Soha English Academic Care

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আল্লাহু আকবর।

আল্লাহু আকবর।


A preposition is a word used to link nouns, pronouns, or phrases to other words within a sentence. Prepositions are usually short words, and they are normally placed directly in front of nouns. A preposition is a word which expresses relationship of a noun or a pronoun to other words of the sentence.
1. Simple Prepositions: Usually containing only two syllables, simple prepositions are words like for, by, at, out, in, of, off, through, till, up, to, with.
2. Compound Prepositions: Compound prepositions are those prepositions that are made by prefixing the preposition to a noun, an adjective or an adverb.
3. Double Preposition: When two prepositions are used together, they are called Double Prepositions. Sometimes a Compound Preposition is formed by joining two words, but unlike that, Double Prepositions are always two separate words.
4. Participle Preposition: Verbs that act as a preposition. Usually, end in -ing and -ed.
5. Phrase prepositions: A Phrase preposition includes a preposition, an object and the object’s modifier.
6. Adjectives with Preposition. Adjectives with Preposition includes a preposition within a sentence.

There are eight types of Prepositions
1. Prepositions of Time
2. Prepositions Of Place
3. Prepositions of Movement
4. Prepositions of Manner
5. Prepositions of Agent or Instrument
6. Prepositions of Measure
7. Prepositions of Source
8. Prepositions of Possession


Hi my dear,
I am back to my page.
From Tomorrow
I will active my page Insha Allah.


Transferemation of Sentence
Affirmative to Negative
1. Only/Alone যুক্ত Affirmative কে Negative করার নিয়ম......
ব্যক্তির ক্ষেত্রে ---None but
বস্তুর ক্ষেত্রে --- Nothing but
সংখার ক্ষেত্রে ---None but
Exam: Only Allah can help us.
 None but Allah can help us.
2. Must/can/could/have to/has to/had to থাকলে cannot but/ could not but বসে।
Exam: We must obey our teacher.
 We cannot but obey our teacher.
3. Both …………… and থাকলে not only ………….. but also.
 Abdullah is both a teacher and a M.D.
4. Always থাকলে Never বসে।
Exam: The novel always gives me happiness.
 The novel never gives me happiness.
5. Every থাকলে There is no ……….. + but + বাকী অংশ।
Exam: Every mother loves her child.
 There is no mother but loves her child.
6. Less এর পরিবর্তে More হয়। আবার More এর পরিবর্তে Less হয়।
Exam: Education is much/more than getting certificates.
 Education is not less than getting certificates at all.
7. Very/Much এর পরিবর্তে at all হয়। তবে তা বাক্যের শেষে বসাইতে হবে।
Exam: He is very honest at his work.
 He is not dishonest at his work at all.
8. As soon as এর পরিবর্তে No sooner had+V3 হয় এবং মাঝে than বসে।
Exam: As soon as we reached the station, the train left the place.
 No sooner had we reached the station than the train left the place.
9. উপরোক্ত নিয়মগুলো ব্যতীত Affirmative Sentence কে Negative Sentence এ পরিবর্তন করতে Affirmative word টির বিপরীত শব্দ এবং তার পুর্বে not বসালে হয়ে যায়।

Exam: The man is happy.
 The man is not unhappy.
Affirmative Word Negative Word Affirmative Word Negative Word
Agree- সম্মতি হওয়া disagree Grateful- উপকারী Ungrateful
Admit- স্বীকার করা deny Good- ভাল Bad
Active- সক্রিয় inactive Hard- শক্ত Soft
Able- যোগ্য unable Honest- সৎ Dishonest
Absent- অনুপস্হিত present High- উচু Low
Big- বড় small Hope- আশা Despair
Capable- সক্ষম incapable Hot- গরম Cold
Careful- সতর্ক careless Happy- সুখি Unhappy
Conscious- সচেতন unconscious Justice- ন্যায়বিচার Injustice
Curse- অভিশাপ bless Kind- দয়ালু Unkind
Correct- সঠিক incorrect Legal- বৈধ Illegal
Different- ভিন্ন similar Like- পছন্দ করা Dislike
Difficult- কঠিন easy Life- জীবন Death
Diligent- পরিশ্রমী lazy Literate- শিক্ষিত Illiterate
Dirty- নোংরা clean Love- ভালবাসা Hate
Dead- মৃত alive Moral- নৈ্তিক Immoral
Efficient- দক্ষ inefficient Mortal- মরণশীল Immortal
Effective – কার্যকর ineffective Obey- মান্যকরা Disobey
Failure- ব্যর্থ success Oppose- বিরধিতা করা Support
Friend- বন্ধু foe Pleasant- আনন্দ Unpleasant
Full- পূর্ণ empty Pure- বিশুদ্ধ Impure
Freedom- স্বাধীনতা bo***ge Regular- নিয়মিত Irregular
Trust- বিশ্বাস mistrust Remember- মনে করা Forget
Gain- লাভ করা loss Victory- বিজয় Defeat
Attractive- আকর্ষণীয় Unattractive Best- সর্বোত্তম Worst

Complex Compound Simple
Though/although but In spite of/despite of
Unless/If+negative or Without +verb +ing
If and By + verb+ing
AS/since/Because And so Because of/On account of/due to
While Not only…..but also Besides
As soon as And at once Immediately after
When And At the time of/ at the age of
So that + sub+ can/could And To +verb 1
So…that+ sub+ can/could+not…. Very……..and Too…… 1
It is ……..wh…….. And Time /Place/Name

Exam: If you work hard, you will get the profit of the crops.(Simple)
 By working hard, you will get the profit of the crops.
2. Unless you studied attentively, you will make a good result. (Simple)
=> Without studying attentively, you will make a good result.

3. As he was tired, he was unable to work. (Simple)
=>Because of being tired, he was unable to work.
4. Without studying attentively, you will make a good result. (Complex)
=> Unless you studied attentively, you will make a good result.
=> Study attentively or you will fail in the exam.

Shahbuddin Ahmed
B.A & M.A in English


Answer Sheet of H.S.C English 2nd Paper in 2018 Jessore Board

Answer sheet -2018
English second paper
1.(a) an
(c) a
(j)the/x 2.
(a) to/for
(b) to/for
(c) from

(a) would rather
(b)as soon as
(c) as if
(d)have to
(e)was born
(g)let alone
(i)had better
(j)what if 5.
(a) go
(b)will get
(c) should spend/ must spend
(d)be given
(e)are needed/need
(f)be trained
(g)be brought
(h)should take/must take
(i)is closed/gets closed
(j)should be/must be


(a) com: A bee is busier than most other insects.
(b) Active:
(c) Simple : flying from flower to flower , it collects honey/ it flies from flower to flower to collect honey.
(d) Passive : Honey is stored in the hive by it.
(e)Complex : Though in the winter it remains idle, it works hard in spring.

8. There lived a man in a village Who had a great attraction to English. The man went to a teacher in order to learn English well though The man was dull headed. The teacher tried his best to teach him but the man learnt only there English words-yes, no and very good. Though the man did not know the meaning of them / those words/the three words, he used them frequently in his conversation.

(a) wide-spread/popular/familiar
(c) varied
(d)numerous/many/various/a lot of
(g) very/highly/quite

(a) Though, (b) In fact/Actually/Really/Indeed, (c) What, (d) but,
(e) However/Besides/Moreover/Nevertheless/Nonetheless/So, (f) In fact/Actually/Really/ Indeed/However/Besides/Moreover/Nevertheless/Nonetheless/So, (g) and, (h) on the country/on the other hand/while, (i) who, (j) So/Therefore/Hence.

(a) unique (antonym)- comparable/paralleled/ordinary/common,
(b) mighty (antonym)- weak/poor,
(c) humanity (synonym)- benevolence/humaneness/rationality,
(d) reliable (antonym)- unreliable,
(e) valuable (antonym)- worthless/valueless,
(f) ritual (synonym)- culture/belief/custom
(g) worthless (synonym)- useless/valueless
(h) loneliness (synonym)- friendlessness/aloneness/solitude,
(i) ailment (synonym)- sickness/illness,
(j) happiness (antonym)- sorrow/unhappiness.


Today,I arrange a Test for all who will be fast in the exam, he will get a prize……..
1.Read the test and change the sentences as directed……….. 1x5=5
(a) Very few insects are as busy as an Ant (Comparative).
(b) It is known as an Industrious creature. (Active).
(c) It flies from flower to flower and collects honey. (Simple).
(d) It stores honey in the hive.(Passive).
(e) In winter, it remains idle but it works hard in spring .(Complex).

2. Change the narrative style by using indirect speeches:- 1x5=5
“How much do you want ?” said the Mayor. “A thousands guilders,” said the pied piper. “All right “, said the Mayor. “ we ‘ll pay you A thousands guilders. When will you set to work?” “Now” , said the pied piper.


Letter লেখার কিছু নিয়মঃ
1. write a letter to your friend/Brother/Sister about the importance of learning English/Tree plantation/ importance of reading News paper/ Early rising/Bad effect of smoking/unfair means in the exam/bad effect of evil company/Drug addiction.

Any kinds of letter

Dear Misty
At first take my salam. I hope you are well by the grace of Allah. I am also well (Positive)/I am very sorry to know that you are not well by this time (Negative) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
No more today.Tender my best compliments to your parents and love to younger’s.
Yours ever


Application to the Principal prayer for relief goods for flood/ cyclone affected people/ Sinking up a tube-well/repairing road/ bridge.
The Principal.
Matrichhaya School and College.

Subject : Prayer for setting up a ……………………………………………
We beg to state that we are the inhabitants of the village of Jessore under your district. There are five thousands people live here. But it is great regret to us that we have no …………… which is most essential for us and it is not possible to us to pass any single day without it. So now it is very essential for us to solve the problem as soon as possible.

We there for pray and hope that you would be kind enough to grant us and oblige thereby.

Yours faithfully
On behalf of the people of Jessore


অাজ একটা সাধারন প্রশ্ন : Gerund ও Infinitive এর মধ্যে পার্থক্য কি?


সবাই c.v লেখা নিয়ে চিন্তিত আজ একটা c.v formate দিলাম এটা দিয়ে সব ধরনের c.v লেখা যাবে

The Principal
Jhenidah College, Jhenidah
Subject : Application for the post of …………………………..
Dear sir,
In response to your advertisement published in ‘The daily Star’ on 25/03/2018 for the post of ………….
In your …………. I want to offer myself as a candidate for the post. My educational qualification and other necessary papers are given below for your consideration.
I am eagerly waiting for your reply.
Shahbuddin ahmed
Curriculam Vitae
Name :
Father’s name : Ali Hossen
Mother’s name : Rasheda Begum
Mobile No : 01733135314
Present address :Aftabnagor,Badda, Dhaka
Permanent address:Kotchandpur,Jhenidah
Date of birth :04/06/1988
Religion :Islam
Nationality :Bangladesi
Maritial Status :Marrid
E-mail :[email protected]
Educational Qualification
Name Board/University Result Passing year
M.A in English National University 2nd Class 2011

B.A in English National University 2nd Class 2010

H.S.C Jessore G.P.A 5.00 2006

S.S.C Jessore G.P.A 4.94 2004

Experience: I have been working as ………………….. for 3 years in a reputed ……… Jhenidah
Reference: Md. Hamidul Islam
Professor of Dhaka University
1.Attested photocopies of academical certificates and testimonials.
2.Two copies of attested passport size photograph.


বন্ধুরা কেমন আছো? আশা করি ভাল আছো। এক নজরে Tense এর পোস্ট কেমন লাগলো,জানাবে অার এ সপ্তাহে একটা পরীক্ষা নেব Tense এর উপরে যারা চাও, তাদের অভিনন্দন।


Tense (কাল)
ক্রিয়া সম্পুর্ন হওয়ার সময় কে Tense (কাল) বলে।
Tense সাধারন্ত তিন প্রকার যথা :
1. Present Tense
2. Past Tense
3. Future Tense
বাংলা ক্রিয়ার শেষে যদি ‘মতলব’ শব্দের প্রথম তিন অক্ষর ‘ম,ত,ল’ থাকে তাহলে সেটা হবে Past Tense যথা – খেতাম, যাইতাম, করলাম, দেখলাম।
বাংলা ক্রিয়ার শেষে যদি ‘মতলব’ শব্দের শেষ অক্ষর ‘ব’ থাকে তাহলে সেটা হবে Future Tense যথা – যাব, যাবে, খাবে, দেখবে।
বাংলা ক্রিয়ার শেষে যদি ‘মতলব’ এর কন অক্ষর না থাকে তাহলে সেটা হবে Present Tense যথা – খাই,পড়ি,দেখি,খেলি।এ ছাড়া চিরন্তন সত্য, ঐতিহাসিক ঘটনা, উক্তি বা অভ্যাস বুঝালে সেটা হবে Present Tense যথা মানুষ মরনশিল। সে প্রতিদিন চা খায়।
প্রত্যেকটা Tense চার ভাগে ভাগ করা যায়।
1. Indefinite Tense
2. Continuous Tense
3. Perfect Tense
4. Perfect Continuous Tense
বাংলা ক্রিয়ার মাঝে যদি ‘তে’ থাকে তাহলে সেটা হবে Continuous Tense যথা – খাইতেছিলাম, খেলতেছিলাম, পড়তেছিলাম।
বাংলা ক্রিয়ার মাঝে যদি ‘য়া’ থাকে তাহলে সেটা হবে Perfect Tense যথা – খাইতেছিলাম, খেলতেছিলাম, পড়তেছিলাম, খাইতেথাকব
বাংলা ক্রিয়ার মাঝে যদি সময় এর উল্লেখ থাকে তাহলে সেটা হবে Perfect Tense যথা – খাইতেছিলাম, খেলতেছিলাম, পড়তেছিলাম।
গঠ্নপ্রনালি :
Sub+ Verb1/Present/Verb2/Past/(Shall,Will+Verb1)/Future+Object.
Present--He write a letter-Past-He wrote a letter-Future-He will write a letter.

Sub+ (Am,Is,are)/Present /(was,were)/Past/ (shall be,will be)/Future+মুল verb+ing+Object.
Present--He is writing a letter-Past-He was writing a letter- Future-He will be writing a letter.
Sub+ (have,has)/Present /had/Past/ (shall have,will have)/Future+মুল verb P.P+Object.
Present--He has writen a letter-Past-He had writen a letter-Future-He will have writen a letter.
Perfect Continuous
Sub+ (have,has)/Present /had/Past/ (shall have,will have+been)/Future+মুল verb +ing+Object.
Present Perfect Tense এর গঠন
Subject+have been /has been+ মুল verb +ing +for/since+সময়
Mohona has been reading in this school for 1 Years.

Present--He has been writing a letter-Past-He had been writing a letter-Future-He will have been wrinig a letter.

Past Perfect Tense এর গঠন আবার দুই ভাবে বিভক্ত।
(i)Subject+had+মুল verb p.p+ object
(ii)Subject+ verb2+object
1. We had reached the station before the train left.
2. We reached station after the train had left.

Completed by

Shahbuddin Ahmed
B.A & M.A in English
Vice Principal
Matrichhaya School and College


Aftabnagor, Bonasri





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