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Twin win: Webb discovered that WL 20S, long thought to be a star, is actually a pair of stars that formed two to four mi...

Twin win: Webb discovered that WL 20S, long thought to be a star, is actually a pair of stars that formed two to four million years ago.

Using its Mid-Infrared Instrument, Webb also found that the stars have matching jets of gas streaming into space from their north and south poles.

In this image, check out Webb’s data of the twin stars’ jets (seen in blue/green) alongside data from ALMA Observatory showcasing disks of dust and gas around the stars (seen in pink). Learn more what their telescope teamwork tells us about these stars: https://go.nasa.gov/4euT7RW

Credit: U.S. NSF; NSF NRAO; ALMA; NASA/JPL-Caltech; B. Saxton

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আসছে নওতাপ ২০২৪NASA রা জানিয়েছেন যে আগামী ২৫ মে থেকে শুরু হবে নওতাপ। এই সময় সূর্য যেন আগুন ছড়াতে শুরু করবে পৃথিবীর বুকে...

আসছে নওতাপ ২০২৪
NASA রা জানিয়েছেন যে আগামী ২৫ মে থেকে শুরু হবে নওতাপ। এই সময় সূর্য যেন আগুন ছড়াতে শুরু করবে পৃথিবীর বুকে। সূর্য প্রতি বছর যে সময় রোহিণী নক্ষত্রে অবস্থান করে, সেই সময়টায় সবেচেয়ে বেশি গরম পড়ে। আগামী ২৫ মে সকাল ৩টে ১৬ মিনিটে সূর্য রোহিণী নক্ষত্রে প্রবেশ করবে। ১৫ দিন রোহিণী নক্ষত্রে অবস্থান করে মৃগশিরা নক্ষত্রে গোচর করবে সূর্য। রোহিণী নক্ষত্রে সূর্যের অবস্থানের এই ১৫ দিন সারা বছরের মধ্যে সবচেয়ে উষ্ণ হয়। *সূর্য রোহিণী নক্ষত্রে ১৫ দিন থাকলেও তার মধ্যে প্রথম ৯ দিন গরম সবচেয়ে মারাত্মক আকার ধারণ করে। এই ৯ দিনকে নওতাপ বলা হয়। এই বছর নওতাপ চলবে আগামী ২৫ মে থেকে ২ জুন পর্যন্ত।*
সাবধানে থাকবেন সবাই
আল্লাহ সবাইকে হেফাজত করুক
জনকল্যাণ সার্থে পোস্ট টি শেয়ার করুন ।


Guess what time it is? ⌛Through the end of April, we’re celebrating   discoveries and images.Hubble just turned 34 years...

Guess what time it is? ⌛

Through the end of April, we’re celebrating discoveries and images.

Hubble just turned 34 years old yesterday, and over the course of its decades-long mission, it’s found some odd views in our universe – like this one, of the Hourglass Nebula.

This eerie, iconic “eye” was captured by Hubble back in 1996. In reality, this shows the glowing remains of a dying, Sun-like star.

The Hourglass Nebula is located about 8,000 light-years away. This picture is actually composed of three separate images taken in the light of ionized nitrogen (represented by red), hydrogen (green), and doubly-ionized oxygen (blue). The results have helped astronomers learn more about the ejection of a star's matter as it dies.

Stay tuned for more wild views from Hubble in the days ahead! Find out more about this image: https://go.nasa.gov/44gvzLK

Image credit: Raghvendra Sahai and John Trauger (JPL), the WFPC2 science team, and NASA

In a cosmic ballroom 1,900 light-years away, six stars are dancing in pairs across space. All three pairs are entwined, ...

In a cosmic ballroom 1,900 light-years away, six stars are dancing in pairs across space. All three pairs are entwined, and all six stars go through eclipses to our view. https://go.nasa.gov/3vSjYWp

A hundred million light-years away, billions of stars shine in the galaxy IC 4633.This   image shows a hub of activity a...

A hundred million light-years away, billions of stars shine in the galaxy IC 4633.

This image shows a hub of activity and starbirth – but you might notice that in the lower right regions, it's a little obscured.

That's because a stretch of dark dust conceals the galaxy. This dark nebula is part of the Chamaeleon star-forming region, which is actually only about 500 light-years away from us, in a nearby part of our Milky Way Galaxy. Its clouds occupy a large area of the southern sky, covering some constellations, like part of the one IC 4633 belongs to.

Discover more: https://go.nasa.gov/49F4zGF

Image credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, J. Dalcanton, Dark Energy Survey/DOE/FNAL/DECam/CTIO/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA; Acknowledgment: L. Shatz

Originally released in celebration of Hubble's 100,000th orbit in 2008, this   image shows a spectacular scene of starbi...

Originally released in celebration of Hubble's 100,000th orbit in 2008, this image shows a spectacular scene of starbirth.

This nebula, near the star cluster NGC 2074, is a firestorm of raw stellar creation.

About 170,000 light-years away, this region is within the Large Magellanic Cloud – a satellite galaxy to our own Milky Way Galaxy – which is a fascinating, relatively nearby cosmic laboratory for astronomers to observe how stars form and evolve.

For more information: https://go.nasa.gov/4ayYi0s

Image credit: NASA, ESA, and M. Livio (STScI)

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