Late. Gen. Amb. Bior Ajang Duot Bior key military training, assignments, and special missions during the liberation struggle:
✓1983: Embarked on a journey to join the SPLA/
✓1984: Underwent basic military training and passed out with Tumsah
(Crocodile) battalion
✓1984: Attended officers’ cadet and graduated with the rank of 2nd
Lieutenant in Shield Two
✓1984: Accompanied Dr. John Garang to the esteemed Pan-African
Summit held in Libya, a notable event that underscored his commitment
to the broader African cause.
✓1985: Played a crucial role and actively engaged in military operations
in Jekou, a town whose capture was vital to the Movement’s objectives.
✓1987 : Participated in second joint operation attack of Jekou town in May
✓1987 where he led Commandos. In July 1987 he organised third attack
on the besieged town and finally captured it under his overall command.
✓1987: Commanded strategic military operations leading to the successful
capture of Pibor, demonstrating exceptional leadership and tactical
✓1988: Engaged in critical military actions in Hiyalaa and Ikotos,
contributing to the capture of Kaptoea, which marked a significant advancement in the region during this period.
✓1989: Participated in significant battles in Nasir, Torit, Magwi, and
Nimule, further solidifying his reputation as a formidable and resilient leader in the battlefield.
✓1990: Partnered with Commander Obuto Mamur Mete to secure a
decisive victory, capturing the towns of Kaya and Lainya. Later that year,
he was entrusted with the role of overall military commander, overseeing
operations crucial to the liberation of Iba, Mile 77, and Maridi.
✓1991: Participated in the establishment of Southern Blue Nile and Nuba
mountains fronts together with Cdr. Malik Agar and Abdulaziz Al-Hilu
He also collaborated with Dominic Dim on operations against Sudanese
Armed Forces and joined forces with Commander Abdulaziz Al-Hilu and
Yahya Daoud Bolad for operations in Southern K