The Story of Bangladesh: A Nation at 50
Bangladesh's journey from being a "bottomless basket" to a "basket of wonders" defies the traditional understanding of the concept of development. As Bangladesh flexes its newfound economic muscle and flaunts tremendous social transformation, it puts the sweats and sacrifices of 160 million people in the spotlight.
#Bangladesh #Bangladesat50 #YouthShout #Liberationwar1971
RAB – The Undaunted Heroes of Bangladesh
Just imagine #Bangladesh without RAB? The contribution of 'RAB' in countering militancy & combating the spread of drugs corruption is beyond any question. This special force was formed in 2004 with inspiration from the FBI. The mission was established to maintain peace, law, harmony in our society in Bangladesh. In recognition of their heroic & humanitarian works, RAB has received many accolades, including the Freedom Award for its bravery, heroic role, and public service in maintaining law and order.