If your message isn’t landing, ask yourself: Am I being clear, or just trying to sound clever❓(Hint: Your audience prefers clear💯.)
Melbourne Book Launch event is next week!!! 🎉📘🥂 🎶 Here’s what’s going down! (Sydney and Brisbane to follow too!)
We’re entering the era of “infinite possibility of variety and scale” when it comes to content creation. The technologies that power this are mind-blowing. This has pros and cons when YOU are the brand.
As a marketer of 30 years experience, a marketing agency owner for 20 years, in the tech space for most of that, I have a strong hunch where this is going and that impact this is going to have on brands (both business and personal).
In this video I share some thoughts on how I’m advising my clients to approach this brave new world of exponential possibility.
Thr approach will be vastly different depending on how established you are - and I talk about the ways both seasoned entrepreneurs and experts can use these and why newer brands should not adopt the same approach.
And also for both camps, making sure you keep the “main thing” as the “main thing” and don’t dilute the impact of your message or conmection factor with your audience.
Here are my freshest thoughts on how to navigate the ever-expanding world of AI - so you take what serves you but doing get overwhelmed by the rest.
#personalbrand #marketingme #marketingmebook #marketingmentor #contentstrategy
For so many years I have seen so many authors do their unboxing and always looked forward to this moment with great anticipation!
There’s something very special about your work being delivered en masse in an actual “box” 📦 (vs a padded satchel!) Feels all so very real.
Thank you to everyone who has ordered the book - your patience is finally rewarded and I’m so excited that these are on their way to you!!
If you don’t have yours yet you can order yours (or download a free sample!) at www.ninachristian.com/book.
Another exciting day in the “Marketing Me” book publishing journey.
And many more to come, for sure!
#marketingmebook #personalbrand #personalbranding #contentmarketing #bookunboxing
Being inspired by the biggest names In the digital space is great - but trying to emulate their marketing isn’t wise- here’s why.
In a recent video Alex Hormozi shared how he wnd his partner spend $70k per MONTH on vendors to turn their content into 160 pieces each week and share it across social platforms.
I respect that he disclosed that figure - as so many others don’t, yet hold up a standard that that producing a huge volume of content (that isn’t sh*t or AI generated fodder) is aspirarional and achievable with hrs work and commitment.
It’s not.
I’ve been active this space for 20+ years - as an advisor, marketing agency owner and more recently as a creator and mentor over the last five years) and have never (repeat NEVER) seen anyone (business or personal) be able to implement - and sustain - a complex content strategy consistently - without the help of paid (high quality high investment) agencies OR a LARGE internal marketing team. (Ie 3-4 FTEs devoted to content)
So let’s break down the myth that this type of content marketing is do-able for anyone.
That’s setting you up to fail and feel sh*t about yourself and your brand.
Feeling like you could be so much more visible and impactful than you are now - if only you were willing to “do the work”.
We have lives, businesses, clients, emotions and relationships.
And while the hustle and bring approach might work for some (and no judgement there!) it’s simply not doable or desirable to 99.9% of professionals.
But there is an approach that IS doable for anyone. And it’s what I’ve used and advocate for - which is developing your own unique “one hour a week content strategy” that plays to your specific strengths and personality and habits and lifestyle.
Hidden in there is the magic and X-factor to make your brand building not just sustainable, but easeful and enjoyable too!
More in the video!
So this week two big things happened - I turned 50🎉and I released my first book! Both are worth celebrating - and I'm doing just that - not just for the day, the week but all year long (for both)! This is just the kick-off.
With the book it felt like a really looooong time to get to this day, with lots of hiccups and detours along the way, and all for good reason - but we are finally there! I'm so joyful about it!
Anyone can in theory "churn out a book" really quickly - especially with A.I. tools. I already write a lot each week. Blogs, Magazine Columns, Articles, material for clients. Words on a page was not my goal.
Ticking a box to say I'm now a published author wasn't my goal either.
So what was the motivation?
Releasing an important message into the world that motivates, equips and moves people into activation, and changes the way they see themselves, was my intention for this piece.
Helping them discover and embrace who they are, and then confidently express that into the world in a way that feels good - AND has commercial impact.
It's the essence, the substance, the inherently transformative power of the words that make the difference - and that's what I painstakingly sought to infuse into every sentence and chapter of this book.
And why I'm so joyful about releasing it into the world.
I've given birth to five children. I know what it's like to grow something inside you and gestate for what seems like forever, get uncomfortable, go into labour, to push hard - and the joy and sheer relief that is experienced on the other side of that "moment of delivery".
That's what I'm experiencing this week!
I'm truly passionate about the message of this book, what sits behind it and how it came into existence - the processes I share in this book have literally changed my life - and so many of my clients too.
And so it is a truly exciting day to be able to share this with you too!
You can order your own copy or gift it to someone who needs this at www.ninach
Official Launch Video of Marketing Me - The Book!
Official Launch Video of Marketing Me - The Book!
Quite possibly the most un-ceremonial book launch ever…..and coinciding with my 50th birthday, I am beyond words proud to announce that “Marketing Me - The Book” OFFICIALLY LAUNCHED TODAY! 🎉🎉🎉
After an epic 18 month journey, at my own pace, in my own way, the timing is right for this work to be released into the world!
Here’s the “official launch video” where I share the essence of the book and how creating impact with your brand is way less about “doing” and much more about “being”.
And why there’s so much power in finding the joy in expressing yourself authentically to the world - and how that is a way more effective (and easier!) way to get your message seen and heard.
“MARKETING ME: Take Charge of Your Personal Brand and Make Your Mark on the World”
Now available for worldwide delivery www.ninachristian.com/book
#marketingmebook #personalbranding #contentmarketing #creatingimpact
It's not just what you say, and do, or how you look and communicate that builds connedtion with your audience.
It goes deeper.
To the intention, the energy that sits behind your message.
You can't fake or manufacture it.
Whatever is sitting there will be experienced, felt by your audience.
That's confronting for some, a field of opportunity for others!