In this exciting two-day holiday program, young creators dive into the world of storytelling, plotting, and planning to bring their own book ideas to life! Through a blend of design thinking, graphic design, art, and creative teamwork, children will not only plot their story but also learn how to shape it visually and structurally.
Using paper and pen in class, they’ll master the basics of storytelling while being introduced to techniques for designing and assembling their book at home, blending the magic of traditional and digital tools. This hands-on workshop encourages children to take creative risks, embrace mistakes, and experience the thrill of transforming ideas into something tangible, all in a fun and supportive space.
✏️What’s Included:
Interactive storytelling sessions
Creative writing and drawing activities aimed to creating their own book
An exclusive take-home storybook planner made by your child
A template link for them to complete the book digitally if they wish to do so.