We hope you enjoyed the soulful vibes of today's show. Join us next week when I'll have a goody bag of new releases and more old gold classics for you to enjoy.
Have a fabulous week and be kind to each other.
Ciao from Georgi & Peter. :-)
Here's a bit of Soul train for you...
Thanks for your company today, we had lots of fun and took looks of phone calls from our lovely listeners.
Remember to join us next Sunday at 2pm when I'll have another bunch of new stuff and some old gold soul classics.
Meanwhile, be good to each other and give someone a hug!
Ciao, Georgi & Peter
Thanks for all the calls & messages today. We had a great time on air, and we'll be back next week to do it all over again. Meantime be good to each other. Remember, kindness is catching!
Thanks for all the birthday messages sent in for Pete today (and the phone calls), he was suitably chuffed.
We'll be back with a truckload of new grooves next Sunday, so remember to tune in from 2pm.
Meantime, have a great week & be good to each other!
caio. Georgi & Peter
Hey, thanks for your company today on the radio. Next Sunday is Pete's birthday and he's curating a show of his choosing which we'll be presenting for your aural pleasure from 2-4pm on 1st March. Meantime have a great week and be good to each other!
Great having your company again today. We were back in form with Pete's recovery progressing well, and his cheeky self rearing it's amusing head!
Join us again next week for more great grooves from 2-4pm. meantime, be good to each other! don't take sides. There is only one side... the winners! That's US!
A great time was had by all!
Thanks for joining us for another Soulscope show. We'll be back next Sunday for another bag of goodies for your aural pleasure!
Be sure to join us from 2pm for 2 hours of stupid remarks and sensational music!
Have a great week and be kind to yourself and everyone else!
It's great to have my co-presenter back with me on Soulscope and we had a great time playing the music for you today. Please join Peter and me next Sunday for more great grooves, new releases and old gold classics, curated with you in mind!
Have a great week and remember to be kind to each other, and yourself!
Thanks for your company today and we hope you enjoyed the all-Aussie show. Join us next week for some great new releases and old gold classics.
Have a great week, and be kind to each other!
(It was SOOO good to have Peter back in the studio with me)!!!
He's such a cool cat!!
Thanks for all the lovely messages and calls from our wonderful listeners who sent lots of healing vibes to Pete for a speedy recovery. Hopefully he'll be able to join me next Sunday for our special Australia Day music show, featuring a host of Australian artists.
Join us for a show jam-packed with excellent music. Have a great week, and be kind to each other!
Big thanks to Marvin Malcolm for helping out at the beginning of the show, and for all the calls and messages from our lovely listeners and muso friends sending their healing vibes to sweet Pete. He's had surgery on his hand and has reported that it's all good. Now we await the result of the knee investigation.
He missed listening to most of the show as he was 'out to it' but we can listen again by going to www.northsideradio.com.au and clicking the LISTEN AGAIN button. Ain't that grand.
I felt a bit like a fish out of water without my partner in crime on the radio today, so I hope he's able to join me again soon... maybe even next Sunday if his recovery is miraculous! I'll drink to that!! LOL Have a great week, and be kind to each other.
Ciao fellas!
After our marathon 4 hour show today, we'll be back with more Soulscope sizzlers next Sunday 12 January, for your aural pleasure!
Thanks for your company today, and for the calls and messages withing us a Happy new Year!
Have a great week, and be kind to each other.
Georgi & Pete.