Dele Farotimi is someone that I respect so much, for many good reasons. Only a few have earned my respect; Dele is one of them.
Cerebral & unwavering; he will take a position & debate it out, stretch them to their limits. He is not the type to run from a fight, a good fight.
People like him? People of moral upstanding are almost extinct in Nigeria. There are not a lot of them left. They became endangered species since your civic space began to shrink.
All I see is attempt at bullying, using the instrument of an outdated law. But handcuffs & persecution can never silence the truth. It is his liberty you took, not his freedom. When you conquer your sense of fear? you’re free.
Nigeria stifles you emotionally, creatively, mentally, spiritually; physically even.
It is not as easy as you think to be a hero. But I know a hero when I see one. It’s such a blessing to live in the same time with my hero.
I am Dele, Farotimi is my name. ⛓✊⛓✊