Chalkboard is an interactive digital content platform that works earnestly to address various social and cultural topics through digital content. Create, Connect, Change - these are the views that we build our vision on. We believe in creating opportunities for everyone starting from content creators to content consumers. When it comes to creating content, we keep in mind our target audience, thei
r expectations and interests, and what kind of content they would enjoy. So, in order to create appealing content that the audience will interact with, we conduct a thorough study on them through surveys and background studies that give us a clear idea of what type of content we should come up with. We produce numerous categories of content to ensure maximum comprehensibility for our consumers. These include articles and blog writing, motion graphics, educational videos, digital comics that address various social constructs, info-graphics, static-graphics and social awareness campaigns. Each one of these contents tries to convey a message identifying and combating the various existing taboos and obstacles that are prevalent in our society. We recruit the best team members through a rigorous selection process. We try to make our content as versatile and interactive as possible, so that we can connect with our consumers. Through this process we come across different young people with brilliant minds and incredible ideas that are waiting to be explored. This way we form an amazing connection with different groups of people, be it content creators or our audience. We hope to make a change in the fields of digital content creation and digital learning through our work. The education platform is leaning more towards e-learning as the times are advancing forward, and even in a post-pandemic world, digital learning will soon become the new normal, with digital creators working away to provide everyone with the best that online education has to offer. We at Chalkboard plan to adapt to this new future and embrace its novelty through our diligent work.