The brochures said that amniotomy (artificially breaking your waters with a hook) poses no harm to your baby! How can they say that! it's completely untrue. It's true that most of the time no harm will come to your baby - but sometimes induction and augmentation techniques have unintended consequences ... the brochures won't tell you so here you go:
The risks of amniotomy (in no particular order)
- accidental damage to your baby from the hook
- cord prolapse requiring emergency birth
- accidental foetal haemorrhage from undiagnosed vasa previa or marginal/velomentous cord insertion
- increased pain in labour
- increase in chance of uterine infection for the mother (paired with increasing time and number of vaginal examinations)
You can get the full story @thegreatbirthrebellion podcast episodes 133 & 134 'The risks of induction - part 1 and 2'
It’s a bit of a trick question though isn’t it…
When Midwives and Obstetricians tell you that your cervix is 50% effaced (shorted) after a vaginal exam (to assess readiness for an induction or assess labour progress)… how can they say that? They didn’t know how long your cervix was in the first place… how long was 100%… right? Am I right 👀
Am I the only one thinking this?