The Constitution of Bangladesh
Article 102
The contract entered into by the writ-petitioners and writrespondents is an ordinary commercial contract and the remedy in case of breach of this contract, if any, is available before the civil court and the High Court Division had no jurisdiction to entertain the writ petition.
The question whether the writ-petitioners completely failed to perform their part in the contractual obligations in making the payments in accordance with the terms and conditions as specifically spelt out in the memo dated 09.04.1984 can be decided by a civil court after taking evidence. As the instant case is not maintainable under Article 102 of the Constitution, so the question of the obligations, duties of the parties are not to be dealt with in this forum. We have already discussed in the preceding paragraphs that the issue involves the question of the determination of facts which cannot be decided without taking evidence or examining the parties. ...Ministry of Commerce, Bangladesh =VS= Md. Nazrul Islam, (Civil), 2021(1) [10 LM (AD) 234]
The Constitution of Bangladesh
Article 102
A statute may be declared unconstitutional by the High Court Division exercising its power under article 102 of the constitution only if the statute is inconsistent of the constitution– A statute may be declared unconstitutional by the High Court Division exercising its power under article 102 of the constitution only if the statute is inconsistent of the constitution. Such inconsistency may be of various kinds such as the contravention of a fundamental right. The validity of the subordinate or delegated legislation can be challenged if the same is found to be ultra-vires the enabling or Parent Law. When the delegated legislation is found to be directly or indirectly in conflict with the provisions of the enabling law or Parent Law, it is held to be ultra-vires which are absent in this case. By the impugned amendment extended period of absorption was mentioned only. ...Maves Jasmin =VS= Md. Ruhul Amin-3, (Civil), 2021(1) [10 LM (AD) 241]
The Constitution of Bangladesh
Article 104
Partition of the suit land– We are inclined to exercise our power under Article 104 of the Constitution. We are of the opinion that the ends of justice will best be served if we allot saham to the appellant but only to the extent of 39 decimals land. Hence, the Advocate Commissioner is directed to allocate saham to the appellant as follows:
4 decimals land in the southernmost portion of plot No.833, 8 decimals land in the southern part of the west bank of the pond within plot No.805, 13 decimals land from the southern bank of the pond within plot No.805 and 14 decimals land from the pond within plot No.739. The appeal is allowed in part with modification of saham given to the appellant. ...Sadhan Chandra Baidya =VS= Parshuram Pilot High School, (Civil), 2021(1) [10 LM (AD) 79]
The Constitution of Bangladesh
Article 104
Period of limitation extension– Under article 104, it is thus ordered that any period of limitation in filing petitions/applications/ suits/appeals/revisions/all other proceedings, civil, criminal or administrative, under general or special laws, which expired on or after 26 March, 2020 stands extended till 31st August, 2020. This order has been passed to do complete justice and is a binding order within the meaning of article 111 of the Constitution on all Courts/Tribunals. ...Fazlul Haque Sarder(Md.) =VS= Grameen Phone Ltd., (Civil), 2021(1) [10 LM (AD) 49]
The Constitution of Bangladesh
Article 104
Complete Justice– In exercise of our power and the authority vested in us by the Constitution under article 104, it is thus ordered that any period of limitation in filing petitions/applications/suits/appeals/revisions/all other proceedings, civil, criminal or administrative, under general or special laws, which expired on or after 05 April, 2021 stands extended till 31st August, 2021.
It is further ordered that petitions filed before the Virtual Benches of the High Court Division must be filed before the appropriate regular Bench by 31st August, 2021, in default any interim order passed by the Virtual Benches shall stand vacated and all petitions filed before the Virtual Benches shall be deemed to have been dismissed. ...Ministry of Finance, Bangladesh =VS= Ali Karam Reza, (Civil), 2021(1) [10 LM (AD) 296]
The Constitution of Bangladesh
Article 104
Administration of the Deity and its property (Tarapur Tea Estate)– We have decided to invoke our extra-ordinary power under article 104 of the Constitution. The administration of the Deity and its property are to be administered by a democratically elected Management Committee. The First Management Committee is to be formed following the guide lines mentioned herein below:
(1) 1(one) representative of highly respectable Hindu residents of Sylhet town to be nominated by the Deputy Commissioner, Sylhet.
(2) 1(one) elected Hindu Commissioner/ Councilor from the Syelhet City Corporation, if any, to be nominated by the Mayor of Sylhet City Corporation. If such person is not available, the Mayor of Sylhet City Corporation shall nominate any Hindu resident of Sylhet town who is of high social standing and good reputation.
(3) 1(one) elected Hindu member of Zila Parishad, Sylhet District , if any, to be nominated by the Chairman of Zila Parishad, Sylhet. If no such person is available, the Chairman of Zila Parishad, Sylhet shall nominate any highly respectable Hindu resident of Sylhet.
(4) Principal, Sree Chaitanya Cultural Society (CCS).
(5) 1(one) Hindu representative from the District Bar Association, Sylhet to be nominated by the Executive Committee of said District Bar Association.
(6) 1(one) Judicial Officer preferrably from Hindu Community, of District and Sessions Judge Court, Sylhet “Judgeship” including Magistracy to be nominated by the District Judge, Sylhet.
(7) Shebait of “Sree Sree Radha Krishno Jieu” shall be ex officio member of the Management Committee. The Deputy Commissioner, Sylhet in consultation with the 10(ten) leading Shebaits or priests of the different temples of Sylhet town shall appoint Shebait of the Deity.
(8) 1(one) representative from Hindu Teachers of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet to be nominated by the Vice Chancellor of the said University.
(9) 1(one) representative from the descendants of Baikuntha Chandra Gupta, if available, to be ascertained and nominated by the Deputy Commissioner, Sylhet.
(10) 1(one) Hindu Officer from District Police Administration, Sylhet to be nominated by the Superintendent of Police, Sylhet, if not available, any Hindu responsible officer from Sylhet District.
(11) 1(one) representative from Jugaltila Akhra Committee, Sylhet.
The members of the Management Committee shall hold the office for a period of 5(five) years. The Management Committee shall be reconstituted at the end of every 5(five) years. ...Abdul Hye =VS= Ministry of Land, Bangladesh, (Civil), 2021(1) [10 LM (AD) 342]
Link: http://lawmessengerbd.com/viewActLawsWise/42
Amendment of – Preamble now is an entrenched provision of the Constitution that cannot be amended by the Parliament alone. Anwar Hossain Chowdhury vs Bangladesh 41 DLR (AD) 165. ....View Full Judgment