Obscale A company which brings you towards the scaling and growth. Beautiful and reliable. Two words we use to set a standard for our work.

Your project feels like our own, and no wonder since most of them take hundreds of hours to create and perfect.

Reflecting on an incredible experience at the Affiliate World Conference in Dubai, where we proudly marked our third con...

Reflecting on an incredible experience at the Affiliate World Conference in Dubai, where we proudly marked our third consecutive year of participation on February 28th and 29th.

🚀🌐 Immersed in a dynamic blend of industry insights, networking opportunities, and innovative strategies, the event showcased the evolving landscape of affiliate marketing. Grateful for the connections made and excited for the future ahead!

🚀 Obscale is Dubai-bound! 🌍We're thrilled to announce that we'll be attending the Affiliate World Dubai Conference on Fe...

🚀 Obscale is Dubai-bound! 🌍

We're thrilled to announce that we'll be attending the Affiliate World Dubai Conference on February 28th and 29th, 2023.

Get ready for insights, connections, and game-changing strategies in the world of affiliate marketing.

Stay tuned for live updates, and if you're joining us, let's connect! 🤝

Cheers to a successful collaboration! 🌟 Our global affiliate marketing team came together to celebrate our latest achiev...

Cheers to a successful collaboration! 🌟 Our global affiliate marketing team came together to celebrate our latest achievements. Here's to more innovation, growth, and shared successes ahead.

Heading to Bangkok for the Affiliate Marketing Conference on Dec 7-8! Can't wait to connect and learn with the best in t...

Heading to Bangkok for the Affiliate Marketing Conference on Dec 7-8! Can't wait to connect and learn with the best in the industry. 🚀 "

**Veliki dan za naš tim! 🌟**Danas smo prošli kroz važan trenutak u našem kontinuiranom putu ka izvrsnosti. Uspješno smo ...

**Veliki dan za naš tim! 🌟**

Danas smo prošli kroz važan trenutak u našem kontinuiranom putu ka izvrsnosti. Uspješno smo završili kontrolni audit za ISO 22000 certifikat! Ovo nije samo potvrda našeg napornog rada i posvećenosti sigurnosti hrane, već i motivacija da nastavimo pružati najbolje moguće usluge i proizvode našim klijentima.

Hvala svima koji su doprinijeli ovom uspjehu. Ovo je tek početak, idemo dalje ka novim postignućima! 💪

Ponosno pomjeramo granice inovacija! 🔥 Presretni smo što su nas prepoznale i istaknule poslovne novine kao lidera u indu...

Ponosno pomjeramo granice inovacija! 🔥 Presretni smo što su nas prepoznale i istaknule poslovne novine kao lidera u industriji i inovativnu kompaniju koja hrabro korača naprijed, šireći svoje poslovanje i ulazeći u uzbudljivu novu nišu online upoznavanja.

Zahvalni smo na priznanju i spremni smo za nova izazovna poglavlja koja su pred nama! 💪

U današnjem dinamičnom svijetu affiliate marketinga, OBSCALE iz Srebrenika ističe se kao kompanija koja je uspjela iskoristiti ključni trenutak za izravnu interakciju s partnerima i vodećim akterima u industriji. Njihova nedavna ekspedicija u Indiju predstavila je njihova dva brenda, Scale Lead...


Saopštenje za javnost!

Grupacija Obscale se ograđuje od neovlašćene upotrebe imena Senada Hadžifejzovića u reklamama i ističemo posvećenost pravilnom oglašavanju

Dragi pratioci,

Želimo vas obavijestiti o nedavnom događaju koji je privukao pažnju javnosti. U vezi sa nedavnom aferom u kojoj je korišćeno ime poznate ličnosti, Senada Hadžifejzovića, u reklamama za proizvode koji ne pripadaju našem poslovanju, želimo jasno istaći sledeće:

Grupacija Obscale broji više od 200 posvećenih uposlenika u 6 zemalja i posluje profesionalno i etički. Oštro osuđujemo neovlašćeno korišćenje imena Senada Hadžifejzovića u reklamama koje nisu u našem vlasništvu ili pod našom kontrolom. Ova situacija nije u skladu sa našim vrijednostima niti sa našom praksom poslovanja.

Mi se slažemo da su organi gonjenja odgovorni za kazneni postupak u slučajevima kršenja politika oglašavanja i pravila o upotrebi imena poznatih ličnosti u reklamama. Pozivamo nadležne organe da strogo postupaju u skladu sa zakonom kako bi se osigurala odgovornost za neetičke prakse u oglašavanju i stavljanju u promet neregistriranih i neprovjerenih dodataka prehrani.

Takođe, želimo naglasiti da jedan dio naših proizvoda spada pod dodatke prehrani i svi naši proizvodi su uredno registrirani u Ministarstvu Zdravstva u državama u kojima poslujemo.

Podvrgavamo se redovnim kontrolama kako u Bosni i Hercegovini, tako i u Srbiji i Evropskoj Uniji. Ponosno nosimo HALAL, ISO 22000, HACCP i GMP (BiH) certifikat koji neosporivo potvrđuju kvalitet naših proizvoda koji stoje pod Obscale grupacijom.

S poštovanjem,
Upravni odbor,
Obscale d.o.o

--- eng ---

Press Release!
Obscale Group disassociates itself from the unauthorized use of Senad Hadžifejzović’s name in advertisements and we emphasize our commitment to proper advertising.

Dear followers,

We wish to inform you about a recent event that has attracted public attention. In connection with a recent scandal in which the name of the well-known public figure, Senad Hadžifejzović, who is the owner of the most-watched television station Face TV in Bosnia and Herzegovina, was used in advertisements for products not associated with our business, we wish to clearly state the following:

Obscale Group employs over 200 dedicated staff members across 6 countries, operating professionally and ethically. We strongly condemn the unauthorized use of Senad Hadžifejzović’s name in advertisements that are not owned or controlled by us. This situation is inconsistent with our values and business practices.

We agree that law enforcement agencies are responsible for criminal proceedings in cases of violation of advertising policies and rules on the use of celebrity names in advertisements. We call on the competent authorities to strictly adhere to the law to ensure accountability for unethical advertising practices and the marketing of unregistered and unverified dietary supplements.

Additionally, we want to emphasize that some of our products are classified as dietary supplements, and all our products are duly registered with the Ministry of Health in the countries where we operate.

We undergo regular inspections in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, and the European Union. We proudly hold HALAL, ISO 22000, HACCP certifications, which unequivocally confirm the quality of our products under the Obscale group.

The Board of Directors,
Obscale LL

Flashback to IAS23 – where our team made big moves in affiliate marketing! 🚀

Flashback to IAS23 – where our team made big moves in affiliate marketing! 🚀

OGLAS ZA POSAO: Stručnjak za ljudske resurse (m/ž)Opis posla:Tražimo strastvenog i iskusnog stručnjaka za ljudske resurs...

OGLAS ZA POSAO: Stručnjak za ljudske resurse (m/ž)

Opis posla:
Tražimo strastvenog i iskusnog stručnjaka za ljudske resurse koji će se pridružiti našem timu u Obscale-u. Ako želite biti ključna osoba u oblikovanju i unapređenju naše radne kulture onda je ovo posao za vas.

Upravljanje procesima regrutacije i selekcije
Razvoj i implementacija programa obuke i razvoja
Praćenje i analiza KPI-ova odjela ljudskih resursa
Savjetovanje menadžera o HR pitanjima
Upravljanje internim komunikacijama i inicijativama za dobrobit zaposlenika
Održavanje ažurirane evidencije zaposlenika i vođenje izvještaja.

Minimalno 2 godine iskustva u HR-u ili sličnim poslovima
Poznavanje zakonodavstva u vezi s radnim odnosima
Poželjno iskustvo s HR tehnološkim alatima i softverom
Odlične komunikacijske vještine
Sposobnost rada u timu i samostalno

Zainteresirani kandidati mogu poslati svoj C i motivacijsko pismo na email adresu: [email protected]

Exciting times at the India Affiliate Conference in Gurgaon on October 11th and 12th! 🇮🇳✨ We had the pleasure of meeting...

Exciting times at the India Affiliate Conference in Gurgaon on October 11th and 12th! 🇮🇳✨ We had the pleasure of meeting incredible new partners to boost our daiting, nutra and SaaS verticals. Connecting, networking, and thriving in the affiliate marketing world! 💼🌟


🌏 Destination: Gurugram! 🚀

We've got some exciting news to share! Obscale is heading to the Affiliate Conference in Gurugram, India on October 12-13, 2023! 📆

But we aren't just attending — we're showcasing! Dive into our premium NUTRA and DATING offers and discover how they can revolutionize your campaigns. 🌿❤️

And that's not all! We're proud to unveil our newly developed software: SCALE TRACK. It’s an advanced tracking solution designed to elevate your analytics game. 📊✨

India is an epicenter of digital innovation, and we can't wait to bring our finest to the stage. Join us, and let’s shape the future of affiliate marketing together!


Sretan rodenan Suljo. ❤️

🌟 Join us at the Affiliate Marketing Conference in Almaty, Kazakhstan - October 2023! 🌟📸 Capturing Moments that Inspire ...

🌟 Join us at the Affiliate Marketing Conference in Almaty, Kazakhstan - October 2023! 🌟

📸 Capturing Moments that Inspire Success!

🎉 We're thrilled to announce that our team will be heading to the beautiful city of Almaty, Kazakhstan, for the highly anticipated Affiliate Marketing Conference in October 2023! 🎊

🏛️ Embrace the Future of Affiliate Marketing: Almaty Edition

✨ Get ready for an unforgettable experience filled with knowledge sharing, networking opportunities, and cutting-edge insights into the world of affiliate marketing. As industry leaders, this event is an excellent chance for us to connect, collaborate, and explore innovative strategies that will elevate our businesses to new heights! 💼💡

🌍 A Global Gathering of Marketing Experts

🤝 At this prestigious conference, we'll be rubbing shoulders with marketing experts, seasoned affiliate marketers, and technology pioneers from all around the globe. This diverse gathering will expose us to diverse perspectives, best practices, and the latest trends in the digital marketing landscape. Together, we'll shape the future of the industry and foster collaborations that will fuel our mutual growth. 🚀🌐

📆 Save the Date!

🗓️ Mark your calendars for October 2023 and stay tuned for more updates as we approach the event. We'll be sharing valuable insights, sneak peeks, and exclusive content leading up to the conference, so be sure to follow our page closely!

🎁 Exclusive Giveaways and Surprises

🎁 As a token of our gratitude for your continuous support, we'll be hosting exclusive giveaways and surprises during the event. Don't miss out on the chance to win exciting prizes and gain valuable resources to supercharge your affiliate marketing efforts! 🎁🏆

📍 Event Location: Almaty, Kazakhstan

🌆 Immerse yourself in the vibrant culture and scenic beauty of Almaty, the enchanting city nestled at the foothills of the majestic Tien Shan mountains. This picturesque destination is the perfect backdrop for an unforgettable conference experience that promises to leave you inspired and empowered. 🏔️🌄

🔥 Visit us at Booth P31!

🎪 Make sure to stop by Booth P31 to meet our passionate team and discover the latest trends, innovations, and solutions in the affiliate marketing realm. Our experts will be ready to engage with you, answer your questions, and discuss strategies to take your marketing efforts to the next level.

💼 Join the Affiliate Marketing Movement

💼 Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting your journey in affiliate marketing, this conference has something special for everyone. Together, let's unlock new possibilities, forge meaningful connections, and pave the way for a brighter, more prosperous future in the digital marketing realm.

🚀 Get Ready to Elevate Your Affiliate Marketing Game - See You in Almaty!

🌟 Exciting moments at the Affiliate World Conference in Barcelona! 🌟We had an incredible time attending the Affiliate Wo...

🌟 Exciting moments at the Affiliate World Conference in Barcelona! 🌟

We had an incredible time attending the Affiliate World Conference on July 12th and 13th! It was an exhilarating experience filled with insightful discussions, networking opportunities, and valuable connections with clients from all around the world. 🌍

The conference provided us with a platform to exchange innovative ideas and strategies with industry leaders, keeping us at the forefront of the latest trends and developments in affiliate marketing. 💡

We were thrilled to meet so many talented individuals who share our passion for driving online success. Our team had engaging conversations, built new partnerships, and gained invaluable knowledge that will undoubtedly elevate our affiliate marketing efforts. 💪

As the vibrant city of Barcelona set the stage for this incredible event, we couldn't help but capture some special moments to share with you all. Swipe through the photos to get a glimpse of the electric atmosphere, inspiring keynotes, and the enthusiasm that fueled our conference experience. 📸✨

A huge thank you to the organizers, speakers, and everyone who made this conference a memorable one. We look forward to implementing the valuable insights gained and taking our affiliate marketing game to new heights! 🚀

Stay tuned for more exciting updates as we continue our journey to empower brands and achieve remarkable results in the digital world. 💼💥

Affiliate World Conferences
Scale Lead

Day one: ✅  Affiliate World Conferences Scale Lead

Day one: ✅

Affiliate World Conferences
Scale Lead

Team arrived in Barcelona and preparing for the upcoming AW. 🚀   Affiliate World Conferences

Team arrived in Barcelona and preparing for the upcoming AW. 🚀

Affiliate World Conferences

Are you ready to unlock the secrets of affiliate marketing? 🚀🎯 Join us at the Affiliate Marketing Conference in Barcelon...

Are you ready to unlock the secrets of affiliate marketing? 🚀🎯 Join us at the Affiliate Marketing Conference in Barcelona on July 12-13 and take your marketing game to the next level! 🌟✨


Ćehaje Bb

Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 16:30
Tuesday 08:00 - 16:30
Wednesday 08:00 - 16:30
Thursday 08:00 - 16:30
Friday 08:00 - 16:30


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