o Grant recognition to education institutions offering its courses. o Prescribe conditions governing admi • To prescribe the courses of instruction.
• To arrange for development of learning materials.
• To grant, with-hold or with-draw the affiliation to the concerned institutions.
• To prescribe the conditions governing the admission and transfer of students.
• To prescri
be the manner and mode or inspection.
• To monitor the teaching-learning processes/activities.
• To control and giving registration of students.
• To conduct and regulate the examination, evaluate the performance
and publish results thereof.
• To create and distribute Academic transcript, certificates after publication
of results.
• To grant Diploma/Certificate to the passed out graduates.
• To arbitrate of arrange arbitration between teacher and management of
the affiliated institutions.
• To regulate and decide all administrative matters including creation
and abolition of posts of BTEB.
• To fix demand and receive such fees as may be prescribed by the regulation.
• To hold and manage endowments and to institute and award
scholarships medal & prizes.
• To perform such other acts/activities and things as it may be
considered necessary for the purpose of organizational
regulation, supervision, control, management and development of
Technical Education.