So this happened on Saturday and it was great to be a part of. Much respect and gratitude to all🙏🏼😎
An amazing bunch of the best musicians and singers I have ever worked with. They all brought their A-game last night.
You don't really understamd what goes into a show like this until you are in it. Their dedication, Attention to detail, the learning of the songs, the changing of the arrangements, the rehearsals and repairs along the way if we frack up.
These folks are a joy and I have nothing but grattitude and appreciation for who they are and what they do. Thank You.
Not to mention the wonderful audience at the Juniors. Your support and love for what we do is astounding. Lets do it again at the Birthday show 2nd November.
Frank Burgo, Tib Horvath, Dave Molland, Barry Leef, Hylton Mowday, Reno Torissi, Jo elms, Alek Necko, Paul Najar, Peter Millwood, Ally Friendship, Adrian Herbert & Virginia Lillye. Tanti Soemarjono Also Cherie Abdy, Jenny Robinson and Jedi Jen (not in picture). Photo - Jay Seeney.