Virtual Mining 50% Off Sale
Uncover the Hidden Treasures - Illuminate Your Coal Mining training material with high-quality Underground Coal Mining Graphics.
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Why use an overcast?
In underground situations where roads intersect, return air and intake air will blend together in the absence of an Overcast. This mixing of fresh air and dirty air causes cross-contamination.An overcast solves this problem by creating separate channels for the air to flow freely in both directions without mixing.
To view the complete animation and many more please click on the link below to access the training platform.
Virtual Mining NYE 2020 - 2021
Goodbye 2020 - Hello 2021! It’s been an interesting year to say the least and we are sending it off with a bang! Stay safe and enjoy the festive season. We are shooting for the stars in 2021 with new and exciting products on the horizon.
Never do this underground...the results could be catastrophic for all. Respect the hazards!
#mining #undergroundmining #hazards #coalmininghazards
Respect the Hazards
Thinking it through? A lack of concentration is all it takes...Respect the Hazards.
Mining Hazards
There are many ways to get around underground, however this way is totally unacceptable. Respect the hazards. Stay safe.
It might be just a bit of plastic tape, but its there for a reason. Respect the hazards!
Preventing the spread of the Coronavirus is our number 1 priority at this time. Protect your mates and don’t be like …
Taking a Shortcut
Who’s done this?
Just don’t be like…
Loading a longwall face bolter onto the AFC.
3 typical ways to load a longwall face bolter onto the AFC.
Connecting an LHD to Sandvik's DZ701 through the Quick Detach System. (QDS)
Sandvik’s longwall face bolter in action.