China, people spend weeks feasting and celebrating with family, friends, and neighbors. Over its history, Chinese New Year has changed greatly. It was initially celebrated for two weeks but due to popular demand has grown into a much longer holiday. During this time Chinese culture is embraced through various activities such as attending temple ceremonies, exchanging gifts, firework displays, lighting red lanterns, hanging couplets of poetry on doorways and windows, as well as consulting with Feng Shui experts to design decorations that are best suited for each household. Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese philosophical system of harmonizing everyone with the surrounding environment by manipulating design elements so that positive energy or βchiβ circulates freely throughout spaces. According to Feng Shui tradition during Chinese New Year people decorate their homes so that wealth and good fortune accumulates in their lives by employing the principles which governs Feng Shui. People incorporate colorful objects such as flowers with auspicious meanings, vibrant plants that signify growth, lucky bamboo stalks which create financial wealth, mirrors that protect energy from leaving your home and many other decorative items intended to bring about fortune for the new year ahead. Understanding the Principles of Feng Shui:
Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese system which helps people to harmonize their lives with their environment. The main goal of Feng Shui is to maximize the energy flow in a space to promote peace, prosperity and health. In Chinese New Year celebrations, many families follow Feng Shui practices in order to bring good luck and happiness into their homes.