Adoption stories are easy to find – in media, among adoptive parents and from adoption agencies/other.
These stories portray adoption as a step in the process of life. In the “good” stories, adoption gives the child safety, financial and material security they need to grow up a SUCCESSFUL part of society.
In the darker stories, the circumstance around the adoption almost breaks the child, but doesn’t, and instead they grow RESILIENT enough to go on and flourish above and beyond.
In both kinds of stories, adoption is a step that ultimately leads to a good result:
Anne of Green Gables
Free W***y
Kung Fu Panda
The Blind Side
Another form of adoption story that is everywhere are the ones told by adoptive parents. A combination of what they have been told by the adoption agency or child welfare, and their own experience throughout the process of adopting. Many adoptees grow up hearing these, memorise them and TAKE THEM ON as their own.
There are also the adoption stories told by the agencies. Too often, these become the stories we are told, and these become the stories we believe to be ours. Because we have no alternative, and because we don’t know we can question them. The amount of power the adoption agencies hold in being able to SHAPE OUR STORY is hard to stomach. 😞
What these stories all have in common is the lack of adoptee perspective. They are ADOPTION stories, but they are not ADOPTEE stories.
believes THIS is what will raise awareness about adoption from our perspective. This is what will help adoptees grow STRONGER & build CONFIDENCE .👊
We do not need outside validation for our experiences to be valid. If you are an adoptee reading this, I hope you will sit with this message. It’s for YOU.🫵
Adoptee stories can offer a first-person narration that is not up for interpretation or argument. They are not factual of adoption as a whole, but of one IMPORTANT PART of adoption.
I ENCOURAGE all adoptees to explore your story, share your experience and speak your TRUTH. 📣