Our Story
e-CAB has been formed to make e-Commerce a driving force of the economic growth of Bangladesh through improving the e-Commerce industry.
The objective of this association is -
* To provide a common platform for discussing and exchanging views on business conditions and issues, both domestic and international, affecting companies or organizations involved with E-commerce or online marketplaces through which trade is facilitated or commenced.
* To facilitate a higher success rate for member companies in mastering the industry challenges by sharing experiences, network resources, best practices and approaches to special situations.
* To act as a unifying body projecting and informing the views and statements of the e-commerce industry in Bangladesh to the local and international stakeholders (Government, Trade bodies, Financial Institutions, Media, Industry Work force, etc), especially for business critical issues and policy agendas.
* To project the positive and encouraging facts of E-commerce in Bangladesh to potential investors and entrepreneurs so as to facilitate and inspire faster grow of the Industry.
* To analyze the national and international policies and priorities guiding E-commerce and other connected services, and their possible impact on the member companies, and engage in policy advocacy supporting the interest of the members and the nation.
* To take action for preservation of rights and interest especially, of the members of the organization and generally for the development of the business services who are related with E-Commerce business, nationally and internationally. To take all steps to support, protest and prevent constitutionally all governmental law or proceedings imposed against any member of the association. The trade organization shall discharge its activities considering the state policy and overall public interest and also it shall not arrange participate or support any activities in contrary to the regulations of the state and subversive to the social peace & tranquility.
* To make equal distribution of all the available facilities from the association and government and non-government heads among the members of the association. To help all the members of the association, who are belongs to Legal rights of E-Commerce Business of the country. To take all steps and efforts to remove any obstacle faced by any member of the association. To ensure of the aims and objectives of the association form up branches of the association in time to time and in proper places according to their needs.
* To promote and become members and for association of all national and international organization and bodies directly or indirectly related to E-Commerce supports Business in Bangladesh. Ensure direct or indirect participation for improvement of national sensation, education and culture and development of prosperity and make them related for complete national development. Receive assistance from National/ International authority/ Government / Non-government organizations who are rendering voluntary service.
* To establish and promote contracts with foreign countries and International or foreign organization and Develop relations with them in order to chance business. To prefect Develop support and promote all measures and stops toward capacity building for E-commerce Business owners in E-Banking and Mobile Banking. To take action Preservation and Interest especially, to the members of the organization and generally for the Development the Business of E-commerce Business in Bangladesh.
* To receive assistance from National / International authority / Government / Non-government organization who are rendering voluntary service. To Informed to related authority of government for submission. To Informed to related authority government for submission problem of E-commerce in the context of Bangladesh and abroad.
* To take all steps to support, protest and prevent constitutionally all governmental law or proceedings imposed against any member of the association. To promote and maintain the highest standard or unity and cooperation among members of the association in the conduct of business carried on by them.
* To collect maintain, distribute or supply all data statistics and other information necessary for the Email promotion and advancement of business of E-Commerce through letters, circulars, periodicals or though press and other publicity media and to obtain or develop information books, brochures, visual aids and education items for members and to distribute them on a pro-data, on profit on loss basis.