EVE conceive believe achieve

EVE conceive believe achieve ALOHA � EVE from conceive believe achieve SACRED energy healings from universal LOVE � Shamanic

A Million 💚 ~ Felt Blessings to all

A Million 💚 ~ Felt Blessings to all

A Collaboration of Light between missmagikal Larry Lush and Visual Alchemy,,, you can order prints of this visionary artwork by email [email protected]...

This is a very powerful practise and one that I've been 'experimenting' with for a little while now ~ give it a go and s...

This is a very powerful practise and one that I've been 'experimenting' with for a little while now ~ give it a go and see how it resonates ❤️

What is Ho'oponopono?
Ho'oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian prayer used for healing, transformation and increased inner-peace and self-love. It's a simple yet powerful way to bring healing and forgiveness into your life stream. It seeks to bring harmony, love and balance into relationships. It was traditionally used to heal relationships between two or more people. Each person would say the Ho'oponopono mantra to the other. But it is also a powerful way to heal the relationship you have with yourself, to send out the intention a relationship with another heal, and to clear the energy of past hurts and traumas.

​In Hawaiian culture it is believed that withholding forgiveness leads to disease and disharmony. In many ways this prayer loosely translates as "to make right again."

You can use it to find peace from a situation in which another person caused you pain. Or you can use it on yourself, to forgive yourself for things you feel you've done wrong (even as a way to ease out of self-hate and let yourself know you care about you), and as a way to bring more love into your life. Ho'oponopono involves a simple mantra:

Please forgive me.
I'm so sorry.
I love you.
Thank you.

It doesn't matter if you seek to forgive someone or you seek self-forgiveness, the mantra works for all situations. The words are a way of clearing energy for the person saying the prayer. No matter who was involved or what happened, this will remove the associated energies on your end, and is a way of saying to the Universe, "I no longer allow these dark and heavy energies to live in my body or my life stream."

This isn't something you would use in order to get another person to apologize to you (because you can never impinge on someone's freewill), but rather a way to heal yourself, to choose your happiness and lightness above all else. If another person chooses to receive your intentions for resolution, higher perspective and an increase in love rather than hate, then they will act in a way that's right for them.

You may never know that your prayer reached them, as they may choose not to say something, but instead will go forward with greater love and forgiveness in their hearts. It's entirely up to them, and that is why it's important you use this prayer for your own healing first and foremost. This will help the energy to stay the most open and free following, because sometimes we think we know what's best for another person or people involved, when in fact, the best thing is for us to focus on our own soul care and growth and let the Universe/God take care of the rest.

Once you use this prayer you may find it has an onion layer effect, pealing back the layers that need healing until you find a new and lighter energy fills your life. This may happen in an instant, and I find the best way to move through the healing and transformation quickly is to expect nothing but be open to anything.~

Beauties 🌟 A delicious Full Strawberry Moon in Saggitarius this Friday 9 June 11.09 PM AEST 🌕 Full of open heartedness ✨...

Beauties 🌟 A delicious Full Strawberry Moon in Saggitarius this Friday 9 June 11.09 PM AEST 🌕 Full of open heartedness ✨ Full of Awakening Healing Energy for our deepest wounds 💛 Fully set your intentions for relationships of all kinds and health matters 🌟

On June 9, stargazers will see a special type of full moon that comes only once a year: the minimoon, or a full moon that appears slightly smaller than usual. This moon is called among European colonists of the Americas, the Rose Moon. Celtic-speaking peoples called it the Moon of Horses. And some n...

Whoops! the last podcast link was not the one I Intended to share - this is the one!...

Whoops! the last podcast link was not the one I Intended to share - this is the one!...

Explore spirituality through direct experience with practical techniques from spiritual teachers & experts from all walks of life in our top-ranked podcast.


🦉this is a really fantastic podcast - have a listen🦉

This interview with Diana Perez teaches you can do every day to raise your energy and have more influence over your emotions. Everyone is already using energy healing but you might not know about it. What do we mean by energy healing? One example of using energy for healing is through music which yo...

💛 feeling an attitude of gratitude 💛 every day something new to be grateful for 💛 thank you universe for the reminders 💛...

💛 feeling an attitude of gratitude 💛 every day something new to be grateful for 💛 thank you universe for the reminders 💛today and every day💛


"The truth of the matter is that most people who say they want awakening don’t actually “want to awaken". They want their version of awakening. What they actually want is to be really happy in their dream state. And that’s okay, if that’s as far as they’ve evolved.

But the real, sincere impulse toward enlightenment is something that goes far beyond the desire to make our dream state better. It is an impulse that is willing to subject itself to whatever is needed in order to wake up. The authentic impulse toward enlightenment is that internal prayer asking for whatever it is that will bring us to a full awakening, no matter whether it turns out to be wonderful or terrible. It is an impulse that puts no conditions on what we have to go through.

This authentic impulse can be a bit frightening, because when you feel it, you know it is real. When you have let go of all conditions - when you have let go of how you want your own awakening to be and what you want the journey to be like - you have let go of your illusion of control.
Enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It's seeing through the facade of pretense. It's the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.

In my experience, everyone will say they want to discover the Truth, right up until they realize that the Truth will rob them of their deepest held ideas, beliefs, hopes, and dreams. The freedom of enlightenment means much more than the experience of love and peace. It means discovering a Truth that will turn your view of self and life upside-down. For one who is truly ready, this will be unimaginably liberating. But for one who is still clinging in any way, this will be extremely challenging indeed. How does one know if they are ready? One is ready when they are willing to be absolutely consumed, when they are willing to be fuel for a fire without end.”

~ Adyashanti

Ah, such wise words from John Lennon who was one of my mum's favourite artists. So many memories of hearing the 'imagine...

Ah, such wise words from John Lennon who was one of my mum's favourite artists. So many memories of hearing the 'imagine' album especially, permeating through our household frequently. I have discovered that self - love is very important to our human and spiritual evolution ❤️




April 15th marks the anniversary of Buddha Shakyamuni demonstrating the attainment of enlightenment in 589 B.C.E.

"Siddhartha then made his way to a place near Bodh Gaya in India, where he found a suitable site for meditation. There he remained, emphasizing a meditation called ‘space-like concentration on the Dharmakaya’, in which he focused single-pointedly on the ultimate nature of all phenomena. After training in this meditation for six years he realized he was very close to attaining full enlightenment, and so he walked to Bodh Gaya where, on the fifteenth day of the fourth month, he seated himself beneath the Bodhi Tree in the meditation posture and vowed not to rise from meditation until he had attained perfect enlightenment. With this determination, he entered the space-like concentration on the Dharmakaya.

As dusk fell, Devaputra Mara, the chief of all the demons, or maras, in this world, tried to disturb Siddhartha’s concentration by conjuring up many fearful apparitions. He manifested hosts of terrifying demons – some throwing spears, some firing arrows, some trying to burn him with fire, and some hurling boulders and even mountains at him. Siddhartha, however, remained completely undisturbed. Through the force of his concentration, the weapons, rocks and mountains appeared to him as a rain of fragrant flowers, and the raging fires became like offerings of rainbow light. Seeing that Siddhartha could not be frightened into abandoning his meditation, Devaputra Mara tried instead to distract him by manifesting countless beautiful women, but Siddhartha responded by developing even deeper concentration. In this way he triumphed over all the demons of this world, which is why he subsequently became known as a ‘Conqueror Buddha’.

Siddhartha then continued with his meditation until dawn, when he attained the ‘vajra-like concentration’. With this concentration, which is the very last mind of a limited being, he removed the final veils of ignorance from his mind and in the next moment became a Buddha, a fully enlightened being.

There is nothing that Buddha does not know. Because he has woken from the sleep of ignorance and has removed all obstructions from his mind, he knows everything of the past, present and future, directly and simultaneously. Moreover, Buddha has great compassion that is completely impartial, embracing all living beings without discrimination. He benefits all living beings without exception by emanating various forms throughout the universe and by bestowing his blessings on their minds. Through receiving Buddha’s blessings, all beings, even the lowliest animals, sometimes develop peaceful and virtuous states of mind. Eventually, through meeting an emanation of Buddha in the form of a Spiritual Guide, everyone will have the opportunity to enter the path to liberation and enlightenment. As the great Indian Buddhist scholar Nagarjuna said, there is no one who has not received help from Buddha."

The New Heart of Wisdom
Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gytaso

♡ it's not about being nice ✪ it's about being real ♡

♡ it's not about being nice ✪ it's about being real ♡


✨we are all healing one another✨

The buddha highlighted the importance of non-attachment through his teachings. Such an important way of being for the cr...

The buddha highlighted the importance of non-attachment through his teachings. Such an important way of being for the creation of inner peace💙

You might be surprised to hear that non-attachment is an important quality for relationships.~~

Isn’t non-attachment something very similar to indifference? Actually, not at all.

Non-attachment is a highly beneficial state of mind in all fields of life, and in our relationship with people, with possessions, and even with our own physical body.

Non-attachment is not Indifference ~ It’s important to clarify this common misunderstanding. Indifference means a lack of interest and sympathy toward a person or object.

Non-attachmentt, on the other hand, refers to the state of mind of being objective and not clinging, and it springs from a deep consideration of the conditions of human existence.

Imagine that you go on an organized trip with a group of people that you don’t know. The participants are coming from all over the world and you are not going to see them again after the holiday is over.

In the group, there is someone that you find really attractive and interesting. You know that you will share only a short time with him or her, but you intend to make the most out of the few days that you can spend together. You want to live these moments with intensity and passion, knowing that they won’t last forever, and that you will have to part ways. You accept the situation and still open yourself fully to the experience.

There isn’t any indifference here, right? Still, the circumstances of this encounter force you to be non-attached to the other person and the experience you shared (unless you want to suffer greatly).

This too Shall Pass ~

You might think that our intimate relationships do not develop under the same conditions as the example above. But is that really so? After all, we human beings always share a finite lapse of time together, just like the people on a packaged trip.

The major difference is that, in real life, you don’t have any clue about when your shared time with someone is going to come to an end.

The circumstances of life, the frailty of the human condition, the instability of emotions—all of these factors make relationships much less predictable than we usually believe. If you meditate deeply upon the impermanence of life, non-attachment will be the inevitable consequence.

But just as in the example above, non-attachment in real life does not mean indifference: on the contrary, it will empower you to live every relationship with love and intensity, knowing that it could end at any moment.

Non-attachment is a state of mind that will help you both in times of joy and sorrow. Life is a mixture of pleasure and pain, of comfort and hardship. We cling to pleasure, hoping that it will never leave, and we are overwhelmed by pain, fearing that it will never end.

By practicing non-attachment, we become able to endure difficult moments with a certain sense of humor, knowing that—as a wise saying goes—this too shall pass. In the same way, we can enjoy the beautiful moments of life without being tainted by the fear that they will end—as they undoubtedly will.

All this doesn’t mean that you need to live in constant insecurity, fearing that everything you rely upon could crumble at any given moment. Quite the opposite, not being attached to success and failure, or pleasure and pain, brings you back into connection with the only thing that is invariably present, stable, and safe: your center of pure awareness and pure love.

Toward Unconditional Love ~

When you start practicing non-attachment in your intimate relationships, you will have found one of the pathways that leads to unconditional love. Only a non-attached person can love unconditionally, that is, without expecting anything in return.

Being attached to someone means that you love him or her primarily because of his or her proximity or convenience, which makes you feel good. But what will happen when your loved one does something that upsets you, or simply decides to leave? All too often, attached love then turns into bitterness, anger and resentment.

When you love with non-attachment, you are not concerned with the results of your loving, which emanates from you just like perfume from a flower. You can love out of a genuine overflow of energy from the heart, without any conditions or limitations. If attached love expresses itself by the words “I love you, because…”, detached love just says “I love you,” without any conditions. Going one step further, you will realize that pure, unconditional love, is best expressed by the words “I love.” As a great mystic once said: “Love is not a relationship, it is a state of being.”

Love is an Overflowing ~

Unconditional love is independent of the object of love. Although in a particular moment of your life your love might be focused on one specific person, the act of loving does not depend on him or her. If that person disappeared from your life, the unconditional love would still be there, overflowing from the heart, ready to focus on another wonderful human being when the right time comes.

Non-attachment brings to your loving a quality of universality, in which the object of love is not anymore the cause of it. The source of any form of love is inside you, and you don’t depend on anyone to be able to express it.

This is one of the most liberating shifts that a person can experience. Perhaps, you have always believed that another person is responsible for bringing you into the wonderful state of being that you call “love.” But this erroneous conception is the reason why you cling to others, you are afraid of their departure, and you put upon them the burden of making you happy. Once you understand that love springs from within you and that no one else is responsible for it, you can continue loving others, but the fear and the clinging disappear. You realize that no event in life, not even the death of your loved one, can take this state of being away from you.

Learning to practice non-attachment is one of the most important tools to develop unconditional love, a non-clinging attitude toward both things and people, and the capacity to enjoy the present moment with intensity. Accepting the impermanence of life means reshaping all of our assumptions about existence—but thanks to this process, the possibility arises for us to love unreservedly, without conditions, and without fear.~


The power of shamanic healing within self...Testimonial After an emotional and physical traumatic event I knew I needed ...

The power of shamanic healing within self...


After an emotional and physical traumatic event I knew I needed help. My main aim was to recover from the trauma and avoid any PTSD or feeling of paranoia and dissociation therefore return to the simply joy of life.

I was undergoing CBT to process my emotions and help recovery, but I still felt ungrounded and fearful. I literally felt soul retrieval was just for me, not only for the most recent event but also childhood trauma.

Eve made me feel comfortable immediately as she clearly and warmly explained what I was about to experience. It was comforting to lie back and let the healing process happen. I felt unconditional love and a sense of safety in the space and came out from it lighter and clearer.

Eve spoke with me about her findings which took her on 3 journeys to help recover the disconnection of my soul. The journeys made absolute sense to me and also drew me to tears to know about my personal power animal; surprisingly a butterfly. She advised me on work to at home which I practiced.

I have experienced various modalities of physical and emotional healing work and can sense when a practitioner is truly in his or her natural element to heal others. The skills she has accumulated over decades and coming from true love and purity.

Thank you Eve for my healing, professionalism with love and gratitude.

Positive vibrations for a beautiful day...

Positive vibrations for a beautiful day...

💛 OWL + CORELLA (white cockatoo), Western Australia💛 Indigenous gifts from our land💛 BLESSINGS💛 RESPECT

💛 OWL + CORELLA (white cockatoo), Western Australia
💛 Indigenous gifts from our land

💙 Yellow Bellied Blue MACAW, Peru💙 Hyacinth MACAW, Brazilian Amazon💙 PARROT, Australia💙 GRACIAS feathered friends of the...

💙 Yellow Bellied Blue MACAW, Peru
💙 Hyacinth MACAW, Brazilian Amazon
💙 PARROT, Australia
💙 GRACIAS feathered friends of the globe 💙


Tweed Heads, NSW

Opening Hours

Monday 6am - 8pm
Tuesday 6am - 8pm
Wednesday 6am - 8pm
Thursday 6am - 8pm
Friday 6am - 8pm
Saturday 6am - 8pm
Sunday 6am - 8pm


+61 438 716 034



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