Communicating a New Future – 2025!
Valentine’s Day – Blind Love!
Arty Indigo writes a hilarious tale of twisted Emperors, banned weddings and a rescuing priest who loses his head over love!
Active and Conscious Listening
Our feature story this month is by therapist and life-coach, Maite Butron, on the value of listening internally and externally and how that can change your life.
Astrology – Past, Present & Future
Trish Malin, Colleen Bate and Jane Offer team up to look at a very different Astrology forecast for 2025.
Communicating Without Words – Working & Teaching Non-verbal Children
This special feature has been penned to help people understand the crazy, beautiful and sometimes painful world of working in a special needs school with non-verbal kids.
Breaking Communication Barriers
“Imagine a world where neither sight nor sound guides communication, where words are felt, not seen or heard.” Jane Offer looks at the history of Auslan and Braille as forms of communication.
The Evolution of Communication from a Spiritual Stance
Jane Offer takes us on a journey of communication from Cave man to AI and the always present spiritual connection.
Inspiritation - Communication
ShirleySienna and friends offer up some insights into various forms of communication with Spirit and the Universe at large!
Interview Series – David Nesbit
“David might not be what you’d call ‘spooky’ at first glance. He’s a genuinely nice guy…” Anthony Kilner chats with David about life and his new business Haunted Hardware, gear for the paranormal.
Spirit Matters – Communicating with Spirit
“What is Spirit? How can something that ‘appears’ non-physical, to be etheric or other worldly, possibly communicate?” ShirleySienna explains forms of spirit communication.
Supernal Magazine features some truly awesome Articles, Interviews and Columns. We know you’ll enjoy them with a cuppa on the couch, or sitting in the car waiting to pick up the kids. Share Supernal with your friends - and let us know your thoughts. Have a Supernal January February and welcome to 2025!
Anthony Kilner - Bridging Realms Anthony Kilner Lia Estate Haunted Hardware Julian Silburn ShirleySienna at Divining Me : The Book of Frequencies and Love Evolving Paranormal Adventures Australia Ynique Art/ Eileen Curd Mystical Dragon Freya Savitri Eartheart Louise Clarke Crystal Universe Melbourne David Starlyte Jane G Offer Charles Snelleksz-Mathelot @