I studied at the Claremont School of Art and TAFE in Perth which has given me an excellent foundation to develop my skills and knowledge. My husband was a graphic artist for many years who greatly influenced me with perspective, balance and composition in my paintings. In 2004 I moved to Bunbury with my husband Vince from Perth where we lived for seventeen years. This gave me the opportunity to f
ocus on building my career as a professional artist. During this period I participated in many Art Award Exhibitions including the South West Art Now, the Mid West Art Awards (Geraldton), the Mandjar Awards, the City of Busselton Art Award, Vasse Art Award, the Ferguson Valley and Tree Street Art Trails and various other art awards in Perth including the Minnawarra Art Award. I have sold many of my paintings and commissioned for a number of works. My cultural origins as an Australian born to Italian parents had been a great source of inspiration for my earlier work. In 2008 I spent along with my husband three months in Italy and on returning from that trip I held my second solo exhibition. It proved to be very successful having sold twenty eight of the thirty five paintings exhibited. Since then I have participated in many art awards and exhibitions, invited to exhibit at the Agora Art Gallery Chelsea NY, invited and participated in the Perth Art Upmarket at UWA Perth 2019, Colour in Your Life, invited and participated in the Donnelly River Artist Residency with an exhibition held in Fremantle in November 2019, RAW Natural Born Artists Australia, invited and published work in the national Australian magazine Art/Edit and 2019 participated in a collaborative art exhibition with three other artists at the new Collie Regional Art Gallery. My paintings have evolved from earlier years as a figurative painter to a more semi abstract style focusing on the West Australian Landscape. My work is based on the mystery that I see in the story’s unfolding in the layers of the underlying landscape. My intention is to give the viewer an insight into the connection between human beings and their natural habitat, to awaken the natural curiosity inherent in all of us and find the beauty in the environment we live in. My love of working with acrylics on canvas, using a variety of mediums, gives me the freedom to manipulate flow of paint resulting in a spontaneous and often unexpected outcome. I commence a work not having a particular direction but as I progress I find myself seeing movement, shapes and figures in the paint flow. My intuition then takes over and I begin to see a clear path unfolding. In April of 2023 we moved back to Perth where I am now working from my studio at home. I am presently working on several new pieces for Gallery 360 whom I’m represented by and also in preparation for several upcoming art exhibitions. I have also joined the Inglewood Art Hub as a member alongside a number of excellent professional artists. We will soon present an exhibition at our newly renovated gallery, “Conversations”. It is my hope that purchasers of my paintings will find their own continuing mystery and story in each of my works. Artist CV - Jeana Castelli - 2024
Portfolio of Work
Perth– participated in various exhibitions. St Hilda’s Private School Annual Art Exhibition,
Swan Barracks Art Exhibition and Newman College Annual Art Exhibition, Melville City Council
and the Town of Vincent Art Exhibitions. Margaret River Fair (WINERY)
Participated two years and sold a number of my paintings. Bunbury Regional Arts Gallery Survey Exhibition – 2006,
2007, 2008, 2014
Bunbury Regional Art Gallery - South West Art Now 2018, 2020
BRAG Christmas Shop Exhibition – 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015,2017, 2021
Australian Open Garden Scheme – Art Exhibition -Too 2009 Yandee Homestead at
Toodjay. Art Extraordinaire Bunbury Catholic College – participated yearly since 2007 to present. Shire of Dardanup Art Spectacular 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019
Dardanup Art Trail Ferguson Falls Winery Estate - Artist in Residence - 2010, 2011, 2012,
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019
Mandjar Art Awards 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2018 – City of Mandurah
Minnawarra Exhibition 2014,2015,2017, 2019 – City of Armadale
Vasse Art Awards 2014 and 2017
City of Melville Art Awards - 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019
Perth College Art Exhibition - 2016
Cystic Fibrosis Art Exhibition Perth - 2016
City of South Perth Art Awards - 2017. Tree Street Art Safari Bunbury - 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021
Perth Art Upmarket 2019
Mid West Art Awards (Geraldton) - 2019
Donnelly River Verandah Artist Residency 2019
St Hilda’s Perth fundraising art exhibition 2020
Gallery Representation
Gallery 360 Perth WA
Bluethumb Online Gallery
Three paintings of Flamenco Dancers - $900
Caf-Fez – $2,000
Painting for Dome Cafe - $3,000
Three paintings for Casella’s Restaurant located on Koombana Bay - $3,000
Painting for client of the Australind estuary - $2,000
Painting for Fremantle couple focusing on Fremantle from the Memorial - $1,800
Three paintings for Private Clients Price - $4,300
Painting of Marlston Foreshore for Private Client - Price: $1500
Painting for clients in Perth Accountancy firm - $4750
Painting of Bunbury for clients in Singapore - $2500
Solo Exhibitions
Bunbury 2004 – held my first solo exhibition at the Artery Gallery and Studio.
“A Cultural Connection” – July 2009. The exhibition was held at Casella’s Restaurant Function room on Koombana Bay with a total of
thirty five paintings displayed. My work focused on my Italian heritage.
“A Journey Revisited” - 2013 – Front Room Gallery, Bunbury Regional Art Galleries
Collaborative Exhibition - “Imaginary Voyage” - Collie Art Gallery - 21 March to 23 April 2019
Exhibited work along with Rita Winkler - Designer and Jewellery Artist, Anastasia Komarnyckyj - Multi Media Artist and Bob Turner - Sculptor
Highly Commended - Dardanup Art Spectacular 2016
Highly Commended - Dardanup Art Spectacular 2017
Current Activities
Inglewood Art Hub - located in Perth WA - I have the pleasure of working with a number of professional artist preparing for exhibitions. We have recently worked on a collaborative project “Conversations” which we will soon exhibit at our new gallery. Preparing work for Gallery 360 whom I’m represented by. Preparing paintings for various award exhibitions here in Perth and Western Australia. Invitations
Invited to showcase works at the Agora Gallery in Chelsea New York 2016. Cystic Fibrosis Art Auction 2016. Art/Edit national magazine based in Sydney -promoted painting in Winter Issue 2016 and 2018. Perth Artupmarket at UWA 2019
Donnelly River Verandah Artist Residency 2019
St Hilda’s Perth fundraising art exhibition 2020
Claremont School of Art - Perth Western Australia - Visual Art Studies
Perth Tafe - Perth Western Australia - Visual Art Studies
ocus on building my career as a professional artist. During this period I participated in many Art Award Exhibitions including the South West Art Now, the Mid West Art Awards (Geraldton), the Mandjar Awards, the City of Busselton Art Award, Vasse Art Award, the Ferguson Valley and Tree Street Art Trails and various other art awards in Perth including the Minnawarra Art Award. I have sold many of my paintings and commissioned for a number of works. My cultural origins as an Australian born to Italian parents had been a great source of inspiration for my earlier work. In 2008 I spent along with my husband three months in Italy and on returning from that trip I held my second solo exhibition. It proved to be very successful having sold twenty eight of the thirty five paintings exhibited. Since then I have participated in many art awards and exhibitions, invited to exhibit at the Agora Art Gallery Chelsea NY, invited and participated in the Perth Art Upmarket at UWA Perth 2019, Colour in Your Life, invited and participated in the Donnelly River Artist Residency with an exhibition held in Fremantle in November 2019, RAW Natural Born Artists Australia, invited and published work in the national Australian magazine Art/Edit and 2019 participated in a collaborative art exhibition with three other artists at the new Collie Regional Art Gallery. My paintings have evolved from earlier years as a figurative painter to a more semi abstract style focusing on the West Australian Landscape. My work is based on the mystery that I see in the story’s unfolding in the layers of the underlying landscape. My intention is to give the viewer an insight into the connection between human beings and their natural habitat, to awaken the natural curiosity inherent in all of us and find the beauty in the environment we live in. My love of working with acrylics on canvas, using a variety of mediums, gives me the freedom to manipulate flow of paint resulting in a spontaneous and often unexpected outcome. I commence a work not having a particular direction but as I progress I find myself seeing movement, shapes and figures in the paint flow. My intuition then takes over and I begin to see a clear path unfolding. In April of 2023 we moved back to Perth where I am now working from my studio at home. I am presently working on several new pieces for Gallery 360 whom I’m represented by and also in preparation for several upcoming art exhibitions. I have also joined the Inglewood Art Hub as a member alongside a number of excellent professional artists. We will soon present an exhibition at our newly renovated gallery, “Conversations”. It is my hope that purchasers of my paintings will find their own continuing mystery and story in each of my works. Artist CV - Jeana Castelli - 2024
Portfolio of Work
Perth– participated in various exhibitions. St Hilda’s Private School Annual Art Exhibition,
Swan Barracks Art Exhibition and Newman College Annual Art Exhibition, Melville City Council
and the Town of Vincent Art Exhibitions. Margaret River Fair (WINERY)
Participated two years and sold a number of my paintings. Bunbury Regional Arts Gallery Survey Exhibition – 2006,
2007, 2008, 2014
Bunbury Regional Art Gallery - South West Art Now 2018, 2020
BRAG Christmas Shop Exhibition – 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015,2017, 2021
Australian Open Garden Scheme – Art Exhibition -Too 2009 Yandee Homestead at
Toodjay. Art Extraordinaire Bunbury Catholic College – participated yearly since 2007 to present. Shire of Dardanup Art Spectacular 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019
Dardanup Art Trail Ferguson Falls Winery Estate - Artist in Residence - 2010, 2011, 2012,
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019
Mandjar Art Awards 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2018 – City of Mandurah
Minnawarra Exhibition 2014,2015,2017, 2019 – City of Armadale
Vasse Art Awards 2014 and 2017
City of Melville Art Awards - 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019
Perth College Art Exhibition - 2016
Cystic Fibrosis Art Exhibition Perth - 2016
City of South Perth Art Awards - 2017. Tree Street Art Safari Bunbury - 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021
Perth Art Upmarket 2019
Mid West Art Awards (Geraldton) - 2019
Donnelly River Verandah Artist Residency 2019
St Hilda’s Perth fundraising art exhibition 2020
Gallery Representation
Gallery 360 Perth WA
Bluethumb Online Gallery
Three paintings of Flamenco Dancers - $900
Caf-Fez – $2,000
Painting for Dome Cafe - $3,000
Three paintings for Casella’s Restaurant located on Koombana Bay - $3,000
Painting for client of the Australind estuary - $2,000
Painting for Fremantle couple focusing on Fremantle from the Memorial - $1,800
Three paintings for Private Clients Price - $4,300
Painting of Marlston Foreshore for Private Client - Price: $1500
Painting for clients in Perth Accountancy firm - $4750
Painting of Bunbury for clients in Singapore - $2500
Solo Exhibitions
Bunbury 2004 – held my first solo exhibition at the Artery Gallery and Studio.
“A Cultural Connection” – July 2009. The exhibition was held at Casella’s Restaurant Function room on Koombana Bay with a total of
thirty five paintings displayed. My work focused on my Italian heritage.
“A Journey Revisited” - 2013 – Front Room Gallery, Bunbury Regional Art Galleries
Collaborative Exhibition - “Imaginary Voyage” - Collie Art Gallery - 21 March to 23 April 2019
Exhibited work along with Rita Winkler - Designer and Jewellery Artist, Anastasia Komarnyckyj - Multi Media Artist and Bob Turner - Sculptor
Highly Commended - Dardanup Art Spectacular 2016
Highly Commended - Dardanup Art Spectacular 2017
Current Activities
Inglewood Art Hub - located in Perth WA - I have the pleasure of working with a number of professional artist preparing for exhibitions. We have recently worked on a collaborative project “Conversations” which we will soon exhibit at our new gallery. Preparing work for Gallery 360 whom I’m represented by. Preparing paintings for various award exhibitions here in Perth and Western Australia. Invitations
Invited to showcase works at the Agora Gallery in Chelsea New York 2016. Cystic Fibrosis Art Auction 2016. Art/Edit national magazine based in Sydney -promoted painting in Winter Issue 2016 and 2018. Perth Artupmarket at UWA 2019
Donnelly River Verandah Artist Residency 2019
St Hilda’s Perth fundraising art exhibition 2020
Claremont School of Art - Perth Western Australia - Visual Art Studies
Perth Tafe - Perth Western Australia - Visual Art Studies