Kwinana and Rockingham have the chance to change, to take back control of our area by no longer adhering to the two party system and voting independent.
Independents want to listen to you, not tell you what to do, they want to work with the community as leaders, not dictate regulations and rules that shouldn't even lawfully exist.
In your area; in less than a month, you have the chance to make that stand at the polling booths, to get rid of the Paris accords, to get rid of the red tape, to get rid of the disgusting way the government treat our people like helpless children.
When we need to look at real life action to the problems of homelessness and unemployment, the disgusting levvies, licensing, rates, fines and registrations being charged by ruthless government departments..
No show ponies, just hard workers that have had enough of seeing our country being sold out from under us, tired of being treated like children that don't understand politics and the laws that is meant to govern it.
We see a lot of talk, get asked to a lot of worthless and pointless freedom rallies filled with people that really do not get it at all and will vote Liberal, they will vote national, they will not break the cycle, because they cannot put common sense before friendship, loyalty before fanfaring, reality before delusion.
At Radio Washroom we stand fast and will always look at the most lawful party first of all, and we will only support those that are really for the people, yes we knock back advertising offers and interviews all the time from those we do not condider worthy of winning, no matter how popular they think they are on their 5 minute soab box.
When you stand up, you don't care if you stand alone, thats real bravery, thats real courage, sheep and jealous will call it stupid and mock it.
Which are you when it really comes down to it?
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