This means that it does not exist to make profits for shareholders, but to support and serve the local community. Any income earned from advertising is invested by the Board of Directors in delivering programs for the benefit of the local community. Our aim is to entertain; to increase community involvement in broadcasting; to support and develop local talent; and to produce and deliver independen
t and diverse content. Coast FM also aims to be an inclusive and cohesive organisation. We recognise the diversity in our community here on the North West Coast, and we aim to reflect that diversity in our programming, and in our people. We offer a place where people can volunteer and contribute; we produce local drama; we interview and promote local talent; we make our facilities available to community organisations; we attend local events and broadcast information about them; we promote and broadcast discussions about community issues and matters of interest. Coast FM is a not-for-profit, incorporated association. It has a board of directors and is subject to the requirements of the Associations Incorporations Act 1964, and also the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia (CBAA). Find us on your FM dial, or on the CBAA Community Radio Plus App. Contact us:
Phone: 03 64423666
Email: [email protected]
How can you help? Find your favourite program or presenter. Provide us with feedback via our social media pages or by phone or email. Tell your friends about Coast FM. Share our social media content. Tune your workplace radio to Coast FM. Attend our outdoor broadcast events. Come and say hello on air. Become a financial member of Coast FM and have a say in what we do. Volunteer at Coast FM. Its easy, and there are lots of roles we need assistance with.
t and diverse content. Coast FM also aims to be an inclusive and cohesive organisation. We recognise the diversity in our community here on the North West Coast, and we aim to reflect that diversity in our programming, and in our people. We offer a place where people can volunteer and contribute; we produce local drama; we interview and promote local talent; we make our facilities available to community organisations; we attend local events and broadcast information about them; we promote and broadcast discussions about community issues and matters of interest. Coast FM is a not-for-profit, incorporated association. It has a board of directors and is subject to the requirements of the Associations Incorporations Act 1964, and also the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia (CBAA). Find us on your FM dial, or on the CBAA Community Radio Plus App. Contact us:
Phone: 03 64423666
Email: [email protected]
How can you help? Find your favourite program or presenter. Provide us with feedback via our social media pages or by phone or email. Tell your friends about Coast FM. Share our social media content. Tune your workplace radio to Coast FM. Attend our outdoor broadcast events. Come and say hello on air. Become a financial member of Coast FM and have a say in what we do. Volunteer at Coast FM. Its easy, and there are lots of roles we need assistance with.