Alhamdulillah, there are many expert marketers in the People's Team, through which we do everyone's work. Those who give us work read the conditions below us and then give us work because no complaints will be accepted outside of these.
1. Boost / Promote whatever you take will pay in full as soon as you are active.
2. No payment after we are active on business page but no personal page without bu
siness page has full money before we work, also if we doubt anyone it is business page but they have to pay first. If you want to work on 3. pages, you have to give editor access to the page. You can be 100 % sure in our ID. We will not check or reply to your page's messages even by mistake, but if anyone has any doubt, do whatever you want to boost / promote the page immediately. Remove our ID from this. Otherwise, if something offensive happens from your page, it is not our responsibility.
4. Boost / Promote if anyone has a problem we need to take time to fix it. If there is a problem in the day and if you tell it then we will try to fix it then but if there is any reason late we will fix it by night. If you tell about the problem at night, if you can't fix it at night for any reason, we will fix it the next day.
5. Many people want to boost / promote / like / sell the page by commenting on our page. If you get cheated by giving money to someone, the Pipolo team will not take responsibility for that. Our work is only taken in our page inbox and number is given from page to make payment that must be done. You can call 01752516677 to check our number before making payment. We don't work with the guarantee that 6. boost will get sale, sale will only happen when people like your product. Our job is to give money to Facebook and send your post to many people.
7. like deal may take longer than the time it takes
8. The Pipolo Team will not be responsible for any problem (Page Restricted / Unpublished / Rich Block) of anyone's page during or after working from us. The Piplo team doesn't do anything that can cause these problems. So refrain from blaming team Pipolo about this. (Read why these problems occur in our page, there are posts about this)
9. We work with USD Dollar. I use Bangladeshi card + American card (that dollar that I get paid by working from online marketplace). We provide payment proof of the USD DOLLAR we work with in 2 ways (a) screenshot (b) screen record video. Without these, no other access to the People's team will be given to anyone personally, so don't ask anything about this.
10. We have no refund system. But you have taken a 10 $ boost, it goes to 5 $. The boost has stopped for some reason, then you can take the remaining dollar in another post. But if your page has a problem or we can't make the remaining dollar work, we will back the rest of the money within 1-7 working days. Only those who can work by following these conditions will make them work through us. No complaints will be accepted except these. If you don't get a response from the page for any reason or if you don't do your work by the Pipolo team, complain directly to the official mail of Pipolo. Mail: [email protected]
[People's Team can change their terms anytime]