I am sick of seeing, every day, more people killed, more children murdered, and more people torn in two. I refuse to believe this is how God wanted His children to behave. I do not believe when He said THOU SHALT NOT KILL He meant “unless you are arguing about ME…”
There are many causes to today’s violence, some of it is religion, some is politics, some is simply power, some is simply greed, but i
t is very clear to me this problem will not be solved by a bigger bomb, or a more powerful gun, but instead can only be solved by our faith. For in the end, it is a struggle about faith, and as such, can only be resolved by faith. I believe that God knew this day was coming, and it was part of His plan 2,000 years ago to provide a path out of this mess. I invite you to join me on a “journey of exploration” into our Christian faith, and see if you agree with me that He provided the answer to us a long time ago. I will warn you ahead of time, the Christianity I see is not the same one your parents told you about. But it just might be the one God intended in the first place. I make no claims that everything I found on my own “journey of exploration” is true or correct, I am just a guy, not a Bible expert. But I believe very strongly that God’s words were not just meant for the “experts” but for all of us, and can be understood by all. I INVITE YOU TO JOIN MY JOURNEY IN MY NEW BOOK THE GREATEST STORY NEVER TOLD OUT NOW ON
In a few days, the paperback version will be released and I will provide a promo code for $2.00 off the cover price. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN REVIEWING MY BOOK EMAIL ME [email protected] AND I CAN ARRANGE A FREE COPY FOR YOU. Here is a link: www.amazon.com/dp/B00TE8IOKW