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আগামীকাল দুপুরে কাকরাইলে গণ সমাবেশের ঘোষণা জাতীয় পার্টির ছাত্র জনতা এবং জাতীয় পার্টির মুখোমুখি অবস্থান।দলের চেয়ারম্যান-...

আগামীকাল দুপুরে কাকরাইলে গণ সমাবেশের ঘোষণা জাতীয় পার্টির ছাত্র জনতা এবং জাতীয় পার্টির মুখোমুখি অবস্থান।

দলের চেয়ারম্যান-মহাসচিবসহ নেতাদের বিরুদ্ধে মামলা প্রত্যাহার, দ্রব্যমূল্য নিয়ন্ত্রণ এবং দলীয় কার্যালয়ে অগ্নিসংযোগের ঘটনায় শনিবার (২ নভেম্বর) সমাবেশ ডেকেছে জাতীয় পার্টি। ওইদিন দুপুরে রাজধানীর কাকরাইলে কেন্দ্রীয় কার্যালয়ের সামনে অনুষ্ঠেয় সমাবেশে দলের চেয়ারম্যান জি এম কাদেরের উপস্থিত থাকার কথা রয়েছে।

তিনি বলেন, আমরা মরতে এসেছি, আমরা মরতে চাই, কত মারবে তোমরা আমরা দেখতে চাই। তারপরও আমা‌দের সমা‌বেশ হ‌বে। আল্লাহ আমাদের প্রটেকশন দিচ্ছেন বলে এখনও বেঁচে আছি, অন্য কারও প্রটেকশনে নয়।

এবার অন্তর্বর্তী সরকারের বিরুদ্ধে আন্দোলনের হুমকি দিলো আওয়ামী লীগ। দলটির সাংগঠনিক সম্পাদক শফিউল আলম চৌধুরী নাদেল শুক্রবা...

এবার অন্তর্বর্তী সরকারের বিরুদ্ধে আন্দোলনের হুমকি দিলো আওয়ামী লীগ। দলটির সাংগঠনিক সম্পাদক শফিউল আলম চৌধুরী নাদেল শুক্রবার ভয়েস অব আমেরিকাকে এ তথ্য জানান।

#ছাত্রলীগ ゚ াংলা


জাহাঙ্গীর কোবির নানক বলেছেন,
পাকিস্তানও ছাত্রলীগকে
নিষিদ্ধ করেছিলো,
কিন্তু ছাত্রলীগ পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের নামটাই
নিষিদ্ধ করে দিয়েছিলো।

কার্যক্রম চলমান.."বিনা লাভের দোকান"স্থান: পৌরসভার সামনে।আয়োজনে: বৈষম্য বিরোধী ছাত্র আন্দোলন মেহেরপুর। খুবই চমৎকার উদ্যো...

কার্যক্রম চলমান.."বিনা লাভের দোকান"
স্থান: পৌরসভার সামনে।
আয়োজনে: বৈষম্য বিরোধী ছাত্র আন্দোলন মেহেরপুর। খুবই চমৎকার উদ্যোগ অসাধারণ ভালো লেগেছে এভাবে এগিয়ে যান দেশ এবং জাতির কাছে। দোয়া রইল।

সমন্বয়ক দল | বি এন পি | জামাত | তিন ভাগে বিভক্ত | সেনাবাহিনী | পুলিশ | সরকারী কর্মকর্তা | উনারাও বিভক্ত | আওয়ামীলীগ কিন্...

সমন্বয়ক দল | বি এন পি | জামাত | তিন ভাগে বিভক্ত | সেনাবাহিনী | পুলিশ | সরকারী কর্মকর্তা | উনারাও বিভক্ত | আওয়ামীলীগ কিন্তু বিভক্ত হয়নি এখনও | আপনাদের মাথার উপর কাল মেঘ আপনারা দেখতে পারছেন না | আসিফ নজরুল স্যারের মত মানুষ সাকিব ইস্যু নিয়ে কথা বলেন | এটা কি আপনাদের বড় কাজ ? যে নিউজ পাই কোনটাই আপনাদের জন্য ভাল নিউজ নয় | নিজেদের পায়ের নীচের মাটি ঠিক আছে কি না নিজেরা দেখুন | অপ্রয়োজনীয় কাজ ও অপ্রয়োজনীয় কথায় নিজেরাই অপ্রয়োজনীয় হয়ে যেন না যান , এই কামনা ।
ধন্যবাদ আপনাকে অসাধারণ কথা বলেছেন আপনি।
তথ্যসূত্র- Pricila

অভিনন্দন আমার প্রিয় হুজুর  মাওলানা আবদুল মালেক হাফিযাহুল্লাহ🤗😘জাতীয় মসজিদ বায়তুল মুকাররমের খতিব নিযুক্ত হয়েছেন দেশের বি...

অভিনন্দন আমার প্রিয় হুজুর মাওলানা আবদুল মালেক হাফিযাহুল্লাহ🤗😘

জাতীয় মসজিদ বায়তুল মুকাররমের খতিব নিযুক্ত হয়েছেন দেশের বিশিষ্ট আলেম মাওলানা আবদুল মালেক হাফিযাহুল্লাহ। অভিনন্দন তাঁকে। তিনি হাদিস-শাস্ত্রের পণ্ডিত এবং অত্যন্ত বিনয়ী একজন মানুষ। ইসলামী জ্ঞানের বিভিন্ন শাখায় তাঁর ব্যাপক গবেষণাকর্ম ও অবদান আছে।

মহান আল্লাহ তাঁকে ইসলাম ও মুসলিম উম্মাহর কল্যাণে বলিষ্ঠ ভূমিকা রাখার এবং দল-মত-গোষ্ঠী নির্বিশেষে সকল মুসলিমের জাতীয় অভিভাবক হিসেবে দায়িত্ব পালন করার তাওফিক দান করুন।


ভারতের অলিতে গলিতে প্রোগ্রামার!
চীনের অলিতে গলিতে ইঞ্জিনিয়ার!
জার্মানীর অলিতে গলিতে বিজ্ঞানী!
বাংলাদেশের অলিতে গলিতে। কি ..???


হটাৎ দেখবেন আপনার এলাকায় কিছু লুঙ্গি পড়া লোক প্যান্ট পরতে শুরু করেছে। আবার চশমাও
তার মানে বুঝে নিবেন তিনি নেতা হতে চায়!🫢


wonderful Couple 😘 Keep updated

A Haunted AfternoonThis happened about three years ago at my parent's rented home; an older one story with a basement th...

A Haunted Afternoon

This happened about three years ago at my parent's rented home; an older one story with a basement that sits on the edge of a small town.

There's not much to the main floor- two bedrooms, a bathroom, a living room, the kitchen, and a utility room in the back.

The basement consists of an entertainment room (tv, recliners, and shelves of books), an extra bedroom, another bathroom, and a place for the washer and dryer.

I've been in that house alone many days and nights and even though there were times when I felt watched or like someone or something was hiding just around the corner, most of the time things were absolutely normal.

One afternoon I was there waiting for a package that I needed to sign for. It was just me and the old family dog that was almost completely blind and close to deaf.

I decided to nap on the couch near the front door so I wouldn't miss the UPS guy knocking.

Just before falling asleep, I heard a loud BAM...BABAM...BABAM coming from the basement. It sounded like someone had put a brick in the dryer and turned it on.

I quickly sat up and noticed that the dog was hearing it as well. He got off the floor, went through the kitchen and stood looking down the stairs.

By the time I got there the noise had stopped so I looked down into the darkness below.

Suddenly I heard a voice from down there. It sounded like a person trying to impersonate a robot.

"Hello" was all it said.

Mom and dad don't have many weapons in the house so I grabbed a broomstick, clicked the light on and descended the stairs.

The dryer was empty and off. I checked the entire basement but nothing was amiss.

As I went back up the stairs I suddenly heard classical music playing from somewhere in the living room.

When I got to the main floor it stopped.

The only thing that would play music in the entire house would be the TV, but it had been off the whole time.

I spent the rest of the afternoon on the couch holding the dog. Eventually the UPS guy came and things went back to normal.

While I've never heard the dryer sound again, I have heard the music a few times, always when I'm downstairs.

No one else has had these experiences.

My Friend's House Acouple of years ago a coworker/friend was stressing out. Her husband and son wanted to go on a huntin...

My Friend's House

Acouple of years ago a coworker/friend was stressing out. Her husband and son wanted to go on a hunting/camping trip and she had no one to watch her cat. I told her I love kitties and I would be very happy to watch the kitty! The night before she left I went to her house to see where the cat food was and what she needed done while she was gone. I had never been to her house before. She kind of showed me around, and they were getting ready to sell the house. She and her husband wanted something that was "theirs" as this house had been the divorce house of one of them. I met the kitty, her name was Sophie, and as a normal cat I gushed over how wonderful and pretty she was, and she ignored me with disgust.

While we were there visiting for a moment she went to get her husband. There were 2 rooms upstairs and I thought he was in the first one that was like a kid's room. The room wasn't being used as most of the kids had moved out. The only kid at home was her son, and he was in the basement. The room upstairs that wasn't the master (kid's room) was being used as kind of a storage room. There were a few boxes and some odds and ends waiting to be packed. I was confused my friend went to get her husband outside as I was so sure he was in that bedroom upstairs, but suddenly he appeared from outside. I kept looking at the doorway waiting for someone to come out even though we had been through that area of the house and I knew where everyone was.

The first day I went to go take care of Sophie, my husband went with me. I went in the house and it felt very cold but there was something else too. It was that room again. I went spoke very loudly to Sophie. I asked her where she was and then went downstairs to get her food containers and bring them upstairs to fill. I saw Sophie sitting back in a corner of the basement in an area that would be hard for me to get to. I filled her food and talked to myself. My husband had stayed outside and I wished he had not. It felt like someone was in that bedroom again. I wanted to go get him because my immediate and first response was fear related. I could even see movement and hear something low. There was a cat toy right outside the door like someone had been playing with the cat. I didn't let it know that I knew it was there. I filled Sophie's food and water, talked to her, sang a song, and got out of there fast because it still bothered me that I knew something was there. I ran out to my husband's car and we left. The next time I went to take care of Sophie I asked my husband to go in with me. I told him something was in there.

We went in the house, I didn't find Sophie this time, but she had been eating the food. The cat toy was gone, the presence was still there but felt farther from me in terms of not being as close as last time. I thought it might be because my husband was there. He knows that when I say something is there, we don't "talk" about it unless I say we can. I usually don't want whatever is there to know that I know it is there because that opens a whole can of stuff sometimes. We took care of Sophie. My husband did walk upstairs and then came back down showing me with his face that he saw nothing out of the ordinary. He doesn't see, hear, or feel things like myself and my youngest daughter do.

When I got home, I messaged my friend and finally I told her that she might think I am crazy but who the heck is in that bedroom. She was quiet for a minute and I was like, "oh no I have weirded her out." Then she said, "what do you mean? That room kind of bothers me. Denny's (the husband) daughters had that room and I always worried what they were doing." I told her that I could sense something but that I wasn't sure what or who it was and I'd try to figure it out next time.

The last and final time I went to go take care of Sophie, I tried to take Jacey with me. I have stories on here about Jacey and some of the things we have experienced. She seems to have a different sense than I do. Mine is usually auditory and if I concentrate I can get information. Jacey will see them. She says she can talk to them but she chooses not to. She saw some in high school and told me about how she did a really good job not letting them know she could see them. Them being the ghost or whatever they are. I think they are ghosts. Well, Jacey was having an emo teenager day, so she was not willing to go. My husband went. He took care of kitty. I sat on the steps going up the stairs and concentrated on the energy. Many times this let's them know that I know they are there. It was a male energy. Related to her husband. Felt like he might have a moustache. I protected myself and then told him, I know you are here, is there anything you want to tell me. What I found was that he seemed to feel sorry he had scared me. He did not wish to talk. There were some boots he liked. He was just passing through. Then the energy faded pretty completely.

I contacted my friend. It turned out her husband's father had passed about 6 months or so ago. I am not sure about the boots as she said they were her grandfather's. She worried there was something evil in the room. I told her that was not the case. I also told her that it was just "passing through" as that was what the energy seemed to say before fading away. She sold the house shortly after that. She told me that she really hoped the spirit was her grandfather, but I told her he is connected to your husband. Not sure if they might have had something of his dad's in the house.

However, I think she attracts her old family members. She moved into a brand new build and there's a female spirit there. This spirit will not talk to me. It doesn't really even want me to know it is there and will often leave. It is connected to my friend. It leaves a cold spot in the hallway. I have spent over a year trying to figure out who the spirit is, but so far no luck. She showed herself to me in terms that she let me feel that she was there, but I can't even get an image of her. I only know female and can't even figure out an age which I usually can. I have never met a spirit as closed as that one. I need to take Jacey sometime. Either way, I thought this story was sweet and kind of heartwarming instead of spooky and hope you enjoyed it. If there are ideas how I might respectfully figure out who is in the hall let me know. Otherwise, I just leave that spirit be. It has always been quiet and kind to me, and doesn't bother anyone. I really only want to figure out who it is so I can tell my friend. So far, it feels like it is either a grandparent, aunt or possibly a child she miscarried, but I cannot say for sure

Stayed In Haunted ApartmentThis was my second experience, staying in a haunted house. It was back in 2005 when my friend...

Stayed In Haunted Apartment

This was my second experience, staying in a haunted house. It was back in 2005 when my friend and I rented an apartment in Nashik, Maharashtra, India. As we were bachelors during that time, we did not care to enquire about the apartment. We felt lucky to get a fully furnished apartment even though there were only 3 tenants out of 12 houses.

After a week or two, one night I felt like someone is walking outside my house, I heard the sound from an ankle chain. I was bit confused initially and ignored it. After a few days, I heard the noise of a kid playing ball in the house above my house (4th floor). It's like plastic ball bouncing and rolling. Next day, I went to 4th floor to check on it, guess what? That house was abandoned for past 5 years. It's old, dusty and a couple of dogs stayed there. Ok, for me it was sure that something strange is going on. I pretended as if nothing as I don't want to upset my friend. These incidents occurred and I did not bother to explore further.

Days went on, monsoon season arrived, other tenants who staying there vacated the house. So, it's only me and my friend stayed there. Neighbours in next apartment used to ignore us and they won't even talk to us. Eventually, my friend got married and I vacated my house to join other friends.

Now, the house we vacated was rented by 3 other guys who worked in my company. One day I got a call from a guy, wanting to talk to me about the apartment where I stayed earlier. We both met and he asked me, did you feel anything abnormal in that house? My response with a smile, ''yes''. His hands went chill. I asked him about his experience and why he is so anxious?

He shared his story to me...

One day after returning from office, he was lying on a bed and reading news paper, he felt that a woman with a pale white saree passed from living room to kitchen. Upon coming out of bedroom, he couldn't find anyone. Subsequently after few days, he was arranging few documents sitting

Ghost Disappears Thru Closet DoorAt the time, I was 14, and did a great amount of babysitting. One of the families I bab...

Ghost Disappears Thru Closet Door

At the time, I was 14, and did a great amount of babysitting. One of the families I babysat for were very close neighbors that lived diagonally across the street from my house; Edith and Frank. They were foster parents of 4 children at the time.

It was Monday, June 17, 1968, again, I was 14 at the time. As kids, we were very close to Edith and Frank, and called them Aunt and Uncle, even though they were not actually family. It wasn't an unusual day, I had gone to school, and got home in the afternoon. My Mom had just gotten home from a little shopping with Aunt Edie (we called her that). She got a frantic call from Uncle Frank to come over right away. My Mom dropped everything and went across the street. Uncle Frank had called the ambulance; Aunt Edie was not breathing. After a horrible evening, we found that Aunt Edie had had a cerebral hemorrhage and passed away. We were all heartbroken to say the least due to the fact it was so sudden.

I continued to babysit, and especially spent a bunch of time at Uncle Frank's to give him a helping hand with the foster kids.

The next Friday, June 28, 1968, I was sitting for Uncle Frank, as he had to go out and do some things. It was especially strange, I was watching TV after I got the kids in bed. I have to say, I was NOT fond of the dark, and it was very weird being in the house as I was missing Aunt Edie.

This is the part that scared the living daylights out of me, and to this day (I am now 69), still freaks me out. I heard a noise upstairs, the baby was in the far bedroom in the crib, and that was it, I heard a little whimpering from that room. I went up the stairs, turned right down the hallway, and left into the room, I didn't turn the light on, but could still see with the little bit of light from the hallway, standing in front of the crib, looking in the crib, stood Aunt Edie! And she looked like you would think a ghost would look, airy and somewhat white see-through. She turned to me, looked at me, turned around, and floated right through the closet door! I could NOT believe what I had just seen. With all my strength, I opened the closet door to check, and she had disappeared!

I ran downstairs, went into the kitchen, grabbed the wall phone and called my Mom across the street! She came right over and spent the rest of that evening with me!

After that experience, YES - I do believe Aunt Edie had unfinished business since she died so suddenly - to check on the kids - well, and SCARE ME HALF TO DEATH!


ঈদ-উল-আজহা মোবারক! এই আনন্দের দিনে ত্যাগ, ঐক্য এবং কৃতজ্ঞতার চেতনা আপনার হৃদয়কে আশীর্বাদে পূর্ণ করুক। সবাইকে ঈদ মোবারক।🤍

In SpiritAfter my great grandmother immigrated to Canada in 1929 with her new husband, her father decided to remain in E...

In Spirit

After my great grandmother immigrated to Canada in 1929 with her new husband, her father decided to remain in England for the remainder of his years. Sadly, in the years they lived apart, they had very limited contact apart from periodically trading telegrams back and forth. Once they separated, she never saw her father's face nor heard his voice ever again.

It was a relatively quiet Saturday morning in 1952 and at the time, my great grandparents resided in a quaint suburban neighbourhood in Toronto with my grandmother and great aunt. My grandmother, then thirteen years old, decided to occupy her time by polishing her bedroom furniture. Once finished, she joined her older sister in the living room, where she passed the time by reading peacefully. They sat together quietly, before my great grandmother approached them in order to speak with them briefly. She appeared to be in both a perplexed and rather somber state. An uneasy expression was frozen on her face. Upon being asked what the matter was, my great grandmother glanced back at her daughters and said:

"You're going to think I'm crazy, but my father is right here with me".

Of course, they always claimed to be firm believers in the paranormal and neither of them believed she was crazy for saying that. They were however concerned about her well being and clearly noticed that something was wrong.

The following week, they received a telegram in the mail. It stated that her father had recently passed away. Sadly, the mail was always delayed and the time it took to arrive was always excessively longer. Once becoming informed of his passing, my great grandmother's superstitious episode became far more understandable. She then proceeded to elaborate by claiming that on that day, she felt that he began to communicate with her nonverbally. She said he felt a sense of pride in her for living in such a lovely home and raising two wonderful daughters. She was visibly upset by his passing, but over time, felt more at ease knowing that her father would always be with her in spirit. She soon began to live each day far more joyously knowing that her father would always be watching her from that moment forward.

Paranormal Activity In SchoolHi, I'm a 17-year-old senior high school student who lives in the Province of Leyte, Philip...

Paranormal Activity In School

Hi, I'm a 17-year-old senior high school student who lives in the Province of Leyte, Philippines. When our teacher dismissed our class at 5 p.m., I went with a few of my classmates to the school gymnasium to practice for our class presentation. It was quite dark in there, so we asked the security to turn on the lights. We were about to start our practice when I felt the need to go to the bathroom, so I asked one of my classmates, Brent, to accompany me.

We both went through a short hallway, and then I went inside the bathroom. It was so dark in there, so I turned on the light. While I was in the bathroom, I heard someone knocking on the door, so I said, "Someone is in here." When I went out to ask Brent who knocked, he said that no one was knocking and that he was just standing outside. We were both confused.

There was another knock, so we both turned towards the source of the sound. It was coming from another door. We walked over to the door and opened it. We saw the silhouette of a ghost under the light of the moon. We thought it was just a sheet of fabric being draped over a wooden mannequin. We didn't think much of it and rubbed our eyes to see if we were just hallucinating. We were not. A clear silhouette of a ghost was actually standing by the brightly lit window (the light was coming from the moonlight). We both left the area and went back to our practices.

The next day, there was a group of people talking about something, so we asked one of them to see what they were up to. He said that the ghost he saw last night was of a teacher that died in the school. The messy room was due to a poltergeist that haunted the school gymnasium, which probably explained the knocking last night.


Agrabad, C/A


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