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Great stay at Dingo in the caravan park. Ian and Kerry keep the place spotless. Camp fire every  night. Such a pleasant ...

Great stay at Dingo in the caravan park. Ian and Kerry keep the place spotless. Camp fire every night. Such a pleasant place to stay.


This is a good article.
Northland College (NZ) principal John Tapene has offered the following words from a judge who regularly deals with youth.....
“Always we hear the cry from teenagers 'What can we do, where can we go?'...... My answer is, "Go home, mow the lawn, wash the windows, learn to cook, build a raft, get a job, visit the sick, study your lessons, and after you've finished, read a book. Your town does not owe you recreational facilities and your parents do not owe you fun. The world does not owe you a living, you owe the world something. You owe it your time, energy and talent so that no one will be at war, in poverty or sick and lonely again."
In other words, grow up, stop being a cry baby, get out of your dream world and develop a backbone, not a wishbone. Start behaving like a responsible person. You are important and you are needed. It's too late to sit around and wait for somebody to do something someday. Someday is now and that somebody is you."

Ever been to Wonderland? Well, if you haven't then visit Wonderland Book Store and Emporium at the Redcliffe Parade end ...

Ever been to Wonderland? Well, if you haven't then visit Wonderland Book Store and Emporium at the Redcliffe Parade end of the Walk Arcade. It's a shop you can get lost in. Young lady at the front desk is so friendly and there is so much to look at from books, trinkets, vintage and modern clothes and even tiaras! Prices are very reasonable.
It's dog ftiendly too!

Goes for people too!

Goes for people too!

James Houghton was, and still is, one of Redcliffe’s hometown heroes. He was also a loveable rogue at times!It was a sho...

James Houghton was, and still is, one of Redcliffe’s hometown heroes. He was also a loveable rogue at times!
It was a shock to hear he passed away while on holiday in New Zealand recently.
The Celebration of his Life was held today at the Citipointe Church where hundreds of people attended to say farewell.
Pastor Brad Thrupp, his friend of many years, led the service telling of James’ faith in God and also many anecdotes which showed his sense of humour.
James’ sons remembered their Dad, his granddaughters read out passages from the Bible and a poem was read out called "The Family Tree".
A personal tribute from his cousin, Allan Sutherland was heartfelt and well expressed.
The photos displayed brought back memories for many of those attending.
It was wonderful to catch up with so many “Redcliffians” with many of us having not seen each other for years.
Thank you James for bringing us all together again and reminding us of what community is all about.


Save the date….

City of Moreton Bay
Moreton Bay Region Industry and Tourism
What's On Moreton Bay
Newport Waterside Residents
Rothwell Community QLD
Redcliffe Peninsula Community
Scarborough Beachside Community QLD


This quite a long article but well worth the read.

Read this...

Going to vote at the Referundum ?

A Better Way – Kerry White

I am a Narrungga leader and Native Title holder. My grandfather, mother
and extended family come from the Point Pierce Mission here in SA. I
also have ties through extended family to the Utnamutna, Kaurna, Nukunu, Warlpiri and Pitjantjatjara Aboriginal people. l served on boards and committees, both Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal. My area of expertise is
in health and small business, I have worked in both public and private
sectors, including the Welfare system. I am going to share a few facts
with you this evening. Some information you may be aware of, and some
information may be new to you.
Albanese claims that the Voice to parliament came about due to the Uluru
Statement from the Heart.
The push by activists for a treaty began as early as 1888, since then
there are several recorded attempts. In 1924 they began pushing for a
treaty with the Federal government. Bob Hawke in 1988 committed to a
treaty by 1990, this promise however was broken in 1991 in favour of a
In 1989 ATSIC was established. Several Aboriginal Organization were set
up under ATSIC to deliver outcome-based services to Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander people. Neither the Organizations nor ATSIC
delivered the promised outcomes. ATSIC was not interested in doing the
job they were established to do. What then, was ATSIC’s priority?
The answer to that question came in 1995 when ATSIC pushed the Keating
government for a Social Justice package including, you guessed it,
Constitutional recognition. Thankfully that didn’t happen and was never
In 2000 there was another push for a treaty and constitutional change,
then in 2010 the Gillard government pushed for a constitutional change;
they didn’t succeed.
In 2017 the Uluru Statement from the Heart emerged, but whose statement
was it? The Uluru Statement from the Heart was orchestrated by Thomas
Mayo. Thomas Mayo by his own admission likes the Communist style regime
and will be asking for rent and repatriations to be paid by the
Australian people.
The end game is power, control and the elimination of our current system
of government.
In 2017, Malcolm Turnbull rejected the Indigenous Voice to Parliament.
It was stated at the time
“The Referendum Council provided no guidance as to how this new
representative assembly would be elected or how the diversity of
Indigenous circumstances and experience could be fairly and
democratically represented.”
Here we are in 2023 and that statement is as true today as it was back
then. When Turnbull rejected the voice to parliament he was labelled as
“Mean Spirited Bastardly”, now they just label anyone and everyone who
opposes the voice to parliament as racist.
Two years ago, news travelled through the Aboriginal grapevine that the
Uluru mob were not happy about the statement. The Pitjantjatjarra and
Yankunytjatjara are the traditional owners of the land that
Tjukurpa/Uluru sits on. Numerous elders were shocked when they learnt
that their names appeared on the canvas that they didn’t endorse. Canvas
is the Aboriginal term for document.
The elders want the Australian public to know about the lie that is
being sold to them as factual. They have rejected the statement stating
that its dangerous and the canvas should be torn up.
This means that the Uluru Statement from the Heart is a fraudulent
document that is being pushed onto every Australian as representing the
will of Aboriginal people. Aboriginals in groups have taken to twitter
creating short videos with a simple message - We Vote No.
There are many pitfalls in the Indigenous Voice to Parliament, one is in
the name itself. The definition of indigenous means native to a
particular place or country. Therefore, anyone born in Australia is
Indigenous and can be a representative of the voice in parliament. This
serves the activists well.
The government seems unwilling to address the tick a box revolution. Why
would they? Labor abolished proof of Aboriginality back in the early
2000’s. According to the census there are 800,000 plus Aboriginal people
in Australia. The actual number of Aboriginal people is approximately
half that number. The average lifespan of an Aboriginal person is 65
years, they have the worst outcomes in terms of health. Diabetes, heart
failure and kidney disease top the list. Aboriginal people for decades
have endured high infant mortality rates, so our numbers have not
increased significantly over the last 100 years. Aboriginal numbers
according to the census have soared since approximately 2005 when the
government abolished proof of Aboriginality.
Consequentially this means that the tick a box movement will be able to
have a say on what happens regarding Aboriginal people without knowledge
of the complexities and diversity within the different Aboriginal mobs.
Albanese stated in one of his many media appearances in relation to the
voice that billions of dollars have been spent on Aboriginal people and
nothing has changed. This is an undisputable fact.
The question is why nothing has changed? The answer is simple, for
decades Aboriginal people have been exploited to gain millions of
dollars in funding by the Aboriginal organizations setup to provide
outcomes for Aboriginal people. In the last 3 decades a growing number
of Not-for-Profit Organizations have capitalized on the feeding frenzy
for their share of the Aboriginal dollars. Health services also get a
large chunk of the pie if they show they provide services to Aboriginal
The sad truth is that Aboriginal people in rural and remote communities
do not benefit from the billions of dollars the organizations have
received. Another fact is that millions have been rorted by individuals
within these organizations. Plus, there is also the millions wasted in
the endless pursuit of a treaty, the voice, and changing the constitution.
The Australian public is continually being fed mistruths to support the
elite's narratives to gain access to more power and more of taxpayers’
Back in the early 2000’s the AHACs (Aboriginal Health Advisory
Committees) were working on a draft proposal to be put forward to the
Government for Closing the Gap. We finally got it passed, but the gap
between Aboriginal health and non-Aboriginal health continues to widen.
Why is this happening?
The AHACs were a community initiative set up to be an advisory body
working in conjunction with the Public Health Sector. AHCSA (Aboriginal
Health Council of South Australia) began convincing the AHAC chairs that
they needed to go Community Controlled. AHCSA gained control over these
community-controlled health services and the millions in funding that go
with it.
By the time the realization set in that it was not how they were told
that it would be it was too late, the wheels had been set in motion.
Many of the community-controlled health services ended up closed in
rural and remote communities. 20 years ago some Aboriginal families
relocated from Alice Springs to SA because the health services in the
Territory were so bad.
You may be aware that mining companies pay millions of dollars per year
to some Aboriginal communities in the form of Royalties. These
communities are still not thriving .....why?
The reason lies in the way the Royalty payments are structured. Once
again, the money goes to the elites, most of whom don’t even live in the
communities they are being paid Royalty payments for. None of the
Royalty payments are being used to improve living conditions in those
communities. The millions in Royalty payments could be better utilized
improving these communities. You may be surprised, even angry to learn
that many of those receiving these payments are also collecting
Centrelink benefits. They are required to disclose the Royalty payments
to Centrelink, but they don’t.
The supposedly Stolen Generation is a mistruth which brought about
another Aboriginal organization called “Bringing Them Home”. Back in the
early 50’s and 60’s mixed race children were being removed and placed in
institutions for their own safety. Mixed race children were not accepted
by blacks or whites and were being abused and in some cases died as a
result of their injuries rural and remote Australia.
Remote communities here in SA up near the Northern Territory Border have
been made dry zones by the elders to combat alcohol fuelled violence.
Problem is that some parents and grandparents started abandoning the
children and headed to Alice Springs for the consumption of alcohol.
Leaving the children alone and neglected in the communities. Elders in
some communities opted for the cashless debit card which Albanese
scrapped when he was elected.
There is no denying things need to change if we are to improve outcomes
for Aboriginal people in rural and remote Australia. What is clear is
that we need transparency, productivity and accountability for all the
taxpayer’s money spent by these organizations and the government. What
we don’t need is more of the same BS that for generations, has been
built on untruths, half-truths, and fiction.
We the Aboriginal people of rural and remote Australia reject the
tokenistic, sorry day and welcome to country. The welcome to country was
the inception of one man, an Aboriginal actor by the name of Ernie
Dingo. Aboriginal people in rural and remote Australia were not
consulted, and we didn’t want it. All the sorry day and welcome to
country achieved was to stir up racism towards us and fuelled gang
violence. None of us can change the past, but together we can change the
Aboriginal people in rural and remote Australia want real change and
tangible results for their communities. There is a saying “A new broom
sweeps clean”. It’s time to clean house and remove the dead wood that is
draining the public purse.
Aboriginal people reject the divisive voice to parliament. We are asking
the good people of Australia to stand with us as one and reject it too.
Vote No to the Voice and demand a better way for all Australians.
We are One people, One Nation, One Australia
Thank You
Kerry White

Great club

Great club


When: Sunday 30th July, 10am - 3pm
Where: Talobilla Park, Kippa Ring.

Join us for a day full of fun and baseball! All ages and levels are welcome. ⚾️

Along with the 2023-24 season sign up, we will have stalls from Leading Edge Sports & Big Bang Sports. The Dagwood Dog Guy will be there too and we’ll have face painting, inflatables and so much more.

Want to see what it’s all about? At 11am there will be a LL All Stars exhibition game.

We look forward to seeing you there! You don’t want to miss this!


Queensland Day. We live in a great state, let's hope it stays that way. We are one and don't need to be divided by race. is a link t...

This is a link to lodge objections to the DA for the North Lakes Golf Course.
You may not live in North Lakes but if changes like this can happen to the NLGC it could be a possibility for any large piece of land in the MBRC area. You don't have to live in North Lakes to object.

The Development Application Public Notification period commenced 19 April 2023 and closes 2nd June 2023. Please fill in your objection details below by the 2nd of June 2023 and this will be sent directly to Moreton Bay Council for consideration at [email protected] and it will copy in SNLGC...


So apparently people are getting CLONED NOT HACKED on fb!! Changing your password does NOTHING! Heads-Up!! Almost every account is being cloned. One of Your pictures and your name are used to create a "new" Facebook Account. (They don't need your password to do this). They need your friends to add them to their accounts. Your friends will think that it's you and accept your request. From that point on they can write what they want under your name.
I have Zero plans to open a new account!!!
Better Safe than Sorry
Copied & pasted, you can too!


This is quite frightening. The Voice certainly won't be one Voice. I believe the Ningi Ningi are the tribe for the Redcliffe area. The Kabi Kabi have made a claim.

A friend has forwarded this information:
Kabi Kabi claim stretches right up to just south of the Isis River - from Redcliffe through Sunshine Coast, Gympie and west of the Mary River. The only reason they havent claimed the rest of the Fraser Coast is because the Butchulla Aboriginal Native Title Aboriginal Corporation claim got there first (east of the Mary River to the high tide of K'gari is BNTAC, K'gari itself is BAC). It's a massive land grab, and not supported by the many other, localised tribes such as Gubbi Gubbi. Unfortunately, those with the most money and better lawyers get their claims in first, and the others have to fight it if they want to be recognised on the native title. The same thing happened on K'gari, and now those families who weren't recognised on the native title are actively trying to work around the native title so they can still get monetary benefit from their tribal lands. Welcome to native title! Another reason why the Voice should not be immortalised in the constitution.


Lest we forget


Redcliffe, QLD





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